Формування національної самосвідомості особистості на уроках англійської мови за допомогою текстів для аудіювання

Про матеріал

Викладання англійської мови у сучасній школі дає вчителю широкі можливості для формування та виховання активної життєвої позиції, патріотизму, високих моральних якостей особистості, національної свідомості та громадянської самосвідомості у школярів. Запропонований матеріал - текст для аудіювання - допоможе вчителю не тільки вирішити ряд комунікативних завдань,розширити лексичний запас учнів а й долучитись до нашої культурної спадщини

Перегляд файлу

Формування національної самосвідомості особистості на уроках англійської мови за допомогою текстів для аудіювання


Objectives: to develop students’ listening skills;

                   to enrich students’ vocabulary on different topics;

                   to broaden students’ outlook about our native land;

                   to enrich students’ knowledge about Ukraine;

                   to cultivate love to our culture, history, traditions.


Text 1

Ukrainian theatre and cinema

The theatre originated in Ukraine under western influence in the 17th century. Intermedia (verse dialogue) rapidly developed into a specific genre - the social theatre - whose repertoire included dramatization of Christian legends, historical drama and a puppet play “Vertep”, performed on a stage of two levels. The best example of a historical play was Teofan Prokopovych’s “Vladimir” (1705). In the 19th century a Ukrainian ethnographic theatre developed and folk plays and vaudeville were raised to a high level of artistry by such actors as Mykola Sadovsky and Maria Zankovetska. The beginning of the 20th century saw the dramas by Lesya Ukraynka (who introduced both ancient Greek and Shakespearean techniques to the Ukrainian stage) and plays by Volodymyr Vinnychenko and Oleksander Oles, who was an innovator in symbolic plays. The real flowering of the Ukrainian theatre occurred between 1917 and 1933. The Beresil theatre in Kharkiv (1922-1933); under the artistic director Les Kurbas, was the most distinguished troupe. The most famous playwrights of that period were Mykola Kulish with the “Patetychna Sonata” and Oleksander Komiychuk who tended to write in the approved manner.

There are about 60 professional theatres in Ukraine now, the most famous of which are the Ivan Franko Theatre in Kyiv and the Maria Zankovetska Theatre in Lviv.

Ukrainian film has achieved some marked successes. The director and scenarist Oleksandr Dovzhenko, who died in 1956, was an important innovator in world cinematography. His works “Zvenyhora”, “Arsenal” and especially “Zemlya” (“The Earth”) are considered classics of the silent-film era. Another outstanding Ukrainian producer is Serhy Paradzhanov. His film “Tini zabytykh predkiv” (“Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors”) became famous in many countries in the world. The Ukrainian motion-picture industry is centered on The O. Dovzhenko Studio in Kyiv and in The Odesa Studio, which is famous for its films for children and youth.


Task: Listen to the text and decide if the sentence is true or false.

1) The theatre originated in Ukraine under eastern influence in the 17th century.

2) “Vertep” is made on a stage of three levels.

3) In the 18th century a Ukrainian ethnographic theatre developed and folk plays and vaudeville were raised to a high level of artistry.

4) Volodymyr Vinnychenko and Oleksander Oles were inventors of symbolic plays.

5) The real blossoming of the Ukrainian theatre occurred between 1917 and 1933.

6) The director of the Beresil theatre in Kharkiv was Mykola Kulish.

7) Oleksander Komiychuk wasn’t keen on writing in the approved manner.

8) Nowadays there are about 60 professional theatres in Ukraine.

9) Oleksandr Dovzhenko played no role in world cinematography.        

10) Oleksandr Dovzhenko made a film “Tini zabytykh predkiv”.



1-F; 2-F; 3-F; 4-T; 5-T; 6-F; 7-F; 8-T; 9-F; 10-F


2 квітня 2018
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