Ігри на уроках англійської мови "Grammar and Vocabulary Games"

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                            Grammar and Vocabulary Games

 Давиденко Інна Петрівна , вчитель англійської мови, Троїцький ліцей Троїцької селищної ради, Луганської області.

Опис завданя: 1. Picture dictation .  Мальований диктант.

Мета завдання: Активізувати лексичний матеріал, ( кольори, назви дерев, квітів), граматичний матеріал ( прийменники), розвивати слухову пам'ять, навички аудіювання ,  креативно провести завдання з аудіювання, розвивати творчу уяву, виховувати інтерес до вивчення української культури. 

В завданні використана лексика з тем «Світ навколо мене»,  «Кольори», граматичні теми «Прийменники», вживання структур «There is| are». Завдання для дітей  початківців у вивченні мови А1.

Схема проведення наведена у завданні.

                                             Picture dictation

                                          Let’s Draw Ukraine

This is a low preparation fun activity that works well with large classes, especially with young learners and teens. All your students need is a blank piece of paper and all the teacher needs is a little bit of imagination.


First of all explain to the students that they are going to do a picture dictation, that you are going to describe a picture to them and that all they have to do is simply listen and draw what they hear you describe.

You then describe a simple and easy-to-draw picture to them and they draw it. To help you with your first picture dictation you can use the picture on the accompanying worksheet and the description beneath it as a guide. It is a very simple picture for a low-level beginner's class but this kind of activity can be adapted to any level of student. Simply change the content of the picture accordingly.

When you are describing the picture it is best to describe one object at a time slowly and to repeat each description two or three times.

Make sure you give students enough time to finish drawing one object before you move onto the next object and it is a good idea to walk around and look at the students' drawings as they are drawing them so that you can see how well they are understanding your descriptions and then you can adjust them accordingly and give them any support they need.

Get students to colour the pictures in afterwards like a colour dictation, for example, colour the roof of the house green, colour the door of the house red, or get students to label different objects by writing the name of the object underneath it, such as house, bird etc.

Example: There is a small house in the yard. It has two windows and one door. The roof of the house is green, the house is yellow. There are three trees next to the house. One is an apple tree, the second is a plum tree, the third is a cherry tree. You can see five red  roses in front of the house. The cat is under the apple tree, the dog is under the plum tree. The weather is fine, the sun is shining.  

You can also get students to write a description of the picture afterwards. So you may draw a nice postcard , write congratulations and present to somebody.

Another good variation is to give students a list of objects and get them to draw their own pictures with all those objects in them.

The students then work in pairs. One student describes their picture to their partner and their partner draws what they hear.

They then swap roles and afterwards they compare the pictures they drew with their original drawings pointing out the differences and usually having a giggle. It’s interesting and memorable activity.











Опис завданя: 2. Grammar Game “ Find Someone Who…” Знайди того, хто…

Мета завдання: Активізувати граматичний матеріал, (часові форми дієслова, різні типи речень), розвивати навички усного мовлення,  вміння працювати в парі, в групі, виховувати інтерес до вивчення українського спорту та культуру спілкування. 

В завданні використана лексика з теми «Спорт»,  граматичні теми «Часові форми дієслова», «Типи речень». При складанні речень можна використовувати «Cambridge Grammar Weel», або» Cambridge Irregular Verbs Poster».

  Завдання для дітей з різним  рівнем підготовки залежно від складності лексики та граматики.

Схема проведення наведена у завданні.


                      Grammar Game “ Find Someone Who…”

                                         Sport in Ukraine

The task is to find someone who has done any suggested activities given in the squares. To do this task students have to ask questions to each other and get the information . We may use different tenses, different types of questions and different types of sentences (affirmative, negative, interrogative).

Play football

Know Ukrainian boxers

Work as a trainer

Take part in sports competition

Go in for gymnastics

Watch the Olympics

Drive a bike

Swim with dolphins

Play chess

Play volleyball

Win a medal

Speak with a champion

Example :

 - Have you ever played football?         

      -Yes, I have.

     -Where did you play?

       -At our school stadium.

(Max played football at our school stadium.)

-Do you know Ukrainian boxers?

-Yes, I do.

(Ann knows Ukrainian boxers.)

-Did you swim with dolphins?

-Yes, I did.

(Alina swam with dolphins.)

-You played chess, didn’t you?

-Yes, I did.

(Dan played chess.



Опис завданя: 3. Doll Theatre for Kids . Ляльковий театр для дітей.

Мета завдання: Активізувати лексичний матеріал, ( кольори, назви предметів одягу), розвивати навички усного мовлення,  розвивати творчу уяву, виховувати інтерес до вивчення української культури, українського національного костюму. 

В завданні використана лексика з тем «Одяг»,  «Кольори».

 Завдання для дітей  початківців у вивченні мови.

Схема проведення наведена у завданні.


                                 Doll Theatre for Kids

                        Ukrainian National Costume

All children like to play with toys and dolls. Let’s play and learn English!

You may propose an interesting activity for kids.

Teacher: - Dress your doll and comment.

Pupil: (Dresses her toy):

- I like my blouse. I like my white embroidered  blouse.

- I like my skirt . I like my red, red skirt.

- I like my socks. I like my white, white socks.

- I like my shoes. I like my black, black shoes.

- I like my ribbon. I like my yellow and blue ribbon.


The children revise colours, items of clothes, they play , enjoy and learn English.









20 січня 2021
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