Heart Failure, Heart seizure

Про матеріал
Методична розробка на тему: "Heart Failure", " Heart seizure".містить лексичний матеріал з даної теми, ідіоматичні фрази на дану тему, які використовуються не лише в медичній термінології , а й у повсякденному вжитку..Лексика та завдання спрямовані на розвиток мовної кмпетентності студентів та спонукають їх до вираження думок та усних висловлювань АМ, стимулюють творчий потенціал , розвивають критичне мислення.
Перегляд файлу

Навчально – методична карта заняття


Для студентів відділення «Лікувальна справа» .

Дисципліна:  іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням)


Тема заняття: Heart Failure. Heart seizure.


Мета занятття : вивчити лексику серце, серцеві судини, пульс,навчитися використовувати її в монологічному та діалогчному мовленні, вміти пркладати текст з медичною термінологією, складати до нього план, ровивати навички усного професійного мовлення  в наданні рекомендації майбутнім пацієнтам, виховувати професійні якості студентів.


 Тип  заняття: вивчення нового матеріалу.


 Міжпредметні звязки: анатомія, латинь, українська мова


Попередня підготвка заняття:

Організація заняття, перевірка присутніх по журналу,зясування труднощів, що виникли під час виконання домашнього завдання.


Методи контролю знань

 Індивідуальна перевірка знань, репродуктивна бесіда, розповідь, демонстрація наочних засобів навчання, створення проблемних ситуацій, метод прав.


Вивчення та закріплення нового матеріалу.

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовленння.




Good morning dear students. I am glad to see you  here today. If you are ready, you may sit. How are you? Fine?


The topic of our today’s lesson is  a Heart Failure/Heart seizure.

Warming up

Read and translate the proverbs.

A heart in love with beauty never grows old.

  The heart that truly loves never forgets.

As you understand we are going to speak about Heart.

  II. Основна частина заняття

1)Presenting of the vocabulary. Pre - reading activity.

Exercise 1. Learn the words, pay attention to  pronunciation.

the pericardium  - перикард

the myocardium - міокард

chamber  - камера

atrium  - артеріальний

ventricle  - венозний

valve  - клапан

blood vessels -   кровяносні судини

 artery / arteries -  артерія, ії

veins - вени

capillaries - капіляри

arterioles  - артеріоли

venules – венули

soul – E.g. SOS means “save our souls”

heart -  e.g  You took my heart and soul.

Hollow – e.g – The heart is a hollow and muscular organ.

Beat – e.g – You made some beats in the game.

Heartbeat – серцебиття

Disease – e.g – Heart diseases are dangerous.

Contraction – e.g – Heart contractions are frequent.

Regimen – e.g – You must keep your regimen.

Blood  - e.g The blood flows through the  whole body.

Vessel – e.g Blood vessels are veins, arteries and cappilaries.

Septum – переородка

Mitral – мітральний

Tricuspid – тристулковий

Circulation – e.g. There are two blood circulations – greater and lesser.

Seizure –

Failure –

Heart attack -

2) Reading of the text Circulation

  1. Translating of the text
  2. Making a plan to the text

                                       Heart Parts

The heart is made up of four different blood-filled areas, and each of these areas is called a chamber. There are two chambers on each side of the heart. One chamber is on the top and one chamber is on the bottom. The two chambers on top are called the atria. If you're talking only about one, call it an atrium. The atria are the chambers that fill with the blood returning to the heart from the body and lungs. The heart has a left atrium and a right atrium. The two chambers on the bottom are called the ventricles . The heart has a left ventricle and a right ventricle. Their job is to squirt out the blood to the body and lungs/Running down the middle of the heart is a thick wall of muscle called the septum. The septum's job is to separate the left side and the right side of the heart. The atria and ventricles work as a team - the atria fill with blood, then dump it into the ventricles. The ventricles then squeeze, pumping blood out of the heart. While the ventricles are squeezing, the atria refill and get ready for the next contraction. So when the blood gets pumped, how does it know which way to go? Well, your blood relies on four special valves inside the heart., A valve lets something in and keeps it there by closing - think of walking through a door. The door shuts behind you and keeps you from going backward.

The blood vessels are part of the cardiovascular system and function to transport blood throughout the body. The most important vessels in the system are the capillaries, the microscopic vessels which enable the actual exchange of water and chemicals between the blood and the tissues, while the conduit vessels, arteries and veins, carry blood away from the heart and through the capillaries or back towards the heart, respectively.

