Інтегрований урок з зарубіжної літератури та англійської «Жанрова і стильова своєрідність роману О.Уайльда «Портрет Доріана Грея».

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Урок є доробком вчителів НВК "гімназія-школа" № 1 м. Маріуполя: Овелян І.В - учителя англійської мови, спеціаліста вищої категорії; Корабльової І,П. - учителя зарубіжної літератури, спеціаліста І категорії
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Integrated learning lesson on foreign literature and the English language

                                             for 10-year students


I.V. Ovelian    - teacher of English

I.P. Korableva – teacher of Foreign Literature

The given work only presents the English teacher’s materials so as not to violate

the other teacher’s copyright rights.


Stylistic and Genre Peculiarities of “Picture of Dorian Gray” by O. Wild


  • to make the students analyze the novel and evaluate its role and importance

for O. Wild himself and the society;

-    develop the students’ critical thinking skills and capacity for comparative  study of works of art;

  • to motivate the students to master their language skills;   
  • to teach the students to be tolerant, cooperative and inquisitive;
  • to instill the sense of beauty and desire to fathom literature and art.

Intended outcome:

  • speaking about the issues of the novel, the students will demonstrate the ability to use their language skills spontaneously, their critical thinking skills.


portrait of O. Wild, representative illustrations of the novel characters, students’ handouts, Power Point presentation, film trailer, MP3 record for listening.

                                COURSE OF THE LESSON

Slide 1: The theme of the lesson “Stylistic and Genre Peculiarities of “Picture of

 Dorian Gray” by O. Wild”.

 Slide 2: Two epigraphs in English and Ukrainian


The books that the world calls immoral are books

that show the world its own shame                       O. Wild  


                                    Краса- це одна з великих істин світу,

                                   як сонячне,  світло, як  весняна пора…         О.Уайльд

  1. Introduction: both teachers, the teacher of Foreign Literature (FLT) in

    Ukrainian and English teacher (ET) in English speak about the theme and aims of

    the lesson and offer the students to analyze the epigraphs.

    ET: Read the epigraph in English, please. Could you explain the choice of the     

   epigraph. (Students’ answers)

  1. Main part:
  1.  Warm-up activity

FLT asks the students to give a brief report on the history of the novel and its

sources and work out the plot of the novel by making the ‘plot chain” working in

groups. (Slide 3)

ET: You have read the novel in Ukrainian, now let’s refresh your memory and

do some warm-up activity. (The teacher calls one of the students to read task 1

in their handouts).

TASK 1.  Listen to a part of a brief rendering of the novel and choose four statements which best summarize it and put the items in the correct order. There are three extra statements.  (Slide 4 / Supplement 1)

2/ FLT: Interactive exercise ‘Brain storm’ to work out the main issues of the novel.

(Slide 5)

3/ ET: (Matching exercise (pair work)). The main issues of the novel are smartly

expressed in the numerous quotations. Let’s deal with them and do Task 2. (The teacher calls one of the students to feedback))

TASK 2. Read and match the halves to make up some quotations from the novel. Translate them into Ukrainian. There are two extra end halves. 

(Slidе 6 / Supplement 2)

4/ ET: Now I want you to watch the trailer which is a brief summary of the novel  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q51KoHsQNRs   (Slide 7)



and then enjoy a piece of drama work рresented by our students. (Supplement 3) Watch and listen carefully. You’ll have to do Task 3 afterwards.

TASK 3.  Identify the main idea of the episode and understand the relationships of ideas within it. (Slides 8-9 / Supplement 4)

5/ FLT: Every character of the novel plays important role in it. I want you to guess the character (Basil Hallward) by solving the picture-puzzle (Slide 10).

6/ ET: Task 4. Imagine you come across a Facebook Profile of a person. Who can tell us about the person? (Slide 11 /Supplement 5)

  1. Summary.

1/ Reflection

FLT: Let’s analyze the following quotation by O. Wild and say how it is related to the novel. (The quotation is exposed to the students in Ukrainian and English. The highlighted parts are discussed by the students in English)

ET: Task 5. Comment on the highlighted parts, please. How do you understand them? (Students’ answers. (Slide 12 / Supplement 6)

2/ Home task..

