Комплекс текстів, вправ і завдань з аудіювання для учнів 7 класу

Про матеріал
Згідно з вимогами програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з іноземних мов на кінець 7-го класу в учнів повинні бути сформовані такі комунікативні уміння в аудіюванні: учні повинні розуміти інформацію як під час безпосереднього спілкування зі співрозмовником, так і опосередкованого(у звукозапису). Повинні розуміти основний зміст короткого повідомлення,а також розуміти основний зміст прослуханих текстів різного характеру, які побудовані на засвоєному матеріалі.
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Комплекс  текстів, вправ і завдань з аудіювання для учнів 7 класу


D:\Мои документы\малюнки\pictures_school\school2108.jpg

Згідно з вимогами  програми для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з іноземних мов на кінець 7-го класу в учнів повинні бути сформовані такі комунікативні уміння в аудіюванні: учні повинні розуміти інформацію як під час безпосереднього спілкування зі співрозмовником, так і опосередкованого(у звукозапису). Повинні розуміти основний зміст короткого повідомлення,а також розуміти основний зміст прослуханих текстів різного характеру, які побудовані на засвоєному матеріалі.

       Календарно-тематичне планування для 7 класу за підручником А. Несвіт побудовано відповідно до програми з англійської мови, затвердженої Міністерством освіти і науки України (2005 р.), - 104 уроки з англійської мови, в яких застосовуються різноманітні форми та методи роботи з учнями 7 класу.

       Але слід сказати, що підручник досить перевантажений навчальним матеріалом. Матеріал подається схематично, стрімко та уривчасто. Виникає таке враження, що автор не провела апробацію підручника в школах, не врахувала побажання та сподівання вчителів, учнів. Лексичний матеріал є відірваним від життєвих ситуацій і дуже часто виникають питання щодо обґрунтування його вживання. Деякі граматичні блоки не мають достатньо вправ і дуже часто є одноманітними.

      На відміну від попереднього національного підручника автора В.М.  Плахотник, який взагалі не містив текстів для аудіювання, даний навчальний комплекс включає  тексти для аудіювання до кожного тематичного циклу. Але практика викладання свідчить, що текстів явно недостатньо, тай тексти для аудіювання не завжди є цікавими, інформативними і не завжди мають чіткий логічний стрижень.

     На своїх уроках я намагаюся підбирати такі тексти та завдання, у ході роботи з якими учні виробляють та висловлюють моральне ставлення до дійсності, уміння приймати рішення та нести відповідальність за них. Щоб такі вправи досягли поставленої мети,  враховую особливості віку учнів та тем, які можуть зацікавити та  суб’єктивний досвід кожного учня та колективу в цілому.

Розглянемо методику навчання аудіювання семикласників на основі запропонованого комплексу текстів та завдань (на матеріалі теми ”Я, моя сім’я та друзі”)

Тема I :

                                       ”Я, моя сім’я та друзі”

                                                 Tom and Bill

I. Pre-listening

T: 1) Who is your best friend?

    2) What does your friend look like?

    3) What do you do together?

II. While- listening

T: Listen to the text and do the tasks.


      Tom and Bill are friends. The boys are 12, they are in the 7th form. Bill is tall and thin. He has got dark straight hair and big blue eyes. Bill is going in for sport, he likes basketball and tennis. Tom is different from Bill, his hair is curly and fair. And he has got dark brown eyes. He is short. Tom’s hobby is drawing. Tom doesn’t like sport, he prefers to read books and to watch interesting TV-programmes. The both boys are friendly, kind-hearted and sociable. They can always find something to do together.


T: Listen to the text and fill in the table with the words and word-combinations:

Tall, short, thing, dark hair, curly hair, fair hair, straight hair, blue eyes, brown eyes, likes sport, likes books, likes to draw.







T:  True or false?

  1. Tom and Bill are friends;
  2. The boys are the pupils of the 6th form;
  3. Bill is tall, his hair is dark and straight;
  4. Tom is short, he has got big grey eyes;
  5. Bill is going in for sport;
  6. Tom is fond of reading;
  7. Bill likes tennis and basketball;
  8. Tom likes to watch TV;
  9. The boys are kind-hearted;
  10.  Tom doesn’t like to spend free time with Bill.


T: Imagine that you are Tom (Bill), describe your friend Bill (Tom).


My Sisters and Brothers.

 I. Pre-listening

T: Do you have a brother or a sister?

