Діти люблять загадки , можливо через те, що для них весь світ – загадка. Вони ще пам'ятають часи, коли навіть буденні речі ховали в собі нерозгадану таємницю. Загадки англійською мовою допоможуть ще раз відчути бентежний подих незнаного, а деякі – просто насмішать.
Колекція англійських загадок
Діти люблять загадки , можливо через те, що для них весь світ – загадка. Вони ще пам’ятають часи, коли навіть буденні речі ховали в собі нерозгадану таємницю.
Загадки англійською мовою допоможуть ще раз відчути бентежний подих незнаного, а деякі – просто насмішать.
Riddles for kids
What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
(clock / watches)
Mary’s father has five daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughter’s name?
( Mary )
I do not have wings, but I can fly. I don’t have eyes, but I can cry! What am I?
( a cloud )
If I drink, I die. If I eat, I am fine. What am I?
( fire )
I can be thin or thick.
I have a lot of pieces of paper.
I usually have pictures, too.
You can read me. ( a book )
Загадки для 2 класу
I’m usually round.
I have two hands.
I hang on the wall.
I can tell you the time.
( clock )
I am small.
I am usually white.
You can take away your pencil marks with me.
( eraser / rubber)
I’m in the living-room.
You can sit in me.
I am soft.
I have arms.
( armchair)
I am made of glass.
I hang on the wall.
You often look at me.
You can see yourself in me.
( mirror)
I am on the wall.
I am dark.
I am usually black or green.
You can write on me with chalk.
( a blackboard)
I have teeth.
I’m made of metal.
You use me to eat.
You pick up food with me.
( a fork )
Загадки для 3 класу
I need electricity.
I have a screen.
I can send email.
You can play games on me.
( a computer )
I am long.
I am made of plastic or wood.
You can use me for drawing straight lines.
You can measure things with me.
( a ruler)
I’m often made of wood.
I have four legs.
You eat on me.
You put a cloth on me.
( a table)
I have a ball shape.
I have one leg to stand on.
I have the map of the world.
I am very useful on Geography lesson.
( а globe )
I am a room.
I have a sink.
I have a stove.
You use me for cooking.
( a kitchen )
I am made of metal.
You eat steak with me.
I am sharp.
You use me to cut.
( a knife)
I am small.
I am an electronic instrument.
I can add, subtract, multiply and divide.
You can use me on Maths lesson.
( a calculator)
I am a short stick.
I am soft.
I can be white or coloured.
You can write with me on the blackboard.
( chalk )
Riddles about domestic and farm animals for kids
I am a pet.
I like mice.
I have nine lives.
I purr and meow.
( a cat )
I live in the house.
I eat everything.
I am small and grey.
Cats eat me.
( a mouse )
I oink.
I give you bacon.
I like mud and dirt.
I am pink.
( a pig )
I am small.
I am a pet.
I keep food in my cheeks.
I am active at night.
( a hamster )
They live in a field
Milk is what they make
They help give us leather
And a juicy steak
( a cow )
I’m a pet that has four legs
And a tail at the end
You might hear me barking
And I’m known as man’s best friend
( a dog )
What animal always sleeps with its shoes on?
( a horse )
Riddles for kids about wild animals
I have four legs.
I live in Africa.
I am big and grey.
I live in the river.
( а hippo )
This is something black and white
But it’s not an old TV
It’s a type of animal
That starts with the letter Z
( a zebra )
I live in China.
I am a kind of bear.
I am black and white.
I eat bamboo.
( a panda )
I live in Africa.
I am yellow and brown.
I eat leaves.
I have a long neck.
( a giraffe )
I live in the city.
I have a long tail.
I eat rubbish.
People don’ like me.
( a rat )
I eat insects.
I live in the pond.
I hop.
I am green.
( a frog )
I can fly.
I am not a bird.
I sleep during the day.
I am black.
( a bat )
What are all these animals?
Marmoset and capuchin
Macaque and baboon
A mandrill and tamarin
( a monkey )
You can ride me.
I don’t drink often.
I live in the desert.
I have a hump.
