Гра-квест "Unknown country of Britons, Angles and Saxons" для учнів 7-8х класів

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Гра-квест для учнів 7-8х класів на тему "Unknown country of Britons, Angles and Saxons" розроблена для розвитку навичок здобутих на уроках англійської мови, закріплення вивченого матеріалу, розвитку світогляду учнів та підвищення мотивації до вивчення мов та пізнання культури інших країн

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гра-квест на тему:
«Unknown country of Britons, Angles and Saxons»







Учитель англійської мови:

Ревенко О. І.




Водяники – 2018

Quest game for 7th-8th graders

“Unknown country of Britons, Angles and Saxons”

Aim: develop cognitive interest and students’ ideology; form and develop skills of a team work; improve knowledge and skills gained at English lessons; foster a positive attitude and interest, increase their motivation to learn English.

Means: cards with stations’ names, tasks and pictures for stations, certificates of participation, a map of GB.


  1. Organization of teams


T: Hi, guys! How are you?

Ps: Hello! We are great.

Introducing of the topic

T: Dear, friends, today we have a quest-game “Unknown country of Britons, Angles and Saxons”. We have already covered all related topics for this quest-game: “Geographical Outlook”, “Entertain Yourself”, “Do you need a book?”, “Places of Interest” in our textbooks, so let’s do the quest. (Діти пригадують, що вивчили на уроках англійської мови).

T: And before we start let’s divide into teams. (Діти діляться на команди за допомогою жеребкування). Great, we have 2 teams. Now, choose the captains of your teams (Команди обирають капітана).

T: And now listen, please, to my instructions. Guys, we have 6 stations, where you have to find a task. Each team has its own one and certain colored one. For you to find stations, I will give some hints in which you can solve a decoded name of the station. Thus, your task is to solve a hint, find a station and a piece of map there. Every team will find a marked point on the map, a team should guess what place is it and tell any information about it. If your answer is good enough, you’ll get 5 points. If you don’t know a place, I can give you a piece of information which you need to translate. But then you’ll get only 3 points. You can use the dictionary. However, you also can use my help, but then you’ll get 1 point. So, my friends, is it clear? (Діти ставлять запитання). At each station you will find for one piece of map, don’t lose it! Who first will collect map of GB – will get 3 points more for a total result! Now, let’s get started!

  1. Main part of the event

T: And I offer you a game “Rock, paper, scissors” to decide which team will get the first hint (Капітани грають). So, team 1 has a little advantage. Ready, steady, go!
(Перша команда отримує підказку, потім через 1 хвилину інша команда отримує свою підказку. Квест розпочато. Переможе та команда, яка отримає найбільше балів).

Підказки, щоб знайти станцію

Team 1

1. According to the words, find the room:

D:\Оля\англ. для школи\важливе !!!\!зробить!\V formie kommientariia.jpg

2. Go for a rainbow:

«The Legacy of Chilean and Latin American Poetry» brings together poets and literary scholars from Latin America and the United States to consider the dynamic emergence, development, and diversity of poetic forms throughout the Americas, with an emphasis on Chile.

3. Cross out unnecessary letters:



4. Remember the English alphabet:

20,5,14,14,9,19         20,1,2,12,5

5. Select every third letter:

codenabirioket runomnoilm  


6. Decipher:



Team 2

1. According to the words, find the room:

D:\Оля\англ. для школи\важливе !!!\!зробить!\V formie kommientariia (2).jpg

2. Go for a rainbow:

This lecture will open with a discussion highlighting several collection items that illustrate the Veterans History Project’s mission to collect, preserve, and make accessible the firsthand accounts of American veterans so that future generations may better understand the realities of war.

3. Cross out unnecessary letters:




4. Remember the English alphabet:

6,15,15,20,2,1,12,12           7,1,20,5


5. Select every fourth letter:

arkceeshotgemogmansivlosititolkrollyuan ribfosleoberm  


6. Decipher:

-•-•/---/•-/-   •-•/•-/-•-•/-•-





Big Ben – is the Clock Tower, built in 1858. The man in charge of the building was Sir Benjamin Hall. The workers and his friends called him Big Ben. That’s why English people call the Clock Tower Big Ben.



Stonehengeis a prehistoric monument, it consists of a ring of standing stones. It is regarded as a British cultural icon. Legends told that these stones have healing power, they appeared on the land due to a wizard Merlin.



The Beatles ˗ were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960. With members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, they became widely regarded as the most influential music band. Songs: Yellow Submarine, Yesterday.



Liverpool F.C. ˗ is a professional football club in Liverpool, England, which competes in the Premier League, the top tier of English football. Famous players: Steven George Gerrard, Robert Bernard Fowler, Andrii Voronin (2007-2010).



St. Patrick ˗ is a patron saint of Northern Ireland. Saint Patrick's Day is observed on 17 March, the supposed date of his death. Legend credits Patrick with teaching the Irish about the doctrine of the Holy Trinity by showing people the shamrock.



Halloween ˗ is a celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. The symbols are: a curved pumpkin, Jack-o’-Lantern, bats.


Loch Ness ˗ is a large, deep, freshwater loch in the Scottish Highlands. It is known as the home of the Loch Ness Monster (also known as "Nessie"), a large unknown animal.



Highlands ˗ are a historic region of Scotland. Two parts of Harry Potter were shot in Highlands. Glenfinnan Viaduct, where the Hogwarts Express ran (Chamber of Secret) and in Lochaber, where Hagrid’s Hut was built (Prisoner of Azkaban).


5/   LA MANCHE  (English Channel)

Francis Drake ˗ an English sea captain, slave trader, and pirate of the Elizabethan era. He captured one of the Spanish Armada ships in the English Channel (La Manche).


5/   LA MANCHE  (English Channel)

Channel Tunnel ˗ is a 50.45-kilometre rail tunnel linking England and France. The tunnel carries high-speed Eurostar passenger trains, the Eurotunnel Shuttle for road vehicles.

6/   WALES

Snowdon ˗ is the highest mountain in Wales and the highest point in the British Isles outside the Scottish Highlands. It is located in Snowdonia National Park in Gwynedd. The Snowdon Massif includes a number of cliffs, an important place of rock climbing in the United Kingdom.


6/   WALES

Catherine Zeta-Jones ˗ is a Welsh actress. Zeta-Jones established herself in Hollywood with roles that highlighted her beauty such as in the action film The Mask of Zorro (1998) and the heist film Entrapment (1999).

  1. Final part of the event


T: Dear, friends, thank you for the game. Each team had a chance to win, but the winner is only one. But I wish you not to be upset. Everyone did his/ her best, you are all clever, creative and friendly. You have shown all your knowledge and skills. And I think you all liked the quest? Didn’t you? (Діти діляться своїми враженнями).

(Усі учні отримують сертифікати за 1ше та 2ге місце)



Answers with decoded stations


  1. Word clouds
  • Canteen
  • Gym


  1. Go for a rainbow (Song: “The rainbow colors song”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRNy2i75tCc)
  • Library

«The Legacy of Chilean and Latin American Poetry» brings together poets and literary scholars from Latin America and the United States to consider the dynamic emergence, development, and diversity of poetic forms throughout the Americas, with an emphasis on Chile.


  • History

This lecture will open with a discussion highlighting several collection items that illustrate the Veterans History Project’s mission to collect, preserve, and make accessible the firsthand accounts of American veterans so that future generations may better understand the realities of war.


  1. Cross-outs
  • Nut tree

  • Fir tree


  1. English alphabet
  • Tennis table     20,5,14,14,9,19         20,1,2,12,5
  • Football gate    6,15,15,20,2,1,12,12           7,1,20,5


  1. Selection
  • Dark room                   codenabirioket runomnoilm
  • Chemistry room     arkceeshotgemogmansivlosititolkrollyuan ribfosleoberm


  1. Decipher
  • Arm-chairs      -/•-•/--/-•-•/••••/•-/••/•-•/•••
  • Coat rack       -•-•/---/•-/-   •-•/•-/-•-•/-•-
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

CERTIFICATE1st place. Awarded to ____________ for the quest-game“Unknown country of Britons, Angles & Saxons”Organizer: O. I. Revenko. Head Principal: ________ Z. M. Saienko. April 13, 2018

Номер слайду 2

CERTIFICATE2nd place. Awarded to ____________ for the quest-game “Unknown country of Britons, Angles & Saxons”Organizer: O. I. Revenko. Head Principal: ________ Z. M. Saienko. April 13, 2018

Номер слайду 3

CERTIFICATEAwarded to ______________ for keeping the map “Unknown country of Britons, Angles & Saxons”Organizer: O. I. Revenko. Head Principal: ________ Z. M. Saienko. April 13, 2018

Номер слайду 4

CERTIFICATEAwarded to ______________ for being sober-minded “Unknown country of Britons, Angles & Saxons”Organizer: O. I. Revenko. Head Principal: ________ Z. M. Saienko. April 13, 2018

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 липня 2018
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