    What is her/his name?

 II. While- listening


T: Listen to the text and do the tasks.


                                                   Little Sister


      Hello! My name is Den Brown. I’m 13. I am here with my little sister Alice. She is only 8. Alice is the youngest in our family. Alice is a good-looking girl. She is like a beautiful princess. Alice is tall, thin, she has got long curly hair and big blue eyes. She looks like our mother. My little sister is very kind, she has got a lot of friends. Last year Alice went to school to the 1st class. She is a great lover of nature. Her hobby is collecting pictures of birds and animals. My sister is a good musician. She can play the piano and sing well. Alice is little, but she is a real friend. She is always ready to help.


T:   Agree or disagree:

  1.      Alice is Den’s little sister;
  2.      Alice is 10;
  3.      She is a pupil of the 5th form;
  4.      The girl has got long curly hair and blue eyes;
  5.      Alice looks like her father;
  6.       She likes nature and collects pictures of animals;
  7.      The girl is a good musician;
  8.      She can play the guitar well;
  9.        Alice is not an attractive girl;
  10.        She has got a lot of friends.

T:  Put the sentences in the correct order and read them.

  1. Last year the girl went to school;
  2. Alice is only 8;
  3. Alice likes nature and music;
  4. She can play the piano and sing well;
  5. She is a good-looking girl.

T: Listen to the text and fill in the form with the brief information about Alice.


Name and surname






Appearance (eyes, hair)


Family (Its members)


Traits of character





T: Try to draw her portrait.


                                                      A New Friend

                                                (After Folly Putnam)

I. Pre-listening

T: Listen to the text and do the task

It was January. Wind snow blew hard on the windows. The door opened, and the girl walked in and stood near the door. She wore a furry blue coat.

Miss Alison, the teacher, spoke to her. Then she said, “Class, this is our new girl. Her name is Helen Taylor”. Miss Alison pointed to the desk in front of Jane. “Sit there, Helen”.

Jane smiled when Helen sat down and Helen didn’t smile back. She even didn’t turn around all morning. At noon Jane took Helen for lunch.

“Will you eat with us?” Jane asked. Helen only shook her head and went to a table by herself.

Jane and her friends sat at a table together. They talked about a new girl.

“Why doesn’t she want to make friends?” asked Jane.

“Maybe, she is shy”, said Dan.

“If we are nice to her, she’ll soon be our friend”, said Ann.

Jane, Dan, and Ann helped Helen. Jane gave Helen a pencil and a ruler. Dan helped her to take a book in the school library. Ann took Helen to the school gym. They played happily together.

Helen said, “Thank you”, and smiled at her new friends. She was not going to be lonely in this new school!

T: Choose the right variant of the three and finish the sentences.

  1.       It was __.
  1.      September
  2.      January
  3.      March
    1.       Jane smiled and Helen __.
  1.      didn’t smile
  2.      smiled
  3.      cried
    1.       At noon Jane took Helen __.
  1.      for breakfast
  2.      for dinner
  3.      for lunch
    1.       Children talked about __.
  1.      a new girl
  2.      a new dog
  3.      a new boy
    1.       Jane gave Helen __.
  1.      a pen
  2.      a pencil
  3.      a pencil and a ruler
    1.       Dan helped her
  1.      to do homework
  2.      to make new friends
  3.      to take out a book in the school library
    1.       Ann took Helen __.
  1.      to the school gym
  2.      to the canteen
  3.      to the school yard

T: Answer the questions on the text.

  1. What did the girl wear?
  2. What is Miss Alison?
  3. Helen came to a new school in spring, didn’t she?
  4. Did the new pupil sit down at the desk in front of Jane?
  5. Was Helen very happy at first?
  6. Who helped Helen?
  7. Why did children help Helen?
  8. Was Helen lonely in her new school?


Listen to the young woman’s opinion about Richard Gere, a film star. Read the statements bellow and put true or false.


   All women like Richard Gere. I don’t understand them. They say he is handsome. What’s handsome about him? He’s got small eyes and a big nose, his hair is terrible. Well, he is slim and straight. It’s OK. In my opinion many men are slim, but not all of them are handsome. Maybe he is a good actor but I don’t think he is handsome man. As far as I see it he is not even good-looking.


T: True or false

1) Many women say Richard is handsome.

2) This young woman agrees with the others.

3) In her opinion, Richard is slim and straight.

4) She thinks he is a bad actor.



