Інтегрований навчальний комплекс з англійської мови з теми “Технології. Винаходи”

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Інтегрований навчальний комплекс може бути використаний як наочність для уроків англійської мови з теми " Технології. Винаходи."
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Інтегрований навчальний комплекс з англійської мови з теми“Технології. Винаходи” Учитель англійської мови Уманського ліцею №3 Кравченко І. В.

Номер слайду 2


Номер слайду 3

The science survey1) Do you enjoy your science lessons? a) usually b) sometimes c) rarely2) Which is your favourite science subject? a) Physics b) Chemistry c) Biology 3) Are you good at Math? a) Yes b) Average c) No4) Would you like to do more science experiments in school? a) yes b) no5) Do you use a computer? a) A lot b) sometimes c) rarely6) What do you use your computer for? a) to do homework b) to play

Номер слайду 4

Look for the hidden words in each group of letters1) A F K C O M P U T E R2) T E R R A D I O K S Y3) A D K T L A M P I U Y4) T R P R O C K E T Z M5) V E S S L O U G V N6) F E S T E L E V I S I O N

Номер слайду 5

Match the inventions with the years when they took place1) telephone2) CD3) writing for the blind4) computer mouse5) airship. A) 1824 B) 1852 C) 1876 D) 1963 E) 1985

Номер слайду 6

Match the words with the inventors1) “ You can have any colour you want as long as it is black.”2) “Watson, come here. I want you”.3) “Eureka! I have found it!”.4) “ But it does move!”.5) “ You press the button, we do rest”. A) Alexander Graham Bell. B) Archimedes. C) George Eastman. D) Henry Ford. E) Galileo Galilei

Номер слайду 7

Find twelve kinds of machinesrretupmocbauvsnoqpodtfridgebicycleaiioclajmgwsdlorfnhaenohpelettscannercvukoedivh

Номер слайду 8

Who invented these things? Match the inventions with the names2) the record player3) the lift1) the telephone4) radio5) colour photography6) electric light7) the computer disk8) television9) the aeroplane10) film John Logie Baird the Lumiere brothers Elisha Otis Eadweard Muybridge The Wright brothers. Alexander Graham Bell. Alexander Popov. Thomas Edison. Yoshiro Nakamata

Номер слайду 9

Match the pictures with the people and dates. Hero of Alexandria in AD 100 Thomas Edison in 1879 Karl Benz in 1885 Marie Curie in 1911 Lise Meitner in 1939 Texas Instruments in 1958

Номер слайду 10

Match the pictures with the people and dates. Hero of Alexandria in AD 100 Thomas Edison in 1879 Karl Benz in 1885 Marie Curie in 1911 Lise Meitner in 1939 Texas Instruments in 1958

Номер слайду 11

Match the pictures with the people and dates. Hero of Alexandria in AD 100 Thomas Edison in 1879 Karl Benz in 1885 Marie Curie in 1911 Lise Meitner in 1939 Texas Instruments in 1958

Номер слайду 12

Complete the sentences1. This instrument …be considered the most important in the history of communication.2. New technology …developed.3. Before satellites existed, connections …made by cables.4. This instrument … thought by Alexander Bell.5. They …used in private homes and public places.6. The first long-distance …set up in 1884.is/are donewas/were donehave/has donecan/could/might/must be done

Номер слайду 13

Complete the text, using the past tense forms of the verbs. Use negatives too. When Joseph Merlin…..roller skates in 1760, he decided to demonstrate them at a large party. Half way through the party, he appeared in the ballroom wearing his skates and playing a violin. Unfortunately he..…how to turn or stop, and ..…into a large mirror at the end of the room. He ..… the mirror and his violin, and ended up in hospital.invented/was inventedknew/did not knowcrashed/was crashedbreak/broke

Номер слайду 14

Complete the text, using the past tense forms of the verbs. Use negatives too. A customer in an expensive New York restaurant complained to head waiter that he …. His chips because they were too thick. Grum… annoyed. He … into the kitchen, … a potato into very thin slices, and …the slices into a par of hot oil. Then he … them back to the customer, who … that they tasted delicious. They .. the worlds first potato crisps. be(3)/was/werecame/was comecut/cuttedthrew/throwntake/took

Номер слайду 15

Ukrainian inventors and scientists. Text1. Read the text. Many Ukrainian inventors and scientists have made a great contribution to the world science. Mykola Kybalchych(1853-1881) was born in the Chernihiv Region. He died at the age of 28, but he managed to create a great deal. While waiting for capital punishment after the attempt upon Alexander II life he prepared in a prison cell an original design of an aircraft with rocket engine.

Номер слайду 16

1.true/false (V-true), (X-false)2.make the words from the letters1. Mykola Kybalchych was born in 1853.(T/F)He died at the age of 38.(T/F)He tried to kill Alexander II.(T/F)He was waiting for one year punishment. (T/F)He designed an aircraft with rocket engine.( T/F)2. etroc deralexabucontirtionmentupnishripsoncafiarritaedlinevortsn

Номер слайду 17

Ukrainian inventors and scientists. Read Text 2 Petro Capitsa(1894-1984) was a noted scientist in the field of nuclear physics and technologies of field of super powerful magnetic fields. Petro Capitsa was awarded with the Noble Prize for his works. He was Ukrainian who made a great contribution into development of physics working in England and Russia.

Номер слайду 18

Match the words to make word combinationsnotedmagneticnoblefield ofgreatdevelopment ofphysicsprizefieldscontributionscientisttechnologies

Номер слайду 19

Fill in the correct form of the verbs. (Active/Passive) During the Napoleonic wars, the French (was needed/needed) to feed their army. Napoleon offered a prize of 12,000 francs for a solution. That is when the tin can (was invented/ invented). Tin cans (were sent/sent) to the battlefield. But the problem was how to open them. This was very difficult. Many soldiers (were gone/went) into battle with only nine fingers! This went on for some time until finally the tin opener (was invented/invented).

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