інтелектуальна гра "Найрозумніший"

Про матеріал

Гра має на меті досконалювати мовленнєві, граматичні і лексичні навички учнів; вдосконалення комунікативної стратегії та стратегії співдружності. Створюючи ситуацію успіху й атмосфери зацікавленості, забезпечити мовленнєву комунікативність та стимулювати бажання в учнів спілкуватися англійською мовою

Перегляд файлу











Intellectual game




“ The Cleverest”


























  • Вдосконалювати  мовленнєві, граматичні і лексичні навички учнів;
  • Усвідомлення учнями ролі мови як засобу спілкування;
  • Вдосконалення комунікативної стратегії та стратегії співдружності;
  • Створюючи ситуацію успіху й атмосфери зацікавленості, забезпечити мовленнєву комунікативність;
  • Стимулювати бажання в учнів спілкуватися англійською мовою;
  • Виховувати позитивне ставлення до навчання;
  • Збагачувати словниковий запас учнів;
  • Тренування учнів у сприйнятті англійської мови на слух;
  • Формувати свідому ігрову та пізнавальну мотивацію;
  • Розвивати увагу та логічне мислення;
  • Створювати інтерес і позитивні емоції, які забезпечують свідомий процес засвоєння мови;
  • Сприяти повноцінному та своєчасному розвитку дітей, збагаченню їх інтелектуальної, вольової, емоційної, моральної та інших сфер у процесі гри;
  • Виховувати увагу, культуру мовлення та взаєморозуміння;
  • Розвиток у учнів мовної здогадки;
  • Виховувати цілеспрямованість, активність, організованість.

























Teacher: Dear friends! You are welcome to our intellectual game. I hope, it’ll be rather interesting for you and you’ll have a good time. So, be attentive, listen to all the questions and try to give the right answers. I wish you good luck!

But first of all let me introduce our participants.

Now I would like to introduce you the Honourable Jury.


The First Round

Teacher: So, it’s time to start. Listen attentively to your first task. Listen to the story and choose the correct item.

Учитель читає текст. Учасникам пропонується, прослухавши текст, вибрати правильний варіант відповіді до запитань стосовно прочитаного.


Bill's Penfriend


This is Taras Petrenko. He is Ukrainian. Taras lives in Kyiv. His hobby is computer games. He likes playing football, too.

Taras goes to school and his favourite lesson is English. Ukrainian schoolchildren listen, read, write and speak English at their English lessons. They learn new words, sing songs and play games, too. Taras is Bill's penfriend. In his letters he tells about his family, friends and country. Bill knows that his penfriend's favourite meal is a plate of Ukrainian borsch.

He knows that Ukrainians like to play a vertep show at Christmas. They sing koliadas - Ukrainian carols - at this day. Bill has got a present from Taras - some Ukrainian Easter eggs called pysankas. The penfriends have got an idea to meet in England. Taras wants to see the country where his penfriend lives.



Choose the correct item.

  1. This is … Petrenko

a. Taras      b. Bill


2. Taras lives in…

a. Kyiv       b. London


3. His hobby is...

a. playing football     b. playing golf


4. His favourite lesson is…

a. Ukrainian      b. English


5. Bill knows that his penfriend's favourite meal is …

a. Ukrainian Easter eggs    b. a plate of Ukrainian borsch


6. Ukrainians like to play a vertep show at…

a. New Year’s Eve     b. Christmas


7. Koliadas is …

a. Ukrainian carols     b. pysankas


8. Bill has got a present from Taras…

a. some Ukrainian Easter eggs    b. a plate of Ukrainian borsch.


9. The penfriends have got an idea to meet in …

a. Ukraine      b. England.


10. Taras wants to see…

a. England      b. France.



Teacher: Now we have finished the first task. According to the scores we can congratulate the pupils, who won the first game.

Після першого конкурсу слово надається журі, яке, підрахувавши у кожного з учасників кількість правильних відповідей, називає 5 учнів, які переходять до наступного туру.


The Second Round

У другому турі пропонується 10 тем. Обираючи одну із тем, кожен учасник повинен відповісти на 10 запитань за обраною темою. Після конкурсу журі підраховує бали і визначає 3 фіналістів. Послідовність вступу у гру учасників визначає додатковий конкурс на швидкість. Учням пропонується якомога швидше з’єднати прапор країни з її назвою. Учасник, який виконав завдання швидше за всіх, обиратиме тему першим, другий – обиратиме другим, і т.д. Коли кожен з полу фіналістів використає по одній із запропонованих тем, підбиваються попередні підсумки другого туру, і учасники у сталому порядку відповідають на запитання ще однієї з тем.

Teacher: The participants will demonstrate their ability to answer the questions. No extra time for answers! I wish you to be a success. I’m sure your competence and intellect won’t let you down.

But first of all let’s find out who will be the first participant. Your task is to identify the flags of different countries and match with the names of these countries. Our Honourable Jury will appreciate your knowledge and announce the results. Who will be the fastest? [Додаток 1]

And now let’s choose a topic!


  1. My room
  2. Professions
  3. School
  4. Fruits and Vegetables
  5. Animals
  6. Numerals
  7. Seasons. Months
  8. My Family
  9. Days of the Week
  10.  Myself



Додаток 1


  1. Ukraine     A.















2. Britain     B.









3. Canada     C.









4. Germany     D.








5. France     E.




My room


  1. It is running

Night and day

But it never

Runs away.



  1. You sleep on it. (Bed)


  1. Give the names of the room, where you can find these things: table, sofa, TV set, armchairs. (Living-room)



  1. I can tell the time

What am I?


  1. You can keep your books here. (Bookshelf)


  1. I am on the wall

When you look at me

You can see your face.




  1. Give the names of the room, where you can find these things: fork, refrigerator, plate. (Kitchen)


  1. This is a house

With one window in it

Showing films

Nearly every minute.

(TV set)


  1. What can you see on the floor? (Carpet).


  1. Without a tongue

Without an ear

I can speak

And sing

And hear.








  1. A person who works in an office. (Businessman)


  1. A woman who works in a café. (Waitress)


  1. A person who works in a shop. (Seller)


  1. A man or a woman who teaches children in school. (Teacher)


5. A man who works in a newspaper. (Journalist)





  1. A man who has a farm and works in a field. (Farmer)








  1. A man or a woman to whom we go when we are ill. (Doctor)


  1. A person who drives a car. (Driver)



  1. A person who builds a house. (Builder)


  1. A person who studies at college or university. (Student)







  1. My face is black,

As black as night

On it, with chalk,

All pupils write.


  1. I have cities but no houses; forests but no trees; rivers without water; what am I? (Map)



  1. My leaves are white,

They never grow.

And everything

You want to know

Is stored in those

Black marks you see

On every leaf

You find in me.


  1. We keep pens and pencils in it. (Pencil box)


  1. Has no legs,

But just for  fun

It is always

On the run.



  1. I do not know

The ABC,

But I am writing

As you see.



  1. I am black,

And red, and blue,

I draw a picture

For you.


  1. We play with it at our P.T. lessons (Ball)


  1. Knock on me,

And you come in,

I will gladly

Let you in.


  1. We take it and go to school. (Bag)

Fruits and Vegetables


  1. This is a vegetable. This is not a sweet vegetable. It is long. Its colour is green. You can eat it in a salad. What is it? (Cucumber)


  1. This is a vegetable. This is a sweet vegetable. It is long. Its colour is red or orange. What is it? (Carrot)



  1. This little lady

Is hard to be found

As only her green plait

Sticks out of the ground.


  1. This is a fruit. This is a sweet fruit. It is round. Its colour is red or yellow or green. What is it? (Apple)


  1. This is a fruit. This is not a sweet fruit. It is oval. Its colour is yellow. You can have it in your tea. What is it? (Lemon)



  1. This is a vegetable. It is round. Its colour is red. You can eat it in a salad. (Tomato)
  2. Little old uncle, dressed in brown.

Take off his coat… How the tears run down!



  1. This is a fruit. This is a sweet and juicy fruit. It is small and round. (Peach)


  1. This is a vegetable. This is not a sweet vegetable. Its colour is green. It is big and round. You can eat it in a salad. (Cabbage)



  1. What tables do we see in fields? (Vegetables)
















  1. This animal is not very big. It is red. It has a long, thick tail. (Fox)


  1. This animal is big. It gives milk. (Cow)



  1. My boss is a man

My friend is a hen

My child is a chick.

Who am I ? Tell quick!




  1. This animal catches the mice. (Cat)



  1. This animal lives in the river. It has big teeth. (Crocodile)



  1. This animal guards the house (Dog)


  1. This animal is small. It makes homes in the trees. It is red. It likes nuts (Squirrel)



  1. Who always sleeps with his shoes on? (Horse)


  1. It is a bird. It can talk. (Parrot)



  1. This animal is very small. It is grey. It is afraid of cats. (Mouse)











  1. There are 6 pencils in my pencil box. I take one. How many pencils are there in the pencil box? (Five)


  1. Continue: 20, 21, 22, 23… (Twenty-four)



  1. There are 12 apples on the table. I ate 2 apples. How many apples are there on the table? (Ten)

  1. Count: 20+23= ? (Forty-three)


  1. Fifty plus thirty is…(Eighty)




  1. Which is the 6th month of the year? (June)




  1. Continue: 30,32,34,36…(Thirty-eight)


  1. There are 12 boys and 14 girls in our class. How many children are there in our class? (Twenty-six)



  1. Eighty-eight plus twelve is … (One hundred)




  1. Which is the 1st month of the year? (January)













Seasons. Months.


  1. A little old woman with 12 children:

Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.

What is it?

(A year)


  1. Which is the 5th month of the year? (May)


  1. This is the season when mornings are dark,

And birds do not sing in the forest and park.

This is the season when we skate and ski,

And Father Frost brings us the New Year Tree.


  1. The month that is after October. (November)



  1. Which is the 4th month of the year? (April)



  1. This is the season when snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes to be in his room.

This is the season when birds make the nests;

This is the season I like best.




  1. This is the season when nights are short;

When children are full of fun and sport;

Playing, swimming all the day

With a happy song on a sunny day.



  1. The month that is after July. (August)


  1. This is the season when fruit is sweet;

This is the season when school friends meet.


  1. The month when we have Woman’s Day. (March)










  1. You have it on your face. There are 4 letters in this word. What is it? (Nose)


  1. Never planted,

Still it grows.

What’s the answer?

Now, who knows?


  1. You have them on your face. They can be blue, green or brown. What are they? (Eyes)


  1. What is the symbol of love? (Heart)


  1. A foot has 5 …( Toes)


  1. The little girl likes to sit on her daddy’s… (Knees)


  1.  A hand has 5… (Fingers)


  1. They are in the mouth and they are white. (Teeth)


  1. It has got a nose, mouth and eyes. (Face)

  1. It has got 5 fingers. (Hand)





















My Family



  1. She is the daughter of my mother. She is my… (Sister)


  1. She is the sister of my mother. She is my… (Aunt)



  1. My uncle has a brother

He is not my uncle.

Who is he?

(My father)




  1. He is the father of my father. He is my… (Grandfather)


  1. He is the son of my father. He is my… (Brother)



  1. He is the father of my brother. He is my… (Father)


  1. They are the children of my grandparents. They are my… (Parents)



  1. She is the daughter of my grandparents. She is my… (Mother)



  1. He is the brother of my father. He is my… (Uncle)



  1. She is the daughter of my aunt. She is my… (Cousin)













Days of the Week


  1. We do not go to school on these days. (Sunday, Saturday)


  1. The first day of the week. (Monday)



  1. This day comes after Wednesday. (Thursday)


  1. This day comes after Monday. (Tuesday)



  1. Which is the 3rd day of the week? (Wednesday)


  1. Which is the 4th day of the week? (Thursday)



  1. What day is it today?


  1. This day comes after Friday. (Saturday)



  1. Which is the 7thday of the week? (Sunday)


  1. Which is the 5thday of the week? (Friday)






















The Third Round


Teacher: The last and the most important contest will take place among our bright and brave finalists.

На фінальний конкурс діти заздалегідь обирають тему. Вчитель готує запитання для кожного учасника за обраною темою. Правильна відповідь на запитання своєї спеціальної теми оцінюється в 2 бали, вірна відповідь на запитання теми суперника – 3 бали. Запитання можуть бути приблизно такими:






London is the capital of Britain. Where is London situated?












London’s parks are really beautiful. There is The Zoo in this Park.


















The Best Writers




Who wrote ‘Robinson Crusoe’?











He wrote “The Jungle Book” in 1894.












Після закінчення останнього туру, журі визначає переможця

Teacher: Now we have finished our last task. Let us see what are your final results and listen to our jury. According to the scores we can congratulate the winner.

Thank you for your active participation. Good-bye to all of you. Till next meetings.


Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Сценарії
21 жовтня 2020
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Відгуки відсутні
Безкоштовний сертифікат
про публікацію авторської розробки
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