Games for primary learners 1-4 form.

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Exciting games and activies for primary school learners. Some of the ideas might be used as an short break activity time during the lesson.
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1.        Airplane competition: First, have your Ss make some paper airplanes.  Stand the Ss in a line and let them test fly their planes.  For the competition, assign different classroom objects points (e.g. table 5 points, door 10 points, trash can 20 points).  Ask a S a question and if s/he answers correctly then s/he can throw and try to hit one of the target objects to win points.  This works well as a team game.

2.        All Change: have your Ss put chairs into a circle and then sit down. As the teacher you stand in the middle. Say to them "If you are wearing ………, change your seats". The children wearing the item of clothing you mentioned should then get up and change places with another child who is also wearing that same particular item of clothing. Other suggested statements are: If you have long/short/black/blond hair / brown / blue eyes / a brother If you like...If you want...WARNING. This can be a dangerous game if several students rush to the same vacant chair or if students pull chairs away from classmates before they sit down.

3.        ABC circle game: the children sit in a circle and each of them holds letter flashcard play music while your kids pass the letters round. It they find it difficult to coordinate receiving and passing the cards reduce the number of flash cards to one per every other child. When you stop the music ask the kids with letter A (B, C…..) do some simple and fun action. Use this with phonemes too. Then use 3 to 4 letters and give out multiple flash cards of these letters. Speaking version: When the music stops show one of the letters or phonemes. All the children with that letter must make the sound.

4.        Alphabet Soup: place plastic letters in a bowl. Divide flashcards by their beginning letters. Each student draws a letter from the bowl and then finds the flashcards associated with that letter.

5.        Alphabet missing letter: write the letters of the alphabet on the board in a jumble. The children put their heads in their hands while you rub one or more letters off the board. Get the children to identify which letter is missing. Play with only a few letters and add letters gradually.

6.        Around the world trip: give each student, pair or group some scissors for paper, glue (prit-stick glue works well), large sheets of B4 card and a selection of travel brochures. Students plan a trip (or give a report) around the world by cutting out photographs of places, animals, food, etc. Next to each country the students write a description of what they will do or what they did in each country. If your students can write have them write a description of what they will do or what they did in each country. Adapt the game to the level of your children, bring a sphere if necessary.

7.        Attention: call out commands such as: Attention, salute, march in place...stop, sit down, stand up, walk in a circle, clap your hands...stop, run in place...stop, jumping jacks...stop, swim in place....stop, etc. At first students will copy you but later they should be able to do the commands without you.

8.        Alphabet letter puzzle: give out different letters cut in two (in three or in four). It is a good idea to use different colours for each letter to help the children if the letters should become mixed with each other. Let the children make up the letter from the pieces. If necessary write up the letters on the board.

9.        Action Race: This is a fun game using actions.  Use actions like jump, hop, clap, run etc.  Have the Ss split into two teams and sit in lines with a chair by each team and one chair at the other end of the room.  One S from each team stands next to their chair and T calls an action, e.g. "Jump".  Ss must jump to the chair on the other side of the room and back, sitting down in their chair Ss say "I can jump". First one to do it gets their team a point.

10.      Apple Pass: Have all Ss sit in a circle.  Use a fake apple and toss it to one S.  But you must say one English word as you pass.  The S then throws to another S and says a different English word.  If the student you threw it to drops it, he/she is out.  And the game keeps going until you have one winner.  It can be played with different categories, such as Food, Animals, Etc.

11.      Apple bobbing: Fill a low tub two thirds full of water. Drop in ten to twenty apples of medium and small size. Each person tries to grab an apple between his or her teeth-before it bobs away! Before grabbing have the kid name a flashcard.

12.      Appearance game: choose a student to begin. This student steps out of the room. Hand a ring to another student. All students in the classroom should see who receives the ring. Call student to return to class. He or she must try to guess who has the ring by asking various classmates ten or fewer yes/no questions. Sample questions include... Does a girl have the ring? Does she have dark hair? If the student guesses correctly, he or she gets another turn (limit two or three). If the student guesses incorrectly, the student who has the ring becomes the next player.

13.      Alphabet packets: Make alphabet flashcards. Take paper or polyethylene packets, label each packet with a letter of the alphabet, hang them on a line (and tie the line to the chairs).  Leave some space in the middle (divide the line into two parts for two teams). Make two teams and give out flashcards. The fastest team is a winner. (Don’t choose winners if your kids are very young).

