Інструктивна картка « Шкільне життя. Важливість вивчення англійської мови»

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Матеріали інструктивної картки мають різнорівневі завдання для учнів 7 класу з англійської мови.
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Інструктивна картка № 2  до уроку англійської мови

7 клас

( Lessons 95-98 )

Тема « Шкільне життя. Важливість вивчення англійської мови»

Завдання для учня:

-         вивчи лексичний матеріал з теми, вмій застосовувати його в говорінні та на письмі;

-         вивчи інформацію про важливість та необхідність вивчення англійської мови;

-         удосконалюй навички сприйняття на слух англомовного тексту з повним розумінням його змісту;

-         тренуйся будувати речення, вживаючи різночасові форми дієслова;

-         розвивай навички говоріння, аудіювання та письма.


  1. How are you? Choose the smile and draw your mood at this moment.


pngegg (2)               pngegg (1)                pngegg



 2. Warming up


Listen to the Rap Chant. Then read all together.

You see there are different problems people have in communication. Some have much to say but do not know English. Others know English very well but have nothing to say.


  1. Speaking


What adjectives can go together with the word “language”?

Remember and explain these words.

  first       native

  foreign      second

  original      dead

  official      formal

  modern  Language  international

  local       ancient

  informal      literary

  colloquial      poetic

  spoken      written



As you know English is one of the richest languages in the world. Nowadays English has taken the position of the world language. Prove this fact, please.

Possible answers:

  • 750 million people all over the world use it.
  • It’s the main language of business, sport and science.
  • Three quarters of the world’s mail are in English.
  • English is the world’s computer language.

Why is it important to know English well?

Possible answers:

  • I like reading and speaking in English.
  • I want to use English in my future job.
  • I want to use computer games in English.
  • I like English songs.
  • I’m eager to go to Great Britain or the USA one day.
  • I like to communicate in English and have a lot of friends.
  • I would like to read English books in the original.



Now, I would like you to report about your experiences of learning foreign language so we could know your strengths and weaknesses, your successes and failures, your attitudes and feelings towards foreign languages – it means your experience.


  1. How long have you been studying English?
  2. Do you find it difficult to learn it?
  3. What class activities do you like best?
  4. Have you ever talked to a native speaker?
  5. Was the experience successful?
  6. Will you continue learning English after school?


(Read the questions and report their ideas.)




  1. Reading





    Read the tale and do the tasks

     Choose the correct sentence.

1. a) The mother-cat is funny.

    b) The mother-cat is wise.

2. a) The mother-cat and her kittens live downstairs.

    b) All the cats live upstairs.

3. a) Every morning the cat goes to the primary school.

    b) Every morning the kittens go to the primary school.

4. a) The kittens are fond of foreign languages.

    b) The kittens don’t like to go to school.

5. a) Cats and dogs speak the same language.

    b) Cats and dogs speak different languages.


     The parts of the story are scrambled. Rearrange them in the correct order.

       One day the kittens were scared when the big dog looked at them and said: “Grrrr!”

       The mother-cat showed her kittens how important it was to know a foreign language.

       Every day the kittens have breakfast and go to school.

       The mother-cat and her two kittens live upstairs in a small bedroom.

       They are a bit lazy and don’t want to study foreign languages.

       Then the mother-cat said: “Grrrr” too and the dog ran away.



-   Were kittens good pupils at school?

-    Do they need studying a foreign language?

-    What language is there according to the text?

-    What can you recommend them?




Now when you know enough about your experience in learning English I can suggest you discuss the necessity and the importance of learning English in your future life and your career. I offer to choose the position which best of all refers to you.


  1. My future profession will be closely connected with English.
  2. I don’t necessarily need English, but this will help.
  3. I don’t think, I will ever need it.


Explain the main idea of the quotations, using the active vocabulary.

  1. It is not often that we use language correctly, usually we use it incorrectly, though we understand each other’s meaning.

(St Augustine)

  1. Men of few words are the best men. (W. Shakespeare)
  2. Language is the dress of thought. (Samuel Johnson)



Watch the video and speak about the importance of learning English


  1. Home task


(Ex. 8, page 175 – write a story about the importance of studying English)


Do these tasks and send the screenshot .  




  1. How are you now? Choose the smile about your mood at this moment.






pngegg (2)               pngegg (1)                pngegg




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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
2 лютого 2024
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