фрагмент роботи літнього мовного дитячого табору (квест)

Про матеріал
Матеріал розрахований для учнів 5-6 класів, щоб зробити вивчення англійської мови ефективним, цікавим та захоплюючим у позашкільний час
Перегляд файлу

9 Day

National Day


08:55   Meet students outside

09:00   Daily theme

             Welcome activities:


House, Mouse, Hurricane

This is a fun game for all ages. Have the class split into groups of three. Those who are left will wait in the middle.

The groups of three must form a circle and, in their group, two members should form a house  but facing each other and connecting their hands like a slanted roof while the third crouches underneath to be the mouse.

The facilitator then says either “House, Mouse, Hurricane”. If she/he calls out house, then the houses must leave the group and quickly find a new mouse. If she/he calls out mouse, the mice must leave.

If she/he calls out hurricane, then everyone must leave.

Those who are left in the middle can try and enter the game by beating another player to form a house or mouse.


Build a Monster

Put the participants into groups of 5 or 6. Inform them that they will be creating monsters.

The rules

Each monster must have 3 heads, 4 hands and 5 feet (you can change the number depending on the number of participants). Each monster must also have a unique cry and be able to take three steps.

Give the participants about 4 minutes to create their monsters. When they have finished, have each group present in turn.

This is a good way for talking about teamwork, and the importance of having different parts of the team.


9:40    Song “Go away, Scary Monster”

Go away, scary monster, go away.
Go away, scary monster, go away.
Go away, scary monster.
Go away, scary monster.
Go away, scary monster, go away.

Go away, spooky vampire, go away.
Go away, spooky vampire, go away.
Go away, spooky vampire.
Go away, spooky vampire.
Go away, spooky vampire, go away.

Go away, scary witch, go away.
Go away, scary witch, go away.
Go away, scary witch.
Go away, scary witch.
Go away, scary witch, go away.

Go away, spooky ghost, go away.
Go away, spooky ghost, go away.
Go away, spooky ghost.
Go away, spooky ghost.
Go away, spooky ghost, go away.
GO AWAY! ♫.                                            (scary spider/spooky skeleton/scary bat)


9:55     Daily theme

10:00   Quest “National Day”

Put the participants into groups of 5 or 6. They get route instructions.

I.  How many “World Capitals” do you know?

1. Capital of Canada?                                             2. Capital of Australia?

    a) Ottawa                                                                 a) Sydney

    b) Toronto                                                               b) Melbourne

    c) Vancouver                                                           c) Canberra

3. Capital of the UK?                                              4. Capital of the USA?

    a) Liverpool                                                              a) Washington D.C.

    b) Manchester                                                         b) New York

    c) London                                                                  c) Los Angeles

5. Capital of Ukraine?                                            6. Capital of Iceland?

    a) Lviv                                                                        a) Reykjavik

    b) Kyiv                                                                       b) Dublin

    c) Kharkiv                                                                  c) Paris

7. Capital of Japan?    

    a) Tokyo

    b) Hong Kong

    c) Kabul


II. Traditional Food

1. British                                                                       2. American

    a) Mashed Potato                                                       a) Burger and Fries

    b) Fish and Chips                                                        b) Yorkshire Pudding

    c) Borshch                                                                    c) Chicken Curry and Rice

3. Ukrainian                                                                 4. Canadian

    a) Cherry varenyky                                                     a) Sushi

    b) Hot dog                                                                    b) Pancakes with Maple Syrup

    c) Bacon and Eggs                                                       c) Borshch  

5. Irish                                                                          6. Welsh

    a) Hamburger                                                              a) Yorkshire Pudding

    b) Pizza                                                                         b) Welsh rabbit

    c) Irish stew                                                                 c) Sushi   

7. Scottish                                                                                                                              

    a) Haggis 

    b) Pasta

    c) Sandwich



III. Guess the Word Game

1. Country   –   C_n_d_

2. Sport    -   t_nn_s

3. Capital city   -   _ _nd_ _

4. Device   -   l_ _ t _ _

5. Colour   -   _ _ _ _ _ w

6. Car Brand   -   N _ _ _ _ n

7. Fruit   -   _ pp_ _

8. Vegetable   -   t_ _ _t_

9. Tech Company   -   _ _ _oo

10. Shoe Brand   -   _d_d_ _

11. Dessert   -   _c_    _r_ _m

12. Soda Brand   -   F_ _ _ _

13. Continent   -   A_ _ _ _a

14. Tourist Attraction   -   _ _ _    _ _ _

15. Cartoon   -   P_ _ _ _    P_ _

16. Animal   _ _ bb_ _

17. Super Hero   -   _ _t_ _n


IV. Guess the LOGO

(See p. 1)