14.      Alphabet scramble: divide he group into small teams. Write up the alphabet on the board, call out a letter and a team. Any child from that team must run up and circle or point to the letter you have named. If you are starting out teaching

the alphabet play this with only a few letters at a time. You may replace the board with a piece of paper. Play this game with picture flashcards or even with words.

15.      Balloon game: Put the students into groups of 4 or 5. Each group forms a circle and they hold hands. Give each group a balloon. As a group they have to keep the balloon in the air, but when it touches a part of someone's body they have to shout out an English word or phrase.

16.      Balloon Badminton: place a skip-rope tied up to two chairs. Make two small teams (the other Ss can say numbers in order  every time “the ball” touches the racket). Give each S a flyswatter or badminton racket ("racket"). Inflate a balloon (“ball”). Remember: the younger the Ss, the bigger the balloon must be (slower).  Decides who serves and for every point one team scores, have the opposite team call out the flashcard or picture card by the T shown.  Lots of fun!  (NOTE: For very active Ss be careful since they might hit the others' faces when playing). 

17.      Balancing Act: the children lie on the floor on their backs. Each child balances and object you have given out on his or her forehead. Ask the children to do movements and (touch your nose, lift your left arm). Show flashcards

between actions and get kids to name them. When a child is out he must do a forfeit such as name a flashcard and then join in the game.

18.      Blindfold guessing game: blindfold one or two children, give them each a few objects or things they now. They have to find a pair and name them.  Remember to check if it is OK for them to be blindfolded. If the child is not keen then allow them to shut their eyes instead. Fruits are an obvious idea because one can come by them easily.

19.      Basketball: Ss take a shot at the trash box. First ask a question to S1.  If s/he answers correctly then s/he can have a shot at the basket.  If the S gets the ball in the basket then s/he wins 2 points.  If the S hits the basket without going inside then s/he wins 1 point.  The person who gets the most points is the winner.  This can also be played in teams.

20.      Body Parts Musical Madness: Ss choose a partner. Let the music play for maybe 30 seconds and then stop it.  Teacher yells out "Hand to knee!" Students have to find their partner and put one hand to the partner´s knee.  The last set of partners to find each other and get in position is out (or names a flashcard if the children are young). Music starts again and the process is repeated. The last set of partners is the winner! (Don’t choose winners if your kids are young!)

21.      Burst a balloon: write down a short word on a piece of paper (e.g. a dog, you can write each letter on a different piece), put it in the balloon and get a child to burst a balloon; find the piece/s on the floor (or on the ceiling ;))); if s/he can read a word he gets a flashcard of a dog (or a small toy).  If s/he can’t have the other children help him.

22.      Blow that fish: Make two teams. Tell each team to make a paper fish. Line the teams up at the starting line. Then you start asking questions when a student answers the question correctly he gets a chance to blow on his teams fish. The team that is able to move there fish to the front of the room wins the game.

23.      Blind Toss: Have Ss sit down in a circle.  Place a mat on the floor with numbers and a flashcard (target vocabulary) on each number.  Taking turns, each

S gets blindfolded and tosses a beanbag so as to hit a number.  S/he must call out that word the same number of times as the number indicates.  For example:

4-dog, then "Dog, Dog, Dog, Dog! and the S gets the equal points (4).  At the end, the S with the most points wins!  Good for memorizing vocabulary since they are repeating words.

24.   Bring me game. Students are in teams. The teacher calls out: "Bring me a ruler." or just "A ruler, please." The first team to bring one to the teacher gets a point.

25.   Birthday game: Make a birthday wheel and ask students to check whose birthdays take place each month.  Practice qs: “When s your birthday” and answers: “My birthday is in……….). So you can practice months, sing “Happy birthday to you” and have a mini birthday party.

26.   The Bell Game: Make two teams; show a flash card to the Ss, the first person to ring the bell and read the word correctly gets one point for her team. (You’ll need two bells).

27.   Colors game: give out small colored balls (I should have two balls of each color you want to practice), throw the colored dice and then say the color. Two students which have the same balls stand up and toss it to each other. The smaller the balls are the more fun you have! Get them to say: “My ball is red”, or “our balls are red”

28.   Candy Race: ask the children questions or draw items on the board for them to guess.  You can work with Ss or split the group into small teams. The T draws on the board or a big piece of paper a race track and each team or S will have a candy (or another surprise) waiting at the Goal Line.  Each right answer equals a step towards the Goal Line and a candy!