Життя  суспільства”

Listening Comprehension

      It’s not easy if you are 13. I’m not allowed to stay up late because I have to go to school the next day. In the evenings I can’t watch what I want on TV.

      My parents make me do a lot of housework. I must make my bed, wash up the dishes and clean my room every day. So I can’t find enough time for other things.

     I’d like to have a dog. But my mother says that dogs make a lot of noise.

     I’m not allowed to do anything.



Answer the questions.

1.What problems does David have?

2.What does he want to do?

3.What isn’t he allowed to do?

4.How does he feel about his problems?

5.Are his problems serious?


T: Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

Are you allowed to/Do you parents let you:

-choose and buy clothes on your own?

-play computer games on weekends?

-go shopping with you friends?

-go to bed late?

-watch TV all day?

-eat fast food?

-go out in the evening?


До теми ввічливість у нашому житті пропонується такий текст:


                                          True Politeness


T:  Match the opposites.

1) bad-tempered            a) kind

2) difficult                     b) polite

3) unkind                       c) easy-going

4) rude                           d) good-tempered


Mr. Sullivan was listening to an interesting lecture. Suddenly an old man sitting near him asked:

“What language is the lecturer speaking?”

“He is speaking French”, Mr. Sullivan said. ”Don’t you know this language?”

“No, I don’t”, answered the old man.

“Then why are you sitting here if you don’t understand anything?”

“You see”, said the old man,” if I leave, the lecturer will think that his lecture is not interesting and he will be upset. I’ll better wait till the lecture is over”.


T: Listen to the text once again and read the questions to it. Choose and circle the letter of the correct answer.

1) What was Mr. Sullivan listening to?

a) a song;

b) a symphony;

c) a lecture;

2) What did an old man sitting near him ask?

a) “What is the topic?”

b) ”What language is the lecturer speaking?”

c)”What time is it?”

3) What was the old man’s problem?

a) He didn’t understand French.

b) He didn’t understand English.

c) He didn’t like the lecture.

4) The old man didn’t want to leave earlier because…

a) he didn’t want to be impolite.

b) he had much spare time.

c) he was really interested in the topic of the lecture.


T: Answer the questions. Prove your answers.

Do you agree that being polite is really important?

Do you consider yourself to be a polite person?

T: What does it mean being a truly polite person?



A new pair of jeans

I. Pre-listening

T: Look at the picture.

1.Who is in the pictures?

2.What is he/she doing?

3.What is he/she wearing?

T: Look at the pictures. Put them in the correct order to make a story.

II. While-listening

T: Listen and check your order.


Mother: Why are you wearing those old jeans, Cliff?

Boy: People always wear old jeans. You can’t wear new jeans, Mum.

Mother: Here’s £20. Go and buy some new jeans.

Boy: How much are these jeans?

Assistant: They’re £19.99.

Mother: Have you got your new jeans?

Boy: Yes, they’re in this bag. Where are the scissors?

Mother: Cliff! What are you doing?

Boy: I’m cutting these jeans.

Mother: But they’re your new jeans!

Boy: People always cut their jeans. You can’t wear new jeans, Mum.

Mother: Kids! I don’t understand you!


III. Post-listening

T: What is the correct order?

Work with the partner. Act the dialogue.


Kids! I don’t understand you! Do your parents ever say this to you? What about?


T:  Speak : Do your parents let you buy clothes on your own?



“Домашні справи. Харчування.”


T:     Listen to Paul talking about how the members of his family share the jobs in the house. Complete the chart with the jobs each of them does.




His sister



washing up

























Washing clothes






-                      So Paul, how do the members of your family share the household jobs? For example, who does the washing up?

-                      My sister does that. And sometimes I do it. We have a dishwasher and it is not difficult for me to put the dirty dishes into it.

-                      Do you do the shopping?

-                      No, my parents do the food shopping. They like buying food at the market. And I can only buy some crisps and a can of cola.

-                      What about cleaning?

-                      I must say that I clean my room every day. I don’t like doing it very much but I have to. My sister usually vacuums the living-room and my mother cleans the kitchen and the bathroom.

-                      What about the cooking and ironing? Who does that?

-                      Well, those are my sister’s and my mother’s jobs. I can’t cook at all and I hate ironing. But my father is keen on cooking. As he is very busy during the week, he can cook tasty things for us only at the weekend.

-                      And who washes clothes in your family?

-                      Anybody who has free time. It’s the easiest thing to put the clothes into washing machine and turn it on. As for me, I wash my clothes myself.