( a camel )
Riddles about birds
I can swim and dive.
I have two legs.
I have wings.
I quack
( a duck )
You might be called this animal
If someone thinks that you’re afraid
This is something that you might eat
As well as its eggs that it laid
( a hen / a chicken)
Riddles about insects
I am small.
I can be scary.
I have eight legs.
I spin a web.
( a spider )
I can fly.
I have six legs.
I am yellow and black.
I collect honey.
( a bee )
I am a small animal.
I like sugar.
I have six legs.
I am red or black.
( an ant )
Riddles about jobs
I wear a uniform.
I often have a gun.
I conduct traffic.
I catch thieves.
( a policeman )
I work in the sky.
I'm often a woman.
I serve food and drinks.
I'm usually good-looking.
( a stewardess )
I use markers or chalk.
I work in a school.
I have students.
I give homework.
(a teacher )
I work in an office.
I make phone calls.
I send emails.
I make appointments.
( a secretary )
I work with scissors.
I work in a salon.
I wash, dry and brush.
I cut hair.
( hairdresser)
I wear a white hat.
I feed people.
I work in a kitchen.
I cook.
( a cook )
I wear a uniform.
I walk or cycle a lot.
I don't like dogs.
I deliver mail.
(a postman )
I work at or near home.
I drive a tractor.
I grow vegetables.
I have animals in the field.
( a farmer )
I wear a uniform.
I work in shifts.
People in trouble call me.
I put out fires.
( fireman, firefighter )
For what person do all men take off their hats?
( a barber )
Riddles about sport
I'm a sports star.
I make a lot of money.
I play for big clubs.
I wear football boots.
(a football player)
I am only played outdoors.
Men and women play me.
I use a very small, white ball.
My special equipment is a bunch of things like sticks.
The goal of my sport is to put the ball in a tiny hole.
The person who takes the least amount of shots wins
( golf )
I am a winter sport.
You need a stick and a flat, black puck to play me.
I am a team sport.
My games are very exciting.
When you score a point, it is called a goal.
You wear a helmet and skates when you play me.
( hockey )
I am the world’s most popular sport.
I have 2 different names.
I am a team sport.
Men and women play me.
Every 4 years there is the World Cup.
There are many competitions- in each country, in Europe, Asia etc.
( football, soccer)
I used to be necessary to catch food for dinner.
Now I am just a sport.
Robin Hood was famous in my sport.
I am done outdoors.
I need a target.
If you hit the bull’s eye, you get the most points.
( archery)
I am played at Wimbledon, at the US Open, and the Australian Open.
Men and women play me.
You need a racquet and a yellow ball.
I can be played indoors and outdoors all year long.
( tennis)
Food riddles for kids
I am in the protein group.
I come from a farm animal.
Open me up and you’ll see two parts.
I am popular in many breakfast recipes.
I can be served in many ways, like scrambled, poached, or boiled.
( an egg )
I’m something that is sticky
I’m something that is sweet
I’m made by more than one bee
I’m something that you eat
( honey)
There’s white and milk and dark
These three types you might eat
As a type of candy
It really can’t be beat
( сhocolate )
What has to be broken before you can use it?
( an egg )
When does Potato changes its nationality?
( When it becomes french fires)
What you call a witch at a beach?
( sandwich )
I am a yellow fruit
That you might eat at lunch
When there’s a group of me
We are known as a bunch
( a banana )
I am one color outside.
I am another color inside.
I grow in the summer.
I am sweet.
You cannot eat my outside.
My skin has stripes.
( watermelon)
I am the most popular vegetable.
I grow underground.
I cannot be eaten raw.
You can cook me in many ways.
Children adore me.
( potato )
This is a root vegetable
That can be red, white or green
It can make you cry a lot
Even though it is not mean
( onion )
Rabbits like to eat me
When I grow in a field
This orange vegetable
Tastes best when it is peeled
( a carrot )
It stands on one leg with its heart in its head. What is it?
( a cabbage )
I’m red and have seeds
And I am also round
Sliced up in salads
Is where I can be found
( a tomato)