29.   Candy bank team game: get two boxes and some candies, one or two for each kid is enough. Divide the candies up into the two boxes, and the kids up into two teams. Explain that if they get the question right, they keep the candy, if they get it wrong the candy goes into the other team's box....make sure that each team member has to answer the questions individually.......You can  take figured candy (candy animals) and name them.

30.   Catch counting game: have the students stand in a circle. Start randomly tossing the small ball around the circle. When a person catches the ball they say the next consecutive number. It's so easy and so much fun. The ball starts flying everywhere and everyone is laughing and mixing up numbers.

31.   Chinese whispers: put the Ss into a circle. Whisper a simple sentence or word into the first student’s ear. He or She must say the exact same sentence to the next student and so on until the last student in the team must say the word aloud. Check to see if the sentence is the same. Progressively make the sentences more difficult.

32.   Chopsticks Race: Make two teams.  Have a student name a flashcard and then let her/him try to pick up and transfer a sweet from the bowl to the team’s cup. The team which will transfer more sweets wins!

33.   Concentration game:  Prepare 10 cards (5 pairs) for you Ss. Put the cards on the floor or on the table show them to your Ss and turn over. Ss have to pick two cards (a pair); if they match they win a point for their team, they should pay attention to the cards turned over.

34.   Counting Goose game: This is a variation on Duck Duck Goose; it’s excellent for young kids. The kids sit in the circle as normal. Then give them a number between 1-20. One of them go around the circle and count off. (ie. If the number is 7, they count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). When s/he gets to number 7 s/he taps the goose. Change the number each time.

35.   Cross the River: Place flashcards on floor in winding manner.  Each card represents a stepping stone in the river, as students must say word/phrase/question/etc in order to step on it and cross the river!

36.   Color Circles:  a good activity for young kids.  Get some pieces of A3 paper and draw a large circle on each one.  Pin the circles on different walls in the classroom.  Model the activity: Say "Blue" take a blue crayon, walk over to one circle and color a small part of the circle.  Do this for each color you plan to teach.  Then, say a color ("Blue") to a S and s/he should pick up the blue crayon and go over to the circle you colored in blue.  Let him/her color it a little and then call him/her back.  Continue with other Ss.

37.   Colors in the Air: This is good for very young ones.  Give each S 2 pieces of different colored paper (origami paper is ideal for this).  T calls a color (e.g. "Blue") and the Ss with that color hold it up.

38.   Clothes Fun: Students form teams of 2.  Each team has a bag with some clothes in it. You ask: put on your hat etc.….  The first team members put on the clothes.  He/She must say, "This is my shirt", "These are my trousers", "This is my hat" etc. Each team tries to put on clothes faster than the other. If you

have some fancy high-heeled shoes and silly hats this is a really fun game!  Very young beginner students will normally only say, "a shirt", "a hat" etc. but it's still a worthwhile game for the vocabulary.

39.   Color Game: This is a good one for teaching the names of colors to young children. Arrange various colors of construction paper in a circle. Play some music and have the children march around the circle. Stop the music and all the children must sit down next to a color. Pick a color and sing (to the tune of "Twinkle Little Star"): "Who's beside the color (insert name of color)? Please stand up, if it's you." At that point, the child next to the color mentioned stands up. Continue until all of the children get a turn.

40.   Charades: Have a S come to the front of the class and whisper a word or show a FC to that S.  The S the acts out that word and the first S to guess can be the next player.  This works very well with action verbs.  Variation: divide the class up into teams - the first S to guess wins a point for his/her team.

41.   Category Tag: Choose a category (e.g. food, weather, transportation, etc.). 

Ss run around the room and the T chases them.  When the T tags a S s/he must name a word from the category (e.g. food: cheese, fish, bread, etc.).  Give a time limit to answer (e.g. 5 seconds).  If the S cannot answer or says a word that has already been used s/he names a flashcard.

42.   Can You Actions: Use this game for teaching "Can you...?"  "Yes, I can" "No, I can't".  These actions are fun: wiggle, dance, run quickly, hop, skip, do a star jump, do a handstand, touch your toes, cross your eyes, snap your fingers, whistle, sing.  E.g.  Ask a S "Can you cross your eyes?".  If the S replies "Yes, I can" then say "Ok, go!" and the S does the action.  If the S says "No, I can't" say "Too bad.  Ok, can you (wiggle)?".