T: What are your ideas on how to assign household chores in a family?

    Should parents give money to their children as a reward?

While- listening

Saturday  Chores


Son: Dad. Can I go outside to play?

Dad: Well, did you get your Saturday’s work done?

Son: Ah, Dad . Do I have to?

Dad: Well, you know the rules. No playing until the work is done.

Son: So, what is my work?

Dad: Well, first you have to clean the bathroom including the toilet. And don’t forget              to scrub the bathtub.

Son: No, I want to do the family room.

Dad: Well, OK , but you have to vacuum the family room and the hall, and be sure to dust everything. Oh, and don’t forget to wipe the walls and clean the baseboard. OK. And after that. Oh, no. Next, sweep and mop the kitchen floor and be sure to polish the table in the living room.

Son: OK.OK.

Dad: More?

Dad: Yeah. And then, how about going out for lunch and getting a big milk shake, but you probably don’t want to do that.

Son: No, no. I want to.

Dad: OK. While you’re doing your work, I’ll be out in the yard raking leaves and pulling weeds.


T: Choose and circle the letter of the correct answer.

  1.      What does the boy want to do at the beginning of the conversation?

a) go play outside

b) watch TV

c) play video games

  1.      What is one thing the boy is NOT assigned to do around the house?

a) clean the bathroom

b) vacuum the floors

c) wash the walls

  1.      What does the boy have to do I his bedroom?

a) put away his books

b) make his bed

c) pick up his dirty clothes

  1.      What is father going to do while the boy is doing his household chores?

a) wash the car

b) paint the house

c) work in the yard

  1.      Where will father and son go after the housework is done?

a) to a movie

b) out to eat

c) to a ball game


T: Discussion. Problems:

What are the different roles men and women play in carrying out housework?

What do men usually do?

And women?

Have things changed or remained the same during the past thirty years or so in your country?

Are children assigned chores to do around the house?

Do people hire housekeepers to do such housework?


“Допомога батькам “


Helping the House


T: Some people don’t like doing housework.

Do you agree that household jobs are boring jobs?

Say what you think about the jobs you have to do about the house.



T: Listen to the text and draw the picture of Robert after he had done the cooking.

       In September Mrs. Martin was ill – she had flu. At the weekend the children helped with the housework. Fanny duster the furniture in the living- room, and Robert used the vacuum-cleaner to clean the floor. Then he wanted to know how strong the machine was. First he dusted the dog’s coat with it. The dog didn’t like it at all. He run away from Robert. And could the machine take a button? It did and a small potato? It did! But then…The machine stopped working.

       When it came to cooking, Fanny said it was a woman’s job; but Robert answered that the best cooks in the world were men – not women.

       He took a book about cooking and said “I’ll make a cake. What do we want to make a cake? - Eggs, sugar, butter and flour”. Robert got all these ready on  the kitchen table. But flour is like dust, and in a minute the kitchen was like a field in winter, and Robert looked like a snowman, white all over from head to foot…



T: Complete the sentences.

1) In September Mrs. Martin…

2) Fanny dusted…

3) Robert used…

4) The machine stopped …

5) Robert said that the best cooks in the world…



T: Say when and how often boys and girls help at home with the household chores.

T: Draw a picture of Robert after he had done cooking.


До теми про приготування їжі пропонується такий текст: (Спочатку учні слухають текст і виписують у зошит назви продуктів харчування потрібних для приготування овочевого супу. Потім учні слухають текст вдруге і спираючись на виписані слова записують рецепт приготування супу).

T: Listen to the story and write  down  the recipe of the vegetable soup.


Vegetable Soup


       Today it is Sunday. My mother is cooking. I would like to help Mum to cook a vegetable soup.

       She is glad that I want to help her. She says, “Kate, please, take some potatoes and wash them. Then give me some carrots, a cabbage and onion."

      Mother washes meat and puts it into the pot. Kate begins to cut the vegetables. Then Mother puts some salt into the soup.

      Now it’s time to have dinner. The family is having dinner. Father says, ”The soup is very tasty. Who cooked the soup? “And Mother says ,”Kate helped me to cook it. Kate is happy, she says, ”Tomorrow I’m going to cook porridge.”


«Охоронa  здоров’я»


                                         Taking care of your teeth

  1.    Pre-listening

T: A dentist is talking to pupils about caring of their teeth. Before listening to the text and do the questionnaire.Choose your answer.

