Клас 8 , граматичний Тест "Present Continuous".

Про матеріал
Граматичний тест з англійської для того щоб удосконалити знання з граматики або повторити матеріал.
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Form 8 ( Grammar) Present Continuous . До підручника Карпьюк О. 8- клас

  1. They … ( leave ) for London next week.
  1. Leave
  2. Are leaving
  1. We … (start) a new project next week.
  1. Are starting
  2. Start
  1. She … (stay) at her granny’s when she gets to Kyiv.
  1. Stays
  2. Is staying
  1. I … ( not come) until next day.
  1. Am not coming
  2. Do not come
  1. They … (go) shopping their first day there.
  1. Go
  2. Are going
  1. He … (stay) home and … ( read) tonight.
  1. Is staying, reading
  2. Stays , reads
  1. Sue … ( paint) her greatest picture at the moment.
  1. Is painting
  2. Paints
  1. They … ( take part in ) sports competitions now.
  1. Take part in
  2. Taking part in
  1. We … ( play) computer games now.
  1. Are playing
  2. Play
  1. She … ( listen to ) music at that moment.
  1. Listens to
  2. Is listening to
10 жовтня 2021
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