43.   Duck duck goose game: In this game, kids sit down in a circle facing each other. One person is "it" and walks around the circle. As they walk around, they tap people's heads and say whether they are a "duck" or a "goose". Once someone is the "goose" they get up and try to chase "it" around the circle. The goal is to tap that person before they are able sit down in the "goose's" spot. If the goose is not able to do this, they become "it" for the next round and play continues. If they do tap the "it" person, the person tagged has to sit in the center of the circle. Then the goose becomes it for the next round. The person in the middle can't leave until another person is tagged and they are replaced.

44.   “Do that don’t do that” game: have the kids do your simple commands: sit down, jump etc and then say don’t jump (don’t change your intonation) if some of them do jump chase them or rob them of one point (grant each child 5 points before you begin)

45.   Do you have…? It’s simple for the kids to pick up "Do you have a ...?" when talking about one specific thing. Split the group into several groups. Assign each group a different word (this is the thing that that group wants to collect.) Give each child mini-picture cards, the students then go round asking as many people as possible "Do you have ......." (for example the "turtle" team asks "Do you have a turtle?") If the student still has the object he/she says "Yes, here you are!" and gives it to the person who asked. If they have already given it away then they say "No, I'm sorry" and walk off. The group that is the first to collect as many of their items as there are students in the group (e.g. 10 items for a class of 10 kids), sits down and they are the winner!

46.   Don’t Step on Me:  prepare mats with different vocabulary words on them. Place all over the floor.  Teacher needs to call out one of the words.  Students need to quickly try to stand on any mat BUT that one.  The student on that mat –

is out and the mat gets turned upside down until there is only one student left. That person wins!

47.   Exercises: This one is great for over excited Ss who need to burn off a bit of energy.  It's also good for classroom commands and numbers.  Stand the students in a line and call out instructions: "Jump 10 times", "Turn around 4 times" etc.  Other good ones to use are: run (on the spot), hop, hands up & down, touch your (body part), stand up & sit down and star jump.

48.   Face game: draw a face on a big sheet of paper, tack it to the wall make a clay nose and blindfold a child. (Remember to check if it is OK for them to be blindfolded. If the child is not keen then allow them to shut their eyes instead.) Give him a clay nose and have the child stick the nose to the face. Have the group help him with “up down left right”.

49.   Finger clocks: use your index fingers to perform a clock. Your left index finger points up while your left index finger acts as the hour hand (put it’s top on the lower part of your left index finger to form “it’s one o’clock” (I/) and then move it.

50.   Fishing game:  Prepare words written on small papers.  Attach a paper clip to each one.  Place words in a hula hoop on the floor or into a box.  Call up 2 or 3 students at a time to use the fishing rods and read the words they fish out.

51.   Flashlight Word game:   Start off the game by turning off the lights and pointing the flashlight at a particular word on the Word Wall. The teacher calls on a student to read the word. When the child has read the word, it is their turn to shine the flashlight on a word and call on another student to read. The children really enjoy this because they get a chance to "be the teacher.”

52.   Guess what’s in the Bag: put an object in a bag and have a pupil touch it. S/he has to guess correctly.   Or describe the item to the group.

53.   Give it back game: have Ss stand in a line, gibe them a small object and tell them to hand it over behind their backs. Try to guess which child has an object. Ask: “do you have…..?” say: “Give it back!”. In 2 minutes get a student to guess and ask.

54.   Happy families: Make several teams. Give four/three flashcards from a single word family (animals, transports, food, etc) to each member of the group.

The students look carefully at their cards, then all the cards for the group mixed together and dealt out randomly to the Ss. Ss have to recompose their word family by asking in turn for the cards they need: do you have…..?

55.   Heads down thumbs up: two children are chosen to stand up and all the others put their heads down on their desks with their eyes closed and thumbs sticking up. The two left standing must then gently touch one person each on the thumb. Everyone is then told to open their eyes and the children who were touched stand up and try to guess which child touched them. If they get it right the children swap places if not the children have another go. This game is good to use for settling a class down. You can give your chosen children flashcards of animals or jobs and throw in some more vocabulary. (E.g. who picked you? The pilot picked me!)