1) How often do you brush your teeth?

 a) Once a day; b) twice a day; c) other.

2) What kind of brush do you use?

 a) hard; b) soft; c) medium.

3) How often do you replace your brush?

 a) every month; b) every two months; c) less frequently that every two months.

4) How often do you use dental floss?

 a) regularly; b) occasionally; c) never.

5) In what direction do you brush your teeth?

 a) up and down; b) from side to side; c) in a circular movement.

6) How do you brush?

 a) gently; b) hard; c) any way.

7) How often do you go to a dentist?

 a) when you have toothache; b) every 6 months; c) every year.


  1. While-listening

T: Listen to the text and compare your questionnaire answers with what the dentist says.

                                        Taking care of your teeth


     It’s really very simple to look after your teeth and it’s well worth it, I promise you.

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria in the mouth. Any tiny pieces of food left in your mouth encourage bacteria, so you must try to get rid of them. Ideally, you should brush your teeth every time you eat or drink anything. And at night, before you go to bed, you should use dental floss to get between the teeth where a brush can’t go. A lot of people find it difficult to use, but that’s because they don’t use it often enough.

     The brush you use is important too. A hard brush can damage the gums, so use a soft brush. It ought to have a small head so that you can reach the teeth at the back of your mouth. I sometimes ask my patients to bring in their toothbrushes – not new ones – the ones they’re using at the moment and I’m often horrified by what I see. “How long have you had this?” I ask. And you know, it’s not uncommon for people to say, “Oh, about a year” – “Maybe nine months”. – “Oh, that’s my favourite. I’ve had it for years”. “Throw it away” is my advice to such people. If you’re brushing your teeth often enough and thoroughly, you should replace your brush about every month.

     Now, a word of warning. When I say you should brush your teeth thoroughly, I don’t mean that your should clean them as if they were a dirty floor. No, no, no! You can damage your gums that way, even with a soft brush. What I mean is that every tooth must be cleaned, and the best way to do this is to rest the brush on the teeth and gently move it around in a circular direction.

     You should also see a dentist regularly. Have a check-up every six months. The dentist can spot any small problems and prevent them becoming serious.


  1.   Post-listening.

T: Group discussion

  1.                  Who takes the best care of their teeth?
  2.                  Who has the fewest problems with their teeth?
  3.                  Who is/isn’t going to change their dental care habits as a result of this lesson?
  4.                  How can dentists make their patients’ visit more pleasant?

T: Number the ideas below from 1-4; 1 for the idea you like best and 4 for the idea you like least.

-                     Play classical/pop music in the waiting room.

-                     Put plants in the waiting room.

-                     Have an aquarium in the dentist’s room.

-                     Have interesting paintings on the wall.

T: Try to think of more ideas. Tell the other groups about your ideas.


                                              The Doctor’s Help

  1.                 Pre-listening

T: Опрацювання нової лексики.

Read the words with their translation.

-         to hurt [he:t] - пошкодити

-         a bookseller [buk’sele] – продавець книг

-         to wrap [rap] – загортати

-         ointment [‘ointment] – мазь

Problem solving

T: What do you prefer: to visit a doctor at the hospital or when a doctor visits you himself? Why?

II. While-listening


T: Listen to the text and say if the sentences are true or false.

  1.   A bookseller was avaricious.
  2.   One day a shelf with books fell on his foot.
  3.   He went to the doctor on the same day.
  4.   The doctor looked at his foot.
  5.   The foot was broken.
  6.   The doctor paid to the bookseller two pounds.  
  7.   The bookseller paid to the doctor two pounds.


The Doctor’s Help


      There was a bookseller in a small town who did not like to spend his money. One day a big box of books fell down and hurt his foot.

     “Go to the doctor”, said his wife, “and show that foot to him”. “No”, he said, “I’ll wait until the doctor comes into the shop next time. Then I’ll ask him what to do about my foot. If I go to see him, I shall have to pay him”.

     The next day the doctor came into the shop and bought some books. As the bookseller was wrapping up the books, he told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it.

     “Yes”, said the doctor. “You must put that foot in hot water every night. Then you must put some ointment on it.”

     He took out a piece of paper and wrote a prescription on it. “Buy this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night”, he said. “Thank you”, said the bookseller. “And now, sir, here are your books”.

     “How much?” said the doctor.

     “Two pounds”.

     “Good”, said the doctor. “I won’t need to pay you anything”.