ET:  People often think they would give anything if they could just…

How would you complete the sentence “I would do anything if it meant I could…”? Write 10-12 sentences to finish the idea.

FLT sets the assignment and wishes the students all the best

ET: I also wish you good luck and want you to remember “looking beautiful outside does not mean you are beautiful inside’ The inner beauty I much more important.









                                          S U P P L E M E N T S

Supplement 1 -TASK 1. Listen to a part of a brief rendering of the novel and choose four statements which best summarize it and put the items in the correct order. There are three extra statements.  

  1. Terrible news
  2. Start of a romance
  3. Encounter from the past
  4. Cruel crime
  5. The first meeting
  6. Broken heart
  7. A desperate wish


  1. The first meeting
  2. A desperate wish
  3. Start of a romance
  4. Broken heart

Supplement 2 - TASK 2. Read and match the halves to make up some quotations from the novel. Translate them into Ukrainian. There are two extra end halves. 

  1. Experience is merely the name
  2. Nowadays people know the price of everything
  3. The only way to get rid of temptation
  4. Some things are more precious
  5. The basis of optimism

                                                      a/ because they don't last long.

                                                      b/ is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.

                                                      c/ is sheer terror.

                                                     d/ men gave to their mistakes.

                                                          e/ there was something tragic.



                                                     f/ is to yield to it.

                                                          g/ and the value of nothing.


  1. Experience is merely the name men gave to their mistakes.
  2. Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing
  3. The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.
  4. Some things are more precious because they don't last long.
  5. The basis of optimism is sheer terror.


Supplement 3 – Episode for dramatizing.

LORD HENRY: “Let’s go and sit in the shade. You should not allow yourself to become sunburnt. It would be unbecoming”

DORIAN: “What can it matter?

LORD HENRY: “It should matter everything to you”

DORIAN: “Why?”

LORD HENRY: “Because you have the most marvelous youth, and youth is the one thing worth having”

DORIAN: “I don’t feel that, Lord Henry”


‘Because you’re young, and being young is wonderful. Ah, you smile. You don’t think so now, but one day you’ll understand what I mean – when you’re old, and tired, and no longer beautiful. You have a wonderfully beautiful face, Mr. Gray. It’s true. Don’t shake your head at me. And there’s nothing more important, more valuable than beauty. When your youth goes, your beauty will go with it. Then you’ll suddenly discover that your life is empty – there will be nothing to enjoy, nothing to hope for. Time is your enemy, Mr. Gray. It will steal everything from you. People are afraid of themselves today. Afraid to live. But you, with your face and your youth, there’s nothing that you cannot do. You must live! Live the



wonderful life that is in you! We can never be young again. Youth! Ah, there is nothing in the world as important as youth!’

Supplement 4 - TASK 3. Identify the main idea of the episode

  1. What is the main idea of the episode?
    1. It is easy to get old.     b. Being young and beautiful is important.

c. Life can be empty if you are ugly.

  1. Which of these would be a supporting detail for the idea “Time is your enemy”?
    1. It will steal everything from you.      b. You have a wonderfully beautiful face, Mr. Gray.

c.You must live!

  1. Which of these sentences does NOT support the idea that life without beauty is empty?
    1. There will be nothing to enjoy, nothing to hope for.
    2. There is nothing more important than beauty.
    3. You have a wonderfully beautiful face, Mr. Gray.
  2. What do you think is the best choice for the main idea of “The Picture of Dorian Gray”?
    1. Being young is the most important thing.
    2. Looking beautiful outside does not mean you are beautiful inside.
    3. Murder is illegal.

KEY: 1-c, 2-a, 3-c, 4-a.


Supplement 5 – Task 4. Speak about the person using his profile.

Name: Henry Wotton

Age: middle-aged

Social background: Lord, aristocrat

Character traits: selfish, powerful, intelligent, influential,

Interests: pleasure


Supplement 6 – Task 5.  Comment on the highlighted parts.

“Art is not a toy and not a godsend, but an indispensable prerequisite for human life… It is a visual education of morality.  Learning to love nature is easier with the help of Art.  It nourishes every field flower.  And the boy who sees how amazingly beautiful a bird is, carved from a tree or painted on a canvas, perhaps not rushed ... stony birds in a living bird.  We need spirituality in our daily lives.

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
9 квітня 2020
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