Інтегрований урок з англійської мови для 9 класу на тему: "OUR PRECIOUS PLANET"

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Англійська мова.  9 клас




Практична мета.  Удосконалення навичок аудіювання з метою розвитку фонематичного слуху та тренування фонематичної пам'яті з опорою на відео- сюжет.

Розвиваюча мета.  Розвиток мовної догадки та пізнавальних інтересів.

Освітня мета. Розширення знань учнів про екологічні проблеми сьогодення. Поповнення словникового запасу слів.

Виховна мета.  Виховання в учнів бережливого ставлення до навколишнього середовища.

Тип уроку.  Інтегрований (+ природничі дисципліни).

Матеріали та обладнання.  Роздатковий матеріал, ПК (монітор, телевізор), презентація до уроку, тематичні картки, зошити, словники.

Очікувані результати.  Наприкінці уроку учні володітимуть новою лексикою за темою, зможуть висловлювати власні думки щодо захисту довкілля.


  1.     Warming-up (3-4 min)

Т: Good morning, dear students. Today you have an unusual lesson. First of all I would like to ask you to smile and feel comfortable. If you smile, everything will smile around you.


  1.     Presentation of the lesson (4-5 min)

T: As I know you have learnt the topic "Exploring the World". You have talked about countries, traditions and entertainment of people all over the world. You are a new generation and I think you have already understood that the future of our planet depends on you. So today I'd like to have a mini press conference named 'Our precious planet'. You will have a nice opportunity to talk about problems of our planet and find the suggestions for each of them.

It's high .time to start our conference. Imagine that you come from different countries where you have been learning English. As a chairman I will help you to communicate with each other using the English language.

As you know the name of our conference is 'Our precious planet'. Who can tell us the meaning of the word precious or its synonym? (Ss' answers.)

e. g. If you imagine a day without water you realize how precious it is.

Precious — costly, treasured, invaluable, darling — дорогоцінний, безцінний.

Please, say this word together "precious".

The main idea of the conference is reflected in the American native poem. You may see it on the board and now we will listen to it together.


Only when all the rivers have run dry

And all the fish in the sea have died,

Only when all the rainforests have been burnt down

And there is no food for the animals,

Only when all the blue skies have been filled with smoke

And the cities of the world have choked

Will the white man understand

That it's too late to save the earth.

T: Please, will you tell me what words are new for you? (Teacher explains the meaning of new words. Ss repeat them chorally and individually).

Presentation of new vocabulary:

Run dry — become dry — висохнути

Burn down — destroy by fire — спалювати вщент

Chokeзасмічувати, захаращувати

T: Who can tell me what this poem is about? Possible answers:

People don't take enough care of the world. We destroy our planet by ourselves. Most of the world's cities are dirty and polluted. This poem is about all forms of air and water pollution.

T: Thank you very much for your answers. So, we may say that better late than never to start thinking about environmental problems.


  1.     Listening activity

1) Pre-listening task (8-10 min)

T: I have prepared for you some sheets of paper to work with during our lesson. Please have a look at the pictures in exercise 2.

Which picture shows car fames, public transport, a rainforest, a hunter, wildlife?

Presentation of new vocabulary:

Hunter — someone who chases and kills wild animals - мисливеиъ

Car fume — car smoke or gas that has an unpleasant smell — вихлопні гази

Rainforest — tropical evergreen woodlands that receive at least 100 inches of rain a year, home to more than half the world's plants and animals — тропічні ліси


  1.     What is-acid rain? Is it light rain or rain with chemicals from factories?

(Answer: rain with chemicals from factories)

Acid rain — is formed when the gases from cars and factories get into rain clouds, where they get mixed in with rain or snow. The acid falls back to earth. This is called acid rain. — кислотні дощі

Chemicals — a substance used in chemistry or produced by a process involving chemistry —хімікати, хімічні препараты

  1.     What can acid rain cause? (Answer: Acid rain can cause pollution.) Pollution — the process of damaging the air, water, or land with chemicals or other substances - забруднення.
  2.     Which of the following are endangered species: tigers, lions, dogs, bears or elephants? (Teacher shows students the pictures of animals.)

(Answer: tigers, lions, bears and elephants)

Endangered species — animals and plants in danger of becoming extinct. It means that because there is no place for them to live they begin to disappear. — Тварини і рослини, які знаходяться під загрозою.

Т: Brilliant! You are perfect. It seems you have already known a lot about problems of the world.

T: On the sheet of paper you may see the list of problems and causes. Please, match the problems to the causes, then make sentences using the passive, as in the example.



endangered species/kill

air pollution/cause rainforests/destroy





logging companies


e. g. Endangered species are killed by hunters, Logging companies — companies that work at cutting down trees for wood —лісозаготівельні компанії

(Answers: Rainforests are destroyed by logging companies. Air pollution is caused by cars.)

T: Have a look at ex. 5. The list below includes possible solutions to the problems mentioned above.

(Reading the list: use bicycles, plant new trees, drive electric cars; use less paper, create special parks for animals, teach hunters it's wrong to kill animals)

Create — build, compose, make — творити, створювати.