     “Why not?” asked the bookseller in surprise?

     “You asked me to look at your foot. I did so and wrote a prescription. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses I want to pounds. And I came here, didn’t I?”


  1.             Post-listening.

T: Answer the questions:

1. Who did not like to spend his money?

2. What’s happened one day?

3. Did bookseller go to the doctor?

4. Why did the doctor come to the shop?

5. Why did the doctor help a man?

6. Did he pay money for books?

7. Did the bookseller pay to the doctor?

T: Now I want you to train in reading by characters. The situation is in the village clinic.

Who would like to be a “doctor”? Who would like to be a “man”?

Let’s start.




T: People go to the chemist’s shop to buy medicine. They bring the medicine home and take it when they or other members of the family are ill. This story is about an Englishman who looked for some medicine but could not explain well what he wanted.


T:Listen to the text and  predict the last words of the man.


                                              A Cure for a Headache

    One day a man went into a chemist’s shop and said, ”Have you anything to cure a headache?”

    The chemist took a bottle from the shelf, held it under the gentleman’s nose and took out the cork. The smell was so strong that tears came into the man’s eyes and ran down his cheeks.

    “What did you do that for?” he said angrily, as soon as he could get back his breath. “But that medicine has cured your headache, hasn’t it?” said the chemist.


   (The last words. “You fool”, said the man. “It’s my wife that has the headache, not me!”)



T: Are these sentences true or false?

1. People go to the chemist’s shop to buy food.

2. If people are ill they take medicine.

3. One day a man went into a chemist’s shop to buy some medicine for a headache.

4. The chemist took a small bottle from the table, held it under the man’s nose and opened it.

5. It was a great pleasure for the man.

6. Tears came to his eyes and ran down his face.

7. He liked the medicine very much.

8. The chemist hoped that the medicine had helped the man.

9. The man said that it was his aunt who had a headache.



“Стиль життя англійців”

                                                 Stay-at-Home People

I. Pre-listening activity.

T: Answer the questions.

1) Why do we say that the English are stay-at home people?

2) How many English proverbs and sayings do you know to prove that? What are they?

3) What are the English very much fond of?

4) Do the English have love of gardening?

                                                 Stay-at-Home People

 People all over the world know the saying “The Englishman’s home in his castle”. English people like to live in small houses for one family with a small garden. The English have love of gardens.

      Listen to the men’s talk on Monday morning in the office and in the factory. It will be about gardens. It will be about the best ways of growing vegetables, fruit, flowers and other plants.

     The English like to make different things grow. They grow things not only in gardens but in window boxes. They will make a garden everywhere.


II. Post-listening activity.

Check your answers and tell what you knew about stay-at home people.


Hot Cross Buns

Підготовка до прослуховування тексту

T: Do you know how Ukrainian people celebrate Easter? (decorate eggs, bake paskies, go to the church to bless provision)

Do you know how English people call traditional Easter bread in England? It is Hot Cross Buns.


Прослуховування тексту

T: Listen to the text for the first time and say in what country the events take place. What holiday are you listening about?


T: Listen to the text once more and then put the sentences in order .

1) He baked the child a basket of the buns.

2) Once, long ago in England, a monk saw poor families.

3) He decorated buns (tops of the buns) with a cross.

4) Before Mass that morning. Giles had sold all the buns.

T: Answer the questions:

a) Whom did the monk see once?

b) What did the monk think to himself about poor families?

c) What did he bake?

d) Did he bake a basket of the buns for Giles?

e) What song did he sing?

f) What did he do with money?



                       Аудіювання учнями тексту “Hot cross buns”

       Once, long ago in England a monk saw poor families living together in rag tents. Easter was two days away, and the monk thought to himself: “One the day of Christ Resurrection those families should not go home hungry”. Many years ago the monk was a baker, so he bakes many buns with raising inside. He decorated the buns with a cross on the top and went out among families and gave them the delicious buns.

A young boy name Giles did not want to take a bun. He said: “I do not want charity. Bake me a basketful of buns that I can sell”.

The monk felt sorry for the boy, so he baked the child a basket of buns.

That Easter morning Giles took his basket from house to house, singing out in a voice:

“Hot cross Buns, Hot Cross Buns.

One a penny, two a penny.

Hot Cross Buns.

If you have no daughters,

Give them to your sons

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot Cross Buns”.

Before Mass that morning, Giles had sold all the buns. He put the money in the poor box at church. To this day, children all over the world chant the words of his song”.


