"Що ви знаєте про Францію?" така назва гри-вікторини, що складається із декількох частин та імітує грандіозні шоу як наприклад "Інтуіція" особливо якщо ви ввімкните аудіо із музикою на телефоні що супроводжуватиме презентацію )
Who will start?Say the seventeenth (17th) letter of the English alphabet
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INTUITIONTHE RULESYou need to guess strangers that are hidden behind one or another category;For each right answer you receive 1 000 points;If you miss - your points pass to your competitors;Each team has three advice of Anna Victorivna that you can use while playing.1 - Choose the category2 - in 20 seconds choose the stranger that you think correspond to it3 – Explain your choice
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Our strangers for today are:{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Isabelle Yasmina Adjani Bernard Jean Étienne Arnault. Napoleon Bonaparte Alexandre Dumas. Gad Elmalex. Victor Hugo. Claude MonetÉdith Piaf Eugène Schueller Lambert Wilson
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{21 E4 AEA4-8 DFA-4 A89-87 EB-49 C32662 AFE0}THE Oranges. Points : I game: II game: III game: Total: THE Roses. Points: I game: II game: III game: Total: Categories: Sees the natural beauty despite ugliness France’s national diva The Matrix expert Has the iron nerves Knows how to turn you from an ordinary housemaid into a stunning princess Doesn’t see any limits The funniest person in France Knows how to earn money, but doesn’t know how to spend it The person whose size doesn’t matter Created the motto - “One for all and all for one!”
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The Rules You will have one questionand four answers. Choose the correct one in 20 seconds!For each right answer you receive 1 000 points;If you miss - your points pass to your competitors;Each team has three advice of Anna Victorivna that you can use while playing.
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Mont Blanc
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The Rules. You need to give in 10 seconds the name to proposed picture of famous attractions of France. For each right answer you receive 1 000 points;If you miss - your points pass to your competitors;Each team has three advice of Anna Victorivna that you can use while playing. The team that receives more points wins. THESMARTEST