56.   Hot seat: a student seats with his/her back to the board or to the teacher. The teacher displays a word or flash cards. Other students describe the card to enable the student guess what it is.

57.   Hopping to meet:   Hop and say is a pretty easy game to play. The teacher brings a number of flash cards to class and lines the cards up across the floor in a row. Two teams stand at the extremes of the row. When the teacher orders the game to start, the first student from each team starts to jump on the first

card. Every time a student jumps on a card s/he says what is on the card-For higher levels ask them to make a sentence with the word on the cards. Eventually s/he will meet the other team player somewhere on the row. When the two team players meet, they have to do the old guessing game of ROCK, PAPER & SCISSORS. The student, who looses the Rock, paper & scissors game of chance, leaves the row and goes to the back of his or her team’s line up. Another player in his/her team restarts the game for their team. It should be such that the next team mate in the line up should be ready to start immediately when s/he realizes that their team player has lost the stone paper scissors guessing part. The idea is not to let the other team player get to the end of the row. If the other team player gets to the end of the row, his / her team wins.

58.   I spy: T says "I spy with my little eye something that begins with B".  Ss try to guess the object (e.g. "book").  Colors are a good alternative for younger Ss ("... my little eye something that is red").

59.   Juice: Bring a small bottle of juice (e.g. orange juice) to class.  At some point during the lesson take out the bottle and have a sip.  This almost certainly will cause a mini-riot of kids asking for some.  Here's an ideal opportunity to

teach "Can I have some juice, please?".  Say this sentence to the first S and get him/her to repeat it - only give him/her some if the sentence is said correctly.  Brink juice along every week and before long your Ss will be requesting a drink in prefect English!  (bring along a few plastic cups for you and for them).  

60.   Line True or False: Put a line of tape on the floor and designate one side

"True" and the other "False".  Hold up an object or flashcard and say its word.  If Ss think the you have said the correct word they jump on the True side, if not they jump on the False side.  Incorrect Ss sit out until the next game.

61.   Letter game: divide the Ss into 2 teams, get them to sit in two lines and show the last S. at the back of each row a letter. Scratch the letter on the back of the last student. The student does the same to the next person up the row. The person in front says it aloud. If the letters agree, the team receives a point. I recommend you at first choose several letters and “draw” them in the air.

62.   Lotto Draw:  Put 8 numbered ping pong balls into a bag.  Students need to choose a ball and read the matching flashcard to win points.

63.   Mallet mallet: bring two chairs to the front or center of the class and put them back to back. Split the class into teams. Choose or let students volunteer to come sit back to back. Tell them what the rules are. The students will say words related to a group of words. For example you can tell them to say animal words or words related to animals.  When the teacher raises the mallet over a student’s head s/he has to say an animal. When one student says a word the other student cannot say it. Students cannot say a word twice in one sitting of the game. Students cannot wait for more than 4 seconds before saying a word. Shorten the time as you advance in the game.

Every time anyone of the above rules is violated the student gets a mallet hit on his or her head. Then replace the student with another student and continue with the game. Caution: kids can be delicate, even when using a soft mallet, do not hit their heads hard. To start the game sometimes, kids find it fun when you test the mallet by hitting your own head hard.

64.   Math game: Put the students into groups of 4 or 5, give each group a die, assign a number from 2-12 for each piece of vocab. It's best to let the students decide which ones are which. The students shout out the appropriate question for ex. What do you do? One person in the group rolls the die. The students remember the number; the other S. rolls the die. The students add up the

numbers and then shout out the corresponding answer. i.e. if they roll 2 and then 5, they shout out the answer on the picture card next to number 7. It's also really fun to do the gestures as well.  The fastest person to call out the correct answer then becomes the die roller and gets a point for the team.

65.   Make a group game:  Get rid of any tables and chairs and get the kids together in one big group. Have the kids move around, mingling with each other. The kids ask you a question that you can answer with a number e.g. “What’s the time?” You answer and the kid gets into groups of that number e.g. you say "It’s 4 o’clock" and the kid gets into groups of four. You can change the verb any time you want to play while the kids move around, mingling with each other.  E.g. "swim" where the kids swim around whilst mingling, or "dance" or "hop" or anything really.

