Інструктивна картка ": Шкільне життя"

Про матеріал
Матеріали інструкитвної картки містять підбірку завдань для учнів 7 класу з англійської мови на тему " Шкільне життя", які вдало використовувати під час дистанційного навчання.
Перегляд файлу

Інструктивна картка № 1  до уроку англійської мови

7 клас

( Lessons 90-94 )

Тема. Шкільне життя.

Завдання для учня:

-         вивчи лексичний матеріал з теми, вмій застосовувати його в говорінні та на письмі;

-         вивчи інформацію про позашкільну діяльність;

-         удосконалюй навички сприйняття на слух англомовного тексту з повним розумінням його змісту;

-         тренуйся будувати речення, вживаючи різночасові форми дієслова;

-         розвивай навички говоріння, аудіювання та письма.


  1. How are you? Choose the smile and draw your mood at this moment.


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Look at the word school and say what emotions, feelings, wishes do you associate with it.



                          Our motto of the lesson:

The more we read

    The more you know

    The more you know

       The smarter you grow

      The smarter you grow

      The stronger you voice

            When speaking your mind

        Or making your choice.



Look at the picture and say where do you usually study after school. Write down the names of clubs into the vocabularies








           Have a look at the card and say what club is it?

1.________________    2.______________      3. ______________


  4.______________        5._____________      6. ______________


  7.______________        8._____________       9.______________






  1.     Pre-Reading Activity.


Look at the advertisements in exercise 3 on pages 163-164. Say which of the clubs you would like to sign up for.


       2)  Reading.

         Read the advertisements (Ex.3 on p.163-164)





          3)Post-Reading Activity.

            Ex.4 on p.164- answer the questions




Read the dialogue and make up your own dialogue, using the example of (Ex.6 on p.165)

    6. Listening

Listen to the text and say what clubs have the children joined?



7. Do the test

Test on UNIT School Life



1.Fill in the gaps with must /have to (Do…have to?):

1. New drivers …………..….take a test in order to get a driver’s license. They have no choice.

2. A:………………………………..….go to work today? B: No, I don’t because it’s Sunday.

3. John ………………….. finish the report  quickly because the deadline is today at 4 p.m.

4. A: Jeniffer lost her passport.  …………………….………… get a new one? B: No, she ………………… She found it in her purse. 

5. I’m sorry,Mom. I …………..…….call you back later. My mobile phone battery is dying.

6. We ………..………come to school in time . It’s the rule.

7. Sasha ……………….…..email her homework to her teacher because she forgot to take it to class yesterday.

8. A: Does Joseph …………….…….study very much tonight?

     B: No, he doesn’t. He reviewed a lot last night and he understood everything well.

9. Barbara ……………….………go to the supermarket because she doesn’t have enough food for dinner.

10. It’s too late. You ………………………return home alone.


2.Write these sentences correctly:

1. play games/ can/ Pupils/ playground/ the/on.

2. have/usually/ concerts/We/ assembly hall/ the / in.

3. lunch/ usually/ do/ have/ you/ Where/?

4. pupils/ in/an after-school/ Some/ activities/ take part/of/ form/ our/.

5. no/ swimming-pool/ in/ school/ There is/our/.

6.you/ a uniform/ to wear/ your/ to/ school/ have /Do/?


3.Answer the questions:

          Example: 1. What are you? – I am a pupil. 2. What form are you in? – I am in the seventh form.

1.What are you?

2. What school do you study at? 

3. What form are you in?

4. What is your classroom?

5.What are there in your classroom?

6.What is your favourite subject?

 7. What subjects are you good at?

8.What subjects are you poor at?

9.What do you do after school?

10. What do you use your computer for?




 8. Home task

-Ex. 7, page 165 – write an e-mail


Do these tasks and send the screenshot .  




9. How are you now? Choose the smile about your mood at this moment.






pngegg (2)               pngegg (1)                pngegg


















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