1. Apple                       6. Yahoo                       11. Minecraft                  16. Rolex 

2. Microsoft                7. Facebook                 12. Pepsi                           17. Master Card  

3. Mc Donalds             8. LG                             13. Google                       18. Nestle

4. Walt Disney             9. Viber                        14. Nike                            19. Huawei

5. Instagram                10. Wikipedia             15. Chanel                         20. You tube


V. Name the Car Brand

(See p. 2)

1. BMW.               4. Chevrolet      7. Toyota           10. Ferrari                13. Bentley

2. Ford                   5. Volvo             8. Suzuki           11. Opel                    14. Volkswagen 

3. Land Rover       6. Honda           9. Audi               12. Skoda                 15. Renault



VI. Famous Landmarks Quiz

Name the landmark and the country (See p. 3) .

1. Statue of Liberty                                       8. The Globe Theatre 

2. Big Ben                                                       9. Pecherska Lavra

3. Grand Canyon                                         10. St. Sophia’s Cathedral

4. Sydney Opera House                             11. The Great Wall

5. Stonehenge                                             12. Eiffel Tower

6. The Golden Gate                                    13. Great Pyramids of Giza

7. Tower Bridge                                          14. Victoria Falls

                                                                      15. Taj Mahal


VII. Disney Quiz

1. What animal finds Mowgli when he was a baby?

a) panther.                       b) a wolf                     c) a bear

2. What did Alice eat to make her grow?

a) a chocolate                 b) ice-cream               c) cake

3. What is the name of Winnie the Pooh’s human friend?

a) Albert                           b) Daniel                     c) Christopher

4. Which of these Disney movies is older?

a) Snow White                b) Cinderella        c) Sleeping Beauty       d) Beauty and the Beast

5. Who owns the necklace that mice give Cinderella?

a) Anastasia                    b) Lady Tremaine        c) Drizella

6. What is the name of Donald Duck’s girlfriend?

a) Mary                           b) Wendy.                     c) Daisy

7. Where does Marlin go to find his son Nemo?

a) Sydney                        b) Atlanta                     c) California

8. What is Olaf’s favourite season?

a) summer                      b) winter                      c) spring 

9. What is the name of Ariel’s daughter?

a) Wendy                        b) Melody                    c) Harmony

10. What princess is in love with Prince Philip?

a) Cinderella                  b) Snow White             c) Aurora


VIII. Where are these Cities Located?

1. Where is Glasgow located?

a) England                     b) Wales                         c) Scotland

2. In which country the city of Montreal located?

a) France.                      b) Canada.                     c) Australia

3. Where is Belfast located?

a) Northern Ireland     b) Scotland                   c) Wales

4. Where is Poltava located?

a) Poland                       b) Italy                           c) Ukraine 

5. What is the largest city in Ukraine?

a) Odesa                        b) Dnipro                       c) Kyiv    

6. In which country are Oxford and Cambridge located?

a) the USA                     b) the UK                       c) China

7. Where is Cardiff located?

a) Wales                        b) England                    c) Scotland

8. Where is Manchester located?

a) Northern Ireland     b) Scotland.                  c) England             

9. Where is Canberra located?

a) the USA                     b) Australia                  c) France

10. Where is San Francisco located?

a) the USA                     b) the UK                     c) Canada.



IX. I Know Myself

1. What is your name /surname?

2. How old are you?

3. When is your birthday?

4. What is your favourite (subject, sport, food, season, pet…)

5. Tell three facts about yourself (active, cheerful, honest, kind, clever)

6. What are you wearing today?

7. Name four accessories (ring, belt, scarf, glasses, earrings, bracelet, cap…)

8. Name items of clothing that start with “S” (sandals, skirt, shirt, sweater, suit, scarf)

9. Name three things that only girl wear?

10. Name three things that only boys wear?


X. Icons of the UK

Name as many as you can what icons and symbols of the UK do you know. (See p. 4)

1. Telephone Box                                               14. Sherlock Holmes’ Pipe 

2. William Shakespeare                                    15. Daffodils

3. Black Cabs                                                       16. Bowler Hat

4. Robin Hood                                                     17. Underground (Tube)

5. Rolls – Royce                                                   18. London Eye

6. Loch Ness                                                         19. Cricket

7. The kilt                                                              20. Tower Bridge

8. Tea                                                                     21. English Channel Tunnel

9. James Bond                                                      22. Fireplace

10. Big Ben                                                            23. Golf

11. Double decker                                               24. English breakfast

12. Queen                                                             25. Pound

13. English Bulldog                                              26. Bobbies

12:40              The Ceremony Reward. Review of the Day. 

12:55-13:00   Set up for the next day.


Аdditional material



Picture 1.










Picture 2

Picture 3









Picture 4

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