Контроль розуміння учнями монологічного висловлювання

T: Now I’ll read you the statements to the text. Some of them are right, the others are wrong. Put on your sheet of paper please. T- True, if you hear the right statement, and F- False, if you hear the wrong one.

1) A monk saw rich families on the streets of his town. (F)

2) The families were hungry. (T)

3) The monk baked many hot cross buns. (T)

4) He decorated the tops with the Easter rabbits. (F)

5) A young boy named Giles took many buns. (F)

6) The monk baked the child a basket of buns. (T)

7) The boy sold all the buns. (T)


Listening Comprehension


     In October the days become short and the nights become very long. It is cold and dark and cold winds blow. The leaves fall down from the trees. This is the end of the year. Winter is coming.

     People stay at home in the evenings and at the weekends. It is the time of Halloween, Halloween is a great holiday. It is the end of autumn and the beginning of winter.

     In the past this was a holiday of fear. People feared ghosts and witches and stayed at home.

     Many countries celebrate Halloween. People have Halloween parties on the thirty-first of October. They ask their friends to come to the party.

     Now this is a holiday of fun. People wear old and fancy clothes. At the parties they eat tasty food- pumpkin pies and cakes.


T: Answer the questions.

a) When do the days become short?

b) Nights are long in October, aren’t they?

c) Is it cold? Is it pleasant?

d) What season starts with Halloween?

e) Do people celebrate Halloween?

f) Do they have parties?

g) What clothes do they wear?

 “Спорт у Великобританії”

“Going in for Sports”

Pre-listening activity

T: Match the pairs.


  1.       One kind of sport or another.
  2.       Different games.
  3.       Among my friends.
  4.       Tennis tournaments.
  5.       To consider.
  1.      Вважати.
  2.      Серед моїх друзів.
  3.      Той чи інший вид спорту.
  4.      Тенісний турнір.
  5.      Різні ігри.


Listening activity


        I don’t go in for one kind of sport or another, but when I was a girl I was fond of sports and could play different games. Of all outdoor games I preferred basketball. I can’t say that I was a very good player, but I was a member of our school team. There were a great many sportsmen among my friends. They used to go to the tennis-courts to play. I did not play tennis myself, but I was a tennis fan and if I had any time to spare I used to go to watch tennis tournaments. Now I don’t go to the tennis-courts or stadiums any more, but I often watch football matches or figure-skating competitions on TV. I consider figure-skating to be the most beautiful kind of sport and enjoy watching it.


After-listening activity

T: Complete the sentences

-         When I was a girl, I __ fond of sports. (Was)

-         I __ play different games. (Could)

-         I was a member of our school __ (Team)

-         They __ to go to the tennis courts to play. (Used)

-         I __ figure skating to be the most beautiful kind of sport. (Consider)



“What Kind of Sport Is it?”

I.Pre-listening activity

T: Name some winter sports, will you?



T: What summer kinds of sport do you know?



II. While-Listening

№ 1. It is a team game. Both men and women can play it. The players have a ball. They play the ball with their hands. There are 6 players in every team.


№ 2. It is the most popular game in England. It was first played in England. Both men and women can play it now. The players have a ball. The game lasts for 90 minutes. It has 2 halves. The players kick the ball and run after it. There is a referee on the field. He blows a whistle from time to time. The players try to score a goal.


№ 3. It is one of the most popular games in the world. It was first played in Canada. It is a team game. It is a winter game. Only men and boys can play it. Many people like to watch this game on TV. The players don’t run on the field. They skate. They have sticks in their hands.


№ 4. It is a very beautiful kind of sports. It gives the sportsmen strength, rhythm and grace. The sportsmen do some exercises or dance to the music. The sportsmen have beautiful costumes on.


№ 5. This game is played everywhere: at school, universities and sports clubs. It was first played in the USA. The team has 5 players. They bounce the ball on the floor (or ground) up and down with one hand. They try to throw the ball into the basket.


III.Post-listening activity

-         Figure skating (4)

-         Ice hockey (3)

-         Basketball (5)

-         Football (2)

-         Volleyball (1)

100 Years of Football

I. Pre-listening

T: Sport is an essential part of our daily life. Every morning all the year round we do morning exercises. As we want to keep fit we go in for different kinds of sport.

T: As for me I like sports. And what about you?

T: What winter sport do you know?


T: What summer sport do you go in for?