Use the phrases to make sentences, as in the examples.

Examples: If we used bicycles; we would have less air pollution.

If we planted new trees, rainforests wouldn't disappear. If we created special parks for animals, they wouldn't be in danger.

T: As you could notice while doing this exercise we were using the Conditionals Type 2. You have already learnt it, but we have an opportunity to revise it, because when we summarize our opinion we normally use present tenses and Conditionals Type 2.

(Teacher presents the grammar rule on the board. She may ask students: What does bare infinitive mean?)

2) Looking for details (10-15 min)

Each year there are more and more people living on the Earth, yet the amount of water we have to use remains the same. When we turn on the faucet, fresh water flows out from the same reserves in the ground, from the same rivers and streams.

If you imagine a day without water, you realize, how precious it is. But with a little care, you can use water without wasting it.

From the list below, tick the three most important things we can do to save our planet's water supplies, then make sentences as in the example.

Example: We can save the water from our bath and use it for the garden.


  • Save water from our baths and use it for the garden.
  • Pass laws to stop factories from wasting and polluting water. .
  • Recycle water.
  • Stop factories from pouring chemicals into lakes and rivers.
  • Repair leaking pipes.

Recycle — to use over and over again — переробляти

Repair — fix, mend, put right — лагодити, ремонтувати

Waste - to use more of something than is necessary, or use it in a way that does not produce the best results — витрачати без користі, тратити

Water supplies — an amount or quantity of water that is available to use — запаси питної води

Leak — if an object or. container leaks or if it leaks something, liquid or gas comes out of it through a hole or crack — давати течу, пропускати рідину

Т: Now we are going to listen to an interesting episode about saving the planet's water supplies.

Listen and correct the words in bold.

  1. We all need water — nor just for our gardens and factories, but to survive.
  2. The problem begins at home.
  3. Governments can help by passing laws to stop animals from wasting and polluting water.
  4. Many cities have successfully wasted water by repairing pipes.



Water, water everywhere

In this episode we'll take a good look at the home we all share — planet Earth. Imagine this. You have just been out with your friends playing. It's a hot summer day. You walk into your house and all you want is a glass of cool refreshing water. But nothing comes out of the tap. You are going to stay thirsty forever.

It might happen, you know. All over the world there are terrible water shortages. This is because we waste water either by using its endlessly or by polluting. Some­thing must be done. Governments must pass laws to stop factories pouring chemicals into lakes or rivers. We can save millions of litters of water by fixing leaking pipes.

Imagine a world with no drinking water, and no waiter to wash or cook with. It's hard to imagine this, because we use water every day without even thinking about it.

Yet there are terrible water shortages all over the world. In parts of Africa and China, for example, many people don't even have clean water to drink. In fact, over half of the people in the world have to live with water shortages ' every day. We all need water — not just for our homes and factories, but to survive. Fortunately, there are things that we can all do to save water.

The solution begins at home. We can save the water from our baths and use it for the garden, instead of wasting hundreds of liters of clean water on our lawns and plants. This would help to save many liters of water everyday, especially in the summer.

Governments can help by passing laws to stop factories from wasting and polluting water. If factories recycled water and stopped pouring chemicals into our lakes and rivers, there would be a lot more clean water around.

Governments could also stop water companies from wasting millions of liters of water because of leaking pipes. Many cities have successfully saved water by repairing pipes. All in all, there are many things we can do to save our planet's disappearing water supplies. The time has come to start understanding the value of water, before a world without clean water becomes a terrible reality.

  1.     Quiz time (3-4 min)
  1. In China many people don't even have clean water to drink. (T)
  2. We can do nothing at home to save water. (F)
  3. Governments can't stop water companies from -wasting water. (F)


Complete the sentences:

  •         All over the world there are terrible water... (shortages).

 - Governments should pass laws to stop factories pouring ... (chemicals into lakes or rivers).

  •         Also, we could save millions of liters of water by fixing leaking ... (pipes).
  •         The report deals with the issue of saving our planet's ... (disappearing water supplies).

Let's hope people become friendly to environment.


  1.     Conclusion

T: We have talked about different problems of the world today and at the end of our conference I suggest singing a song. This song is about the world we could build together. The world of home with beautiful trees and birds, green hills and lands.


 Please, listen to the song first and then we will sing it together.



I’d love to build the world of  home

And furnish it with love,

Grow apple trees and honey bees

And snow-white turtle-doves.

I'd like to teach the world to see

The perfect harmony.

I'd like to hold it in my arms

And keep its company.

I'd like to see the world for once

All standing hand in hand.

I'd hear then the echo through the hills .

For peace through out the land.


furnish — оздоблювати, прикрашати

snow-white turtle-doves — білосніжні горлиці

echoвголос, відлуння


T: Thank you very much for the great lesson I have had today with you. You have been working hard. So, let us make a conclusion of the lesson. What have you learnt today? Maybe, you have something to ask me.

What new things have you got to know from our conference?

It was a pleasure for me to work with you. Thank you for your attention. The lesson is over. You may be free.


10 січня 2021
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