                          Keep Your Heart Happy

Most kids are born with a healthy heart and it's important to keep yours in good shape. Here are some things that you can do to help keep your heart happy: Remember that your heart is a muscle. If you want it to be strong, you need to exercise it. How do you do it? By being active in a way that gets you huffing and puffing, like jumping rope, dancing, or playing basketball. Try to be active every day! Eat a variety of healthy foods and avoid foods high in unhealthy fats, such as saturated fats and trans fats. Don't smoke. It can damage the heart and blood vessels. So now you know that your heart doesn't look like a valentine, but it sure deserves to be loved for all the work it does. It started pumping blood before you were born and will continue pumping throughout your whole life.


Answer the questions.

  1. What kind of organ is the heart?
  2. What is the main function of the heart?
  3. How many ventricles are there in the heart?
  4. What is the septum?
  5. How many valves are in the heart? Name them please.
  6. What are the main ways or things  can do our heart  happy and healthy?
  7. What can you say about the blood vessels? What are their the main functions?

Some unknown and interesting facts about heart.

  • The heart beats about 100,000 times a day, more than 30 million times per year, and about 2.5 billion times in a 70-year lifetime.The heart usually beats from 60 to 100 times per minute, but can go much faster when necessary.Did you know that the heart in one lifetime will pump approximately 1 mil­lion barrels (200,000,000 liters) of blood?

Watch the video about the Heart attack . You have the text before your eyes/Look through it very attentively and fill in the missed words.


  • Heart attacks kill _______________________ each year. I think it’s one of the world’s biggest killers. A lot of people have a heart attack _______________________ lifestyle. I’m sure if people ate healthy food and exercised, _______________________ heart attacks would drop. The thing I worry _______________________ . For me, it’s _______________________ . Research shows that stress is one of the _______________________ of heart attacks. The problem with this is that you get stressed, and then you worry about your heart, which _______________________ faster and gives you more stress, which then makes your heart beat _______________________ . Best not to get stressed. There are so many things you can _______________________ to reduce your chances of a heart attack. I think _______________________ information.


The right answers.

  • Heart attacks kill ____mllions of people___________________ each year. I think it’s one of the world’s biggest killers. A lot of people have a heart attack _________because of their___________ lifestyle. I’m sure if people ate healthy food and exercised, ___the number of____________________ heart attacks would drop. The thing I worry about is stress.______________________ . For me, it’s difficult to avoid_______________________ . Research shows that stress is one of the biggest causes _______________________ of heart attacks. The problem with this is that you get stressed, and then you worry about your heart, which _makes it beat______________________ faster and gives you more stress, which then makes your heart beat ____even faster___________________ . Best not to get stressed. There are so many things you can ___do in life____________________ to reduce your chances of a heart attack. I think _we need more______________________ information.

Checking up the right answers.

Translate the following sentences into English:

  • Багато людей помирає від серцевого нападу, тому що вони не отримують допомогу негайно.
  • Більшість серцевих нападів трапляється, коли тромб у коронарній артерії блокує постачання крові й кисню до серця.
  • Якщо у вас з’явилися симптоми серцевого нападу, негайно викликайте швидку допомогу.
  • Здоровий спосіб життя — це найкращий захист від серцевого нападу.


Symptoms of a heart attack.

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Chest discomfort — pressure, squeezing, or pain.
  • Discomfort in the upper bo­dy — arms, shoulder, neck, back.
  • « Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, lightheadedness, sweating.

After – reading activity.

There are not only professional terminology  of the Heart topic. Also we have  many ineresting word – cmbinationd and heart idiomd are referring the Heart.

  • To learn by heart many poems is useful for your mind and it trains your memory.
  • Not to lose your mind you should not take all words to heart.
  • In any (unexpected) case or situation you must take heart.
  • My dear heart you are so pretty, sweet and smart.
  • He worn his heart on his sleeve in his fifty.

Read the expressions and make up the sentences with them.

  • dear heart - любий, милий, душа моя (у звертанні);
  • to learn by heart - вчити напам’ять;
  • to take heart - набиратися духу; триматися мужньо;
  • to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve - не відзначатися стриманістю;
  • to have one’s heart in one’s bootsзлякатися;
  • to take words to heart - брати слова близько до серця;

Checking the sentences of students.

 - What  a new information you have hear from todays lesson?

- Did you like today’s lesson or not?

 - Was it useful or useless to you an information of a lesson?

Home assignment.

  • Make a poster about heart attacks. Show it to your classmates in the next lesson. Give each other feedback on your posters.













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