Дата: 30.01.2019
План-конспект уроку № 74
Клас: 5-Б
Тема: Home reading “The sleeping beauty”
Практична: повторити і закріпити лексику вивчену на попередніх уроках, увести нові ЛО, тренувати учнів у їх вживанні, продовжувати формувати навички усного мовлення за допомогою запитань до вивченого тексту, вдосконалення умінь читання і перекладу.
Освітня: ознайомити дітей з казкою «Спляча красуня» англійською мовою.
Розвивальна: розвивати фонематичний слух, увагу, пам'ять, творчі здібності, розвивати навички аудіювання.
Виховна: виховувати культуру спілкування, любов та повагу до батьків, інтерес до казок, виховувати культуру читання.
Обладнання: підручник «English 5» О.Карп’юк, роздатковий матеріал, мультимедійна презентація.
План уроку
3.1 Підсумки уроку – 2 хв.
3.2 Повідомлення домашнього завдання – 2 хв.
3.3 Виставлення оцінок, мотивація роботи – 3 хв.
Хід уроку
Т: Good morning, pupils. I’m very glad to see you. How are you?
P: Good morning, teacher!
T: Sit down, please!
Today we are going to read the story “The Sleeping Beauty” part 1 and to prepare for retelling it. Also you will do many exercises, practice your grammar, writing, speaking, and mostly reading skills. Let’s start our lesson.
-This is the sound [æ]. Repeat all together.
Repeat after me:
A black cat [e blæk kæt]
sat on a mat [sæt ɒn e mæt]
and ate a fat rat. [ ænd et e fæt ræt ]
And one time the whole rhyme…
-Who can translate?
(Чорний кіт сидів на килимі і з’їв великого пацюка)
Good job!
And now - answer my questions:
Well done!
2.1 Перевірка домашнього завдання
So, children, let’s check your home-work. At home you learnt irregular verbs. I will say the verb in Ukrainian; you should translate it and say the second form:
Бути, приходити, робити, мати, знайти, забути, їсти, зробити,прочитати,писати, взяти, заспівати, збудувати, купити, піти,почути, зустріти, сісти, заснути.
2.2 Тренування у вживанні вивченого матеріалу.
2.2.1. Вдосконалення граматичної навички.
Now, I will give you cards with the text. You must rewrite text in Past Simple.
On Monday we have 5 lessons. The first lesson is Ukrainian. At this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard. He answers well and gets a “five”. After the second lesson I go to the canteen.
Ok, very well. Now, please, one by one read the sentences!
T: Now, please say all the irregular verbs you met.
P: Had, was, wrote, did, went, got.
Well done!
2.3 Практика в мовленнєвій діяльності.
2.3.1 Робота з текстом
Now, children, we will read and translate the text. Please, open your books at page 134-135. But before, let’s get acquainted with the unknown words which you will meet in this text (слайд 2):
Please copy them into your copybooks.
And now, please read the text one by one. Read only two sentences.
Time: Long ago
Place: The palace of the King and Queen
NARRATOR: Long ago, in a land far away, there lived a King and Queen. They were very happy. They had a new baby. Princess Rosamond. They invited many people to the palace for a party.
KING: My good friends, we are very happy. We invited twelve wise women. We have twelve chairs for these women to sit in.
QUEEN: Yes, my friends, we are glad to see you. You are going to see the princess.
NARRATOR: Each of the twelve wise women had a gift for the princess. The 12th wise woman was giving the princess the gift of beauty. Suddenly the 13th wise woman came into the room. The King forgot to invite her. KING: Oh, dear! We are glad to see you. We'll find a chair for you
13th WISE WOMAN: I am very angry. And I've got a special gift for the princess. At the age of sixteen the princess will 1 prick her finger on a spindle . She will fall asleep for 100 years. (She laughs and leaves.) NARRATOR: The years went by. One day, Princess Rosamond was walking about the palace. She came to a house and found a small room at the top of it. Inside the room, an old woman was sitting.
ROSAMOND: What are you doing?
13th WISE WOMAN: I am making cloth. Would you like to learn how to spin ?
ROSAMOND: Yes, I would.
13th WISE WOMAN: Good! I will show you how. Put one finger here. ROSAMOND: Like this? Ouch! My finger! I feel so tired and sleepy! 13th WISE WOMAN: Yes, my beauty. It is the time to sleep. (She laughs and leaves.)
NARRATOR: So, Princess Rosamond fell asleep. The King and Queen and every person in the palace fell into a deep sleep, too. And for 100 years every person in the palace slept.
Післятекстова робота:
And now, I will read you the sentences, and you must say true or false.
Very well! And now answer my questions, please. ( слайд 3)
Please, find 10 irregular verbs in the text. Please, copy them in your copy-books.
(Lived, were, had, invited, came, forgot, went, fell asleep, slept, was.)
Great gob!
3.1.Підсумки уроку
T: Today we have done a great job. You were very active today.
3.2. Повідомлення домашнього завдання
You must read the second part of the fairy-tale “The Sleeping Beauty” at page 136-137
3.3 Виставлення оцінок, мотивація роботи.
And now I will give your marks for your work. So, your marks are…
Thank you for lesson! You may be free.