Урок. "Health. Lesson 2 (ЗДОРОВ’Я – НАЙЦІННІШИЙ СКАРБ )"

Про матеріал



- продовжувати активізувати лексику з теми „Здоров'я“ в усному мовленні учнів

- ознайомити учнів з новим граматичним матеріалом(дієслово «should»)

- формування коротких монологічних та діалогічних висловлювань

- удосконалення вмінь аудіювання


- Розширити кругозір учнів інформацією про власне здоров'я, шляхи

його підтримки та збереження

Перегляд файлу

Урок №2

Клас 7

Тема: що означає бути здровим



- продовжувати активізувати лексику з теми „Здоров’я“ в усному мовленні учнів

- ознайомити учнів з новим граматичним матеріалом(дієслово «should»)

- формування коротких монологічних та діалогічних висловлювань

- удосконалення вмінь аудіювання


- Розширити кругозір учнів інформацією про власне здоров’я, шляхи

його підтримки та збереження


- Виховувати культуру спілкування,

- Виховувати в учнів необхідність бережливого ставлення до власного здоров’я та здоров’я оточуючих


- Розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, удосконалювати вміння діалогічного мовлення,вміння аудіювання.

- Розвивати увагу та вміння виділяти головне.


Обладнання уроку: відеозапис пісні, текст «Samantha», презентація «Should/ should not», картки для розіграння діалогів, тест(are you healthy), слова на домашнє опрацювання


Схематичний план уроку



Greeting (2)

Warming up (5)

Song (5)

Homework (5)


Text (homework)(6)

Dialogues (6)


Homework (3)


Hello! How are you?

I’m wonderful/well/ so-so


Warming up

Usually when we respond to “how are you?” we say “thank you (and how are you?)” and the other person responds

If everything is nice

  • I’m glad to hear it/ That’s very well.

If something is not well

  • Why? What is the matter?
  • What has happened?

And what can be wrong with the person

  • he/she can feel not well/  he/she can be ill/ smth can be wrong with the health

Really, health is the most important thing people have, so everyone should take care of his/her health



Now let’s remember and sing the song about how to stay healthy



What else is important to do or not to do to stay healthy?

Pupils produce their sentences

It is important to do morning exercises/ to have clean clothes/ to wash yourself regularly/ to brush teeth twice a day/ to learn what to do in urgent cases etc.



Very nice. Now you will see some pictures, say what the healthy habit are (name the health aspect) and give advice (what we should/ should not do)

Here we will use modal verb SHOULD to advise people to do or not to do smth

You should brush your teeth

You should not smoke


Text (homework)

Now let’s look at Samantha and her usual days.

What healthy and unhealthy habits does she have?

Good health habits

Bad health habits

she gets up at 7 o’clock

doesn’t eat much for breakfast

cares for the little brother

argues with her mother(family and friends)

eats plenty of fruits and vegetables each day

drinks cola

follows the safety rules

stays up too late

has some meal at the canteen

is nervous

runs two miles after school

is tired and lazy


Is Samantha a healthy person? Why? Why not? (Tell about every aspect or her health)



Now let’s give Samantha some advice how to stay healthy, and what she should change.

Speak with Samantha, ask her for more detail, and give her some advice.

Take the situation for yourself and your partner

1. Samantha argues with her mother in the morning

2. Samantha argue with her friend after sleepless night

3. Samantha argues with a teacher because she has not done her homework.

4. Samantha argues with her parents about the housework.

5. Samantha takes her brother from school asks him about his day and tell him how he should behave


Test “are you healthy?

And now let’s see how healthy you are

To do it we will do the test


Homework (3)

Now you know your results and results of your classmates, so at home write down ten pieces of advice concerning every aspect of health (what would you advise to your partner and yourself to stay healthy).

And then we will speak more about our physical health, especially health problems, so the task is to translate the given words/word combinations and match them with the pictures (note: there can be more than one word/word-combination to one picture)


Headache (to have terrible headache), stomachache, toothache, backache, a cold(to catch a cold), fever, temperature (to have a high temperature), a sore throat, cough(to cough), a running nose, flu, cramp, to sneeze, to have a running nose, to have a blocked nose













  1. Samantha argues with her mother in the morning.

Samantha doesn’t want to eat anything, she is in hurry because she got up too late, she can not find her mittens, she still has to do a test in math her teacher asked her, but she can not find where she left it.

Samantha’s mother tells her daughter how important it is to eat in the morning, to have good time management, to put everything in its place and keep the promise


2. Samantha argue with her friend after sleepless night

Samantha played computer games the whole night, now she is very tired and wants to sleep, she forgets about the meeting with a friend.

The friend waits for Samantha, tells her that it is not good to play computer games, that she should sleep enough, how it is important to keep the promise and not argue with friends and family


3. Samantha argues with a teacher because she has not done her homework

Samantha was speaking over the phone all night, she is sleepy now, she is not ready with the homework, she is not attentive at the lesson.

The teacher tells her how it is important to sleep well, to study, to fulfill the responsibilities, to be polite to people


4. Samantha argues with her parents about the housework

Samantha doesn’t want to help about the house, to visit the granny; she wants to go out with her friends.

The parents ask her to help an visit the granny together they tell how it is important to stay together and help each other, to care about other people and have right priorities in life(first work then play)


5. Samantha takes her brother from school and tells him how to behave

Samantha asks her brother about his school day, tells how important it is to study and behave oneself especially at school, she tells him about safety rules on the road, asks about his meals, and tells what to eat to stay healthy

The brother tells about his school day(he had 2 lessons of PT- his favourite, but he doesn’t like Maths and misbehaved himself at that lesson, at the breaks he run along the corridors, for lunch he bought a hot dog and Pepsi )





1. How often do you do exercise?

a) Less than an hour a day.

b) Five hours a week.

c) More than five hours a week

6. How often do you clean your teeth?

a) Never.

b) Three times a week.

c) Twice a day.


2. How often do you help your parents?

a) once a week

b) only when they ask

c) always (every day)

7. How much time do you spend in front of the computer?

a) more then 5 hours a day

b) more than 2 hours a day

c) less than 5 hours a week


3. How often do you eat cakes, biscuits and sweets?

a) Six times a day.

b) Three times a day.

c) Less than once a day.


8. How much do you sleep?

a) Less than five hours a night.

b) Seven hours a night.

c) Ten hours a night.


4. How often do you argue with your relatives and friends?

a) few times a day

b) every day/ every two days

c) very rarely

9. How often you tell a secret you are supposed not to tell?

a) often

b) sometimes but only to the closest friends

c) never

5. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?

a) Never.

b) Once a week.

c) Every day.


10. How much do you watch TV?

a) More than four hours a day.

b) Two hours a day.

c) An hour a day.



Score. Count how many As, Bs, Cs you have.

Mostly As — You are not very healthy at all. You need to do more exercise, watch less TV, and eat better food. Think about it.

Mostly Bs — Not bad, but you can do a lot better to improve your health. Think about what you eat and the exercise you do and try to improve.

Mostly Cs — You are very, very healthy person. Good for you



Translate the given words/word combinations and match them with the pictures (note: there can be more than one word/word-combination to one picture)


Headache (to have terrible headache), stomachache, toothache, backache, a cold(to catch a cold), fever, temperature (to have a high temperature), a sore throat, cough(to cough), a running nose, flu, cramp, to sneeze, to have a running nose, to have a blocked nose





















Headache/ To have a terrible headache

Fever/ flu


a sore throat


a running nose/to have a running nose

Temperature / to have a high temperature

a cold/ to catch a cold/

to have a blocked nose



To cough

To sneeze









27 вересня 2021
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