66.   Monkey/Banana Game:  Prepare one big dice with pictures of monkey heads on some sides and bananas on the others.  Students answer question and then roll the dice for their team.  If bananas they get the number of bananas shown on that side of the die.  If it is the monkey, the monkey eats some of their team’s bananas/points.


67.   Numbers game: you need 2 soft dices and 2 to 12 large numbers flash cards and point cards (points can be done on the board or you can use surprises as points take a bag and have the kid pull out a surprise every time he/she gets a point). After reviewing numbers 1 to 12 with the kids place large 2 to 12 flash cards of the floor around the room. Get the kids to stand by a number. Throw the dice (later get the kids to do this) and ask “what’s the number?” Give the kids on the right number a point card (or equivalent). Shout Change! And continue again from 2 For real low level kids use just 1 to 6 cards with 1 dice.

68.   Noughts and crosses: draw a noughts and crosses grid on the board, and number each box from 1 to 9. Now, divide the children into two teams, and label the teams "noughts" or "crosses". Each team has to answer a question correctly before they can place their symbol into an appropriate place on the board. The winning team is the one who gets a line of three of their symbols on the grid. This can be used with any vocabulary.

69.   Orange, orange, orange game: the children sit in a circle, each child is given the name of a fruit. One person is chosen to stand in the centre of the circle and repeats the name of one of the fruits three times e.g. orange, orange,

orange. The person around the outside of the circle who is the orange, must interrupt by shouting the word orange, before the other person has managed to say it three times. If they interrupt successfully the person in the middle chooses another fruit. If they are not quick enough they replace the person in the middle.

70.   Odd-One-Out:  make a line of four or five objects. E. g. choose a banana an apple an orange and a pencil. Have a kid name the objects and remove a superfluous object.

71.   Put up a Christmas tree: Make two teams, tack a paper Xmas tree on the wall have your Ss name flashcards or answer your questions and let them put up the Xmas tree with silver stars made of foil (one team) and paper balls made of colored paper (the other team). The team which tapped more adornments is a winner! (DON’T choose a winner team if you work with young kids).

72.   Pass the parcel:  Place a gift at the centre of the parcel. Use a small box if you want an even shape or to make it look larger than it is. Wrap as many layers as players, with some to spare in case more players turn up. The parcel should be large enough for at least a 5 minute game, so add more layers even when you have only a few players; it just means they get more turns. Place a gift at the centre of the parcel and a gift on every layer of the parcel. This is the best way

of preparing the parcel for children ages 3 - 8, as then each child receives a prize no matter who wins the prize wrapped in the middle of the parcel. Name the gifts during the game. Get the children to name them. (I have a………..)

73.   Picture game: choose a picture and does not let children see it. Place a sheet with slits (or several pieces with holes of different sizes) over the picture. The Ss have to guess what is depicted on the picture by looking at a small section. If nobody can guess the picture, remove a part of the sheet and one of the pieces.

74.   Preposition race: give each child a toy then run around the room with kids and say put your toys on the table, put them  under the table, put them  behind the chair, put them in the box…….

75.   Pronunciation game: Make two teams, white some letters or words which are difficult for your Ss to pronounce. (Then, what, thin…..). Every student can get a point for his team by pronouncing the word correctly.

76.   Question game: first the teacher introduces the vocabulary by showing students the cards one after the other. Then later, holds the cards to the chest, making sure students can't see. Draw a big smiley face above and about 6 small smiley faces below. The big face represents the teacher and small faces represent all the students. Students try to guess what card the teacher is holding to his/her chest. Every time they make a wrong guess, the teacher gets a point. When they make a right guess, the students get a point and the teacher pretends to be disappointed that the students are gaining a point.

77.   Rescuers: give out animal flashcards (3 per each student) and put a paper crocodile in front of each flashcard, tell them that they are rescuers and they can save their animals from the crocodiles by answering your questions. Put a paper river behind the crocodiles. If the student answers your question move a crocodile towards the river if s/he fails move the crocodile towards the animal flashcard. When a crocodile is too close to the river, say: “ go home Mr. crocodile! Jump into the river!” The ‘saved’ animal says “thank you very much!” to its rescuer and you put it on a jungle picture or on a picture of a farm “go home Mr. Antelope/Mr. Horse”. If your kids are young let them help each other and DON’T let the evil crocodiles eat Mr. Antelope! It can make the young kids upset.