T: What is your favourite kind of sport?



T: Do you like to play football?


T: When and where do you play it?


T: With whom do you usually go to the stadium?


T: What do you know about this kind of sport?


T: I offer you to listen to very interesting text about the history of football.


II. While listening.

100 Years of Football

     One hundred years ago, the footballer was an amateur. This meant that he did no training and was not paid. The players worked during the week and played the match in the public park on Saturday. Playing time was ninety minutes. If you couldn’t play to the end of the game, you lost your place in the team.

     Football was a game for gentlemen. There were no fouls in football at that time. The game was the thing – winning was not important.

     Football today in Great Britain is a big business. Professional footballers often start as junior players at a local club during their early teens. If they are good, the club will invite them as players. A lot of money is spent for training good players. By the time a boy is 20, he may be playing in a first division team and be “worth” as much as 50,000. A player gets from 70 to 140 a week and the club pays all clothing and travel expenses. Training is hard and club doctors take very much care of the players. A player in Great Britain is valuable property.

III. Post-listening:

T: Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. One hundred years ago the footballer was an amateur.

2. They play the match in the public park on Monday.

3. Playing time was sixty minutes.

4. Football was a game for gentleman.

5. Winning was not important.

6. Football today in Great Britain is big business.

7. A player in Great Britain is not valuable property.



I. Pre-listening

1. T: Guess the kinds of sport.

1) Favourite sport in England. (8 letters)

2) A game similar to tennis. (9 letters)

3) Oksana Bayul won gold medal at the Olympic Games in this sport (13 letters in 2 words)

4) Sport on two wheels. (7 letters)

5) Popular winter sport. (6 letters)

(Answers: football, badminton, figure skating, cycling, skiing)


2. T: Look at the blackboard and learn some new words which are useful for listening.

Cricket [‘krikit] – крикет (вид спорту)

The British - британці

Lasts [la:sts] - триває

Lord;s – ‘Лордз’ (відомий у Лондоні стадіон для гри у крикет)

I. While-listening

T: Listen to the text and answer the questions.



     People often ask, “What is Britain’s national sport? IS it cricket or football, or tennis?” The answer is football and cricket.

     The British play football in winter and cricket in summer. They began to play cricket about two hundred years ago. A game of cricket lasts from a few hours to two or three days and the public always watches it with great interest. Many people play cricket in Britain. Children begin to play cricket at school.

    Lord’s is a very popular cricket ground where 30,000 people can watch cricket. Some people say that cricket is a part of English life.


  1.                 Post-listening

T: Answer the following questions.

  1.   What is Britain’s national sport?
  2.   When do the British play football and when do they play cricket?
  3.   When did the British begin to play cricket?
  4.   How long does the game of cricket last?
  5.   What is a popular cricket ground? 



                                “Розважальна програма”


                                                     The Globe

     The great fame of The Globe play-house in that here Shakespeare worked and wrote and acted in his own plays. The performances lasted 3-4 hours and sometimes even 24 hours. In those days all woman roles were played by men only. One more peculiar feature of the time in English history was that all classes went to the theatre – lords and ladies, tradesmen and their wives, laborers and thieves. The spectators came to the theatre with their bags of food. Sometimes they even cooked looking performance and threw half-eaten apples, eggs, nuts at the unsuccessful actors. But they responded with cheers and applause when they were pleased.

     The most privileged spectators were sitting just on the stage. For example, when Othello began to stifle of Desdemona the spectators rushed to him to prevent the murder.

     When the Globe was crowded it could hold 2500 people.


T: Complete the sentences.

a) The performance lasted__.

b) Actors__.

c) Peculiar feature of the Globe__.

d) Spectators__.

2. Discuss the text according to the plan.

3. Compare Modern Theatre and The Globe according to this plan.


                                                Sean Connery

T: Listen about one of the well-known British actors Sean Connery and say if he wanted to become ‘a film star’ when he was a child.


T: Say if it is true or false.

1) Sean Connery is considered to be the most famous and popular James Bond. (T)

2) He didn’t have any experience to play different roles. (F)

3) When he was nine, he earned money every morning before going to school. (T)

4) He never visited the cinema. (F)

5) When he was sixteen, he finished his school. (F)

6) Sean Connery served in the British Navy. (T)

7) He decided to become as actor after he had come to London. (T)

8) Sean Connery developed his acting voice with reading aloud into a tape recorder.


T: Ask and answer about films. Work in pairