Гра -вікторина присвячена до Дня Святого Валентина. Гра проводиться між двома командами та складається із 7 завдань ("Підбери пару","Розшифруй слова","Знайди заховані слова", "З чого складаються хлопчики та дівчатка","Доповни речення","Розшифруй послання".)
Каланчацька загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №2
Урок –гра з англійської мови «St.Valentine’s Day»
Вчитель англ. мови: Шаравага М.В.
2018 р.
Мета: ознайомити учнів зі звичаями країни, мова якої вивчається.
розвивати соціокультурну компетенцію учнів з
використання матеріалу, пов’язаного з історією, святами
та традиціями Великобританії;
розвивати мовленнєві навички та логічне мислення;
розвивати творчі здібності та естетичне сприйняття
навколишнього світу. На основі змагань розвивати вміння та
навички працювати в парах; виховувати інтерес до вивчення
традицій англомовних країн.
Обладнання: картки для роботи в парах,кросворди,
вітальні листівки,плакати,кольорові кульки.
Форма проведення: урок – вікторина.
Клас: 5-А,5-Б.
Вступне слово вчителя.
T. Good morning, dear boys and girls! I'm glad to see you.
T. Do you know what holiday is today?
Ps. Yes. it's Valentine's Day today because it's the fourteenth of February.
T. How do you know that it's Valentine's Day?
Ps. Because there are bright balloons and red hearts everywhere. This means that today we celebrate a very nice and pretty holiday called Valentine's Day.
More them 17 centuries people who love, celebrate this holiday.
I'd like to tell you a legend about this holiday.
When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a low against marriage Claudius believed that single young men made better soldiers and marriage would make men want to stay at home. A kind priest, Valentine by name, saw the love of young couples, so he married them secretly against the law. But Valentine was discovered and condemned to death.
Давня легенда каже, що священик Валентин порушив указ римського імператора Клавдія II, який забороняв женитися солдатам. Бачачи любов молодих людей священик таємно вінчав їх. Непокірного священика Валентина видали, і він був засуджений до смерті.
T. Welcome to our contest of the Smart and Cute! You see that our today's lesson is going to be very surprising for you. Here on the board there are beautiful words which people wish each other when they are in love, when they are happy to see their friends. By the way, I hope that all of you have many friends who love you. That's why the topic of today's lesson is "Valentine's Day for You and Me". Your class will work in two teams.
I. The first competition "Greeting"
T. Let's start our first competition. The captain of each team must introduce yourself and tell us some words about you. Come here and stand in front of the board.
Sample answer
PI. Hello! My name is Maxim. I like to ride a bike and skateboard. I can run and jump but I can't swim well. I like PT and Drawing but don't like Mathematics. Etc.
T. Thank you. The results of the first competition are the following. All the teams were very good. Team 1 gets 1 points. Team 2 gets 1points too.
II. The second competition “Find a pair” «Знайди пару»
Eva and |
Margaret |
Mother and |
Pencil |
Teacher and |
Water |
Juliet and |
Othello |
Blackboard and |
Chair |
Pen and |
Son |
Spoon and |
Father |
Desdemona and |
Brother |
Master and |
Romeo |
Cat and |
Fork |
Table and |
Adam |
Daughter and |
Pupil |
Fire and |
Chalk |
Sister and |
Dog |
Eva and Adam |
Margaret |
Mother and Father |
Pencil |
Teacher and Pupil |
Water |
Juliet and Romeo |
Othello |
Blackboard and Chalk |
Chair |
Pen and Pencil |
Son |
Spoon and Fork |
Father |
Desdemona and Othello |
Brother |
Master and Margaret |
Romeo |
Cat and Dog |
Fork |
Table and Chair |
Adam |
Daughter and Son |
Pupil |
Fire and Water |
Chalk |
Sister and Brother |
Dog |
(За кожну правильну відповідь - 1 бал. Максимальна кількість балів -14)
III. The third competition «Unscramble these words.»
T: Each team will get a card with scrambled words connected with Valentine's Day. Your task is to unscramble them as soon as possible...
Group 1
Group 2
VI. Competition “Find the
words” «Знайди слова»
Here are two hearts with many words on them. Which words can be connected with the holiday? Your task is to put a circle around these words when you find them in the big heart. You may start now!
V. Competition. « Complete the sentences.»
January, many, February, more, year, season, buy, draw, friends, dolls, month, week
5. Some people make their own Valentine cards but some ------------ them at the shops.
VI. Competition “Do you know the things girls and boys are made of?”
There are some tables with words. The pupils should choose the right on for boys and girls.
Учні вибирають назви речей з опорою на конструкцію:
“Girl (boys) today are made of … “
Таблички містять наступні слова:
cakes, football, flowers, blouses, skirts, dresses, trousers, cars, ribbons, ties, dolls, shirts, catapults, chocolate, butterflies, fishes, computers games, perfume.
(За кожну правильну відповідь - 1 бал. Максимальна кількість балів - 8балів )
VII. Competition «Find the missing letters in the Valentine words».
b_ll_on p_stc_rd
hear_ _ose
fl_wers Cupi_
VIII. Competition “Find the sentence” «Розшифруй речення»
A-l, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-5, F-6, Q-7, H-8, I-9, J—10, K-ll, L-12, M-13, N-14, O-15,
P-16, Q-17, R-18, S—19, T-20, U-21, V-22, W-23, X-24, Y-25, Z-26, ’-27, !-28
9, 12, 9, 11, 5, 22, 1, 12, 5, 14, 20, 9, 14, 5, 27, 19, 4, 1, 25, 28
(I like Valentine's Day!)
VIII. Ending the lesson
T:I am happy to announce the results of our contest. The total score of the Team 1 is
Team 2 gets points in all. And the total score is…
So our contest has finished with the score …in favour of Team but you all did your best to win and you will all get prizes. Congratulations to everybody!