Граматичні вправи на тему "Вживання займенників who\which\that в підрядних реченнях" з англійської мови для 9 класу тренують здатніть учнів вживати відповідні займенники
Fill in who\that \which\where!
1. This is the girl…. speaks English fluently.
2. The boy………won the contest is my schoolmate. I am proud of him.
3. That is the café ….we met each other.
4. I did the work ….is so important for me.
5. Do you know the guy ….has the newest IPhone?
Картка для індивідуальної роботи 1.
Fill in who\that \which\where!
1. Did you get the message …..I sent you last night?
2. Do you remember Mary….used to be our classmate?
3. I know Bill ….dog is so big!
4. I hardly remember the place…..we met first.
5. He never read commercials ….are sent to his e-mail.
Картка для індивідуальної роботи 2.
1. The present ….he gave me was very expensive.
2. The city…. we visited last weekend has many sights.
3. The lady …..lived next door to me is your new groupmate.
4. The singer…songs you are fond of was born in France.
5. The sweater….you bought a month ago is really cool.