78.   Rope Jump: you need a rope for this one!  Have Ss stand behind each other in a line.  Hold a rope (have a S hold the other end) at a height that the Ss should be able to jump over.  On the other side of the rope spread out some objects or flashcards and a box.  Call out the name of one of the objects/flashcards to the first S.  S/he has to jump over the rope, pick up the correct object and put it in the box.  For other rounds you can hold the rope down low, so Ss have to crawl/roll under.

79.   Robbers and cops: You'll need to get a number of small objects for this game. You can use objects found around the classroom, or any other objects you would like to bring into the classroom. Split the young learners into two groups. One team are cops, the other robbers. Have them sit on chairs on opposite sides of the classroom. Stand at the end of the room, next to some empty chairs which are the 'prison'. Count the robbers, having each young learner remember his/her number. Do the same for the cops. Put the objects in the middle of the classroom giving a slight advantage to the robbers. Call out an object and say a number (for example: 'Book - six'). Robber number six runs to get the book while, at the same time, cop number six tries to catch the robber by touching him or her (like tag). If the robber gets back to his chair without having been

touched, he or she calls out: 'I have the book, etc.' On the other hand, if the cop has touched the robber, he or she calls out: 'Give up!’. “Hands up!”

80.   Rhyming pair game: Make a rhyming pairs set of cards with one word on each card. If you have young kids you can use pictures instead of words. Place the cards face down on the table. Students must take it in turns to turn over two cards. They must say the two words out loud to see if they rhyme. If the two cards rhyme, they can keep them. When there are no cards left on the table, each student counts how many cards they have to see who the winner is.  (DON’T choose winners if your kids are young).

81.   Shapes numbers and directions game: Number 4 circles and 4 squares 1 to 4. Divide the students into two teams (“circles” and “squares”). Students on each team are paired. One student is blindfolded and the other student becomes the guide. Hide the shapes all over the room but they should not be under anything. Guides cannot touch or lead their partners by the hand. They can only give them directions such as turn right, turn left, go forward, etc. When they have found a shape, they must return it to the place that has been chosen by the teacher. They remain blindfolded until they have completed the task. Their partners must give them directions on where to put the cup that has been found. As soon

as a cup has been found and returned by one pair of students, the next pair goes, etc. The cups must be found and returned in order. The first team to find and return all the circles or all the squares is the winner.

82.   Simon Says: A good review for body parts ("Simon says touch your knees").  You could change Simon to your name to avoid confusion.  When T says a sentence without the word "Simon" (e.g. "Touch your knees") then Ss shouldn't follow that instruction.  If a S makes a mistake s/he has to sit out until the next round.

83.   Sound game: make alphabet flashcards or short words with sounds under study and spread them on the floor (print the necessary sounds in italics or use another color for them). For each sound under study, provide a cut-out of a large tree. Write or paint the sound/letter on the trunk of the tree. Ask the students to “hang” words on slips of paper containing the sound from the branches of the tree. Have the Ss look for the necessary sounds/words and “hang” their flashcards on the trees accordingly.


84.   Spiders and candy: place all of the flashcards face up in the middle of the group, have the Ss turn around and cover their eyes. The eacher places one

marker under each card (either a piece or candy or a spider, You can do it in a ration of about 2:1 candy and spiders. You might want to  have more candy for younger Ss. Ss turn around and one by one call out a vocabulary word. The teacher lifts the card to reveal what’s underneath. If it is a candy card the student takes the card and keeps it as one point. If it is a spider leave it on the top of the card and proceed to the next player. The person with the most candy wins. (if your kids are young don’t choose the winner) You can turn over cards after they have been opened. That tells the Ss not to guess these cards again.

85.   Shirt Game:  Divide the children into two teams and give a man's shirt to each team.  Be sure each shirt has the same amount of buttons down the front.  At the signal, the first person on each team puts on the shirt and buttons all of the buttons down the front.  The one who is buttoned-up first gets to answer the question you ask.  Of course a question equals points.  If the answer is incorrect, the person from the other team gets a chance to answer.

86.   Slap that Word: This game helps Ss associate and reinforce written and spoken words that have been introduced during your lessons. You'll need these materials: fly swatter, word wall (words written on a chalkboard or white board).

The goal of the activity is that given a spoken word, the student will quickly be able to recognize the word's written form.

87.   Shark Danger game: The kids gather at one side of the room.  The teacher holds up one picture card and the kids have to make a sentence out of it, i.e. I like bears! Then they are allowed to jump (spread big pieces of paper around the room and tell the kids that the pieces of paper are islands in the ocean). But ... when the shark card appears the kids all rush to the opposite side of the room. Chase the kids. If you have 5 y. o. kids tell them to jump to the opposite side of the room from one island to another.

88.   Sticky Fingers: First designate a 'key word' like Dog, or cat. Each students grabs one of your fingers Start yelling out random words. This works best if you use a bunch of nonsense words that sound like the key word. i.e. If the key word is Dog, yell A dog! When you yell out the key word, students have to run to the far wall while you chase them and try to catch someone.

89.   Socks on Hands:  Students need to put socks on their hands and try to pick up a flashcard they named!  It is hard because socks make the card slippery.

More cards = more points.

90.   Spin the Bottle:  Place a hula hoop on the floor and flashcards around it.  Let students come up and spin the bottle.  They need to say the card or answer teachers question using the s/p. 

91.   Sweet Ring Toss game: Spread flashcards or toys on the table cloth on the floor, have children take turns tossing the rings after naming the objects they want. You can make this game harder or easier by having children stand farther or closer. You will need three rings (at least 6 inches in diameter).

92.   Tower Blocks Building:  Answer the card or question, win some blocks for your team to try to build the tallest tower. 

93.   Tornado game: Supplies: flashcards (pictures or questions on one side, numbers on the other), 'Tornado Cards' (flashcards with numbers on one side and a tornado picture on the other).  Stick the numbered cards on the board

with either pictures or questions on the back (depending on the age group) facing the board. Also include 6 Tornado cards and mix them in with the picture cards. Students then choose a number card. If they answer the question correctly then their team can draw a line to draw a house. If they choose a tornado card then they blow down their opposing team’s part drawing of a house. The first team to draw a house wins.

94.   Telephone numbers: make the list of the telephone numbers of the kids. Then have one of the kids write on of the telephone numbers on the board (you tell the ciphers one be one). Ask: “Whose telephone number is this?” the “owner” answers: “it's my telephone number” and so on. Later you can let them identify their numbers by ear.

95.   Train Ride Game: Have the Ss form a train (standing in line holding onto each other).  Choo choo around the classroom and call out instructions (e.g. faster, slower, turn left/right, stop, go).

96.   Whose favorite color is…. ask the kids for their favorite colors (or numbers), give out their favorite colors correspondingly and tell the kids to hide

the flashcards in their hands. When you ask: “Whose favorite color is….”    the kids run as fast as possible to the person and shake hands, the first one gets one point or a little surprise.

97.   What’s the time, Mister Wolf: This is a traditional kid’s game Practice with the kids the phrase "What time is it?" Practice the responses "it's 1 o'clock" "2 o'clock" etc. All the kids line up against one wall of the gym One kid is selected as Mr. Wolf who then walks to the middle of the gym. The student’s objective is to reach the far wall. Mr. Wolf's objective is to eat the other kids. The kids shout out "What time is it Mr. Wolf?" in a big, huge voice. Mr. Wolf then shouts the time. The time can be anything from 1 to 12 o'clock.e.g. "It's seven o'clock" The kids then take the corresponding number of steps forward. For example 3 steps mean 3 o'clock. When Mr. Wolf decides that the other kids have got near enough the far wall (really his house) then instead of saying "it's ..... o'clock" he says "It's Dinner Time!". All the kids then run back towards the wall they came from. But if Mr. Wolf touches them before they reach the wall then they become the new Mr. Wolf!

98.   What is it game: Hide a card behind another, and show only a tiny corner of the object. The students have to think or guess what it is.

99.   Where is the bell game: take a small bell and ring the bell near a student’s ear/knee/feet (blindfold the child or have her/him close the eyes). Have the child guess where the bell is.

100.   Unusual Musical Chairs: fix the target vocabulary (i.e. jobs) on each chair, play music and have the students dance or jump. When the music stops, the students all go for the chairs. There is a chair for each student except one. This student stays with you in the middle and asks anyone sitting down, "Who are you?" Then say: close you eyes and have two or four children silently get up and change their places. Ask again for example: Is it Mike? No, it’s not Mike! It is Sasha! Is Sasha a doctor now? No, he is a driver now! Repeat the game.

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