Методична розробка, тема "Життя у місті"

Про матеріал
8 клас Матеріал до уроку Життя у місті згідно автентичного навчального курсу з англійської мови для учнів середньої школи від Cambridge University Press & Assessment та видавництва Лінгвіст. Методична розробка спрямована на розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення шляхом переказу історії з власного досвіду.
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8 клас Матеріал до уроку Життя у місті згідно автентичного навчального курсу з англійської мови для учнів середньої школи від Cambridge University Press & Assessment та видавництва Лінгвіст. Методична розробка спрямована на розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення шляхом переказу історії з власного досвіду.


That isn’t Allowed Here…

        I was away with my parents in Honolulu, Hawaii last year. One afternoon, we were leaving a restaurant when it started raining hard. My mom suggested visiting the Natural History Museum as we were directly opposite it. We were crossing the road, when I got out my phone.

       I wasn’t really thinking. I wanted to check my messages. Anyway, almost immediately I heard the noise of a loud motorbike. My first thought was: phone thief! But when I looked up, I saw a police officer. We looked at each other for a few seconds and then I noticed she was pointing at my phone! I had no idea, but it’s actually illegal to look at your mobile phone on a pedestrian crossing in Honolulu.

       I’m only 16 but I had to pay a $15 fine! It was really unfair!

Alexa, San Diego, US

I Working on the 1st paragraph of the story.

I       para: Students are listening to the 1st paragraph twice. Then they read it.

           Find in the 1st para English equivalents of the following words and phrases:

-         минулого року                                        - прямо навпроти нього

-         ми виходили з ресторану                      - ми переходили дорогу - почався сильний дощ                            - я витягла мій телефон - мама запропонувала відвідати


Answer the questions using the plan.

1.     Where was Alexa with her parents?

2.     What happened one afternoon?

3.     What did Alexa’s mom suggest?

4.     What happened when they were crossing the road?



-         in Honolulu, Hawaii;

-         were leaving / started raining;

-         the Natural History Museum;

-         were crossing / got out


II    Working on the 2nd paragraph of the story.

II para: Students are listening to the 2nd  paragraph twice. Then they read it.

           Find in the 2nd para English equivalents of the following words and phrases:

-         перевірити повідомлення                  - декілька секунд

-         майже зразу                                         - я поняття не мала

-         почула шум                                          -  це дійсно незаконно

-         гучний мотоцикл                                 - мала заплатити

-         перша думка                                         - дійсно несправедливо

-         телефонний злодій                                - на пішохідному переході

-         подивилась вгору                                   - вона вказувала

-         подивились один на одного


Answer the questions using the plan.

1.     Why did Alexa get out her phone?

2.     What happened then?

3.     What did she think first?

4.     Who did she see?

5.     What did Alexa notice?

6.     What is illegal in Honolulu?

7.     What did she have to do?



-         wanted to check;

-         heard / a loud…

-         thought / thief

-         looked up / saw

-         was pointing

-         to look at / on a pedestrian crossing

-         had to pay / unfair


III.      Next task. Will you name the sentence from our story with the word “…..”.


IV.      Now I am starting the sentence from our story and you have to finish it.


Alexa was away with …….

One afternoon they …..

Her mom suggested …….

They were crossing ….


V.          Now I am going to retell our story myself. If I make some mistakes, correct me. (A teacher retells the text with mistakes in each sentence.)


Alexa was away with my parents in Italy, Rome last year.

One afternoon, they were leaving a theatre when it started raining hard. Alexa’s mom suggested visiting the restaurant.


VI.      Now let’s tell our story together one by one. (Students call the sentences of the text in order a chain.)

VII.  Students retell the story.

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