із серії Reading not only for fun

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Текст для використання на уроках домашнього читання, факультативних заняттях, для тих для кого англійська мова - не просто предмет у школі
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I. Read the text

Let me introduce this girl. Her name is Malvina. She is a very pretty https://24smi.org/public/media/258x320/person/2018/01/12/jt0ene2bbdzj-malvina.jpggirl. She has a round face, large blue eyes and a small nose. Malvina’s hair is blue, long and curly. She has a large blue ribbon in her hair.

Malvina is wearing a very nice dress. It’s blue too. Malvina is a very good and kind girl. She has many friends.

II. Translate into Ukrainian

Pretty girl, large eyes, Malvina’s hair, large ribbon, nice dress, is wearing.

III. Answer the questions:

  1. Who is this girl?
  2. Malvina a pretty girl?
  3. What face has she ?
  4. Are her eyes large or small?
  5.  What is Malvina‘s hair like?
  6.  What colour is her hair?
  7. What can you see in  Malvina’s hair?

7. What are her eyes like?

 8. Is Malvina wearing a skirt and a blouse?

      9. What kind of girl is Malvina? Why do you think so?


  1. Картинки по запросу малюнок ,буратиноRead the text

This boy is Malvina’s friend. His name is Buratino. He is a small wooden boy. Buratino has a round face, a long straight nose and large brown eyes. His hair is fair, short and wavy. He has long thin arms and legs.

Buratino is wearing a red shirt and blue shorts. You can see a funny hat on his head. Buratino is a little bit naughty but he helps his friends.

II . Translate into Ukrainian

       Malvina’s friend, wooden boy, round face, long straight nose, wavy hair, red shirt, blue shorts, funny hat, a little bit naughty, to help friends.

III . Answer the questions:

  1. Who is this boy?
  2. Is Buratino your friend?
  3. What kind of boy is Buratino?
  4. Is his face round or oval? 
  5. Is his nose short or long?
  6. What colour are his eyes?
  7. What is his hair like?
  8. What are his arms and legs like?
  9. Is Buratino wearing jeans? 

10.What can you see on Buratino’s head?

11. Is Buratino a good boy? Why do you think so?

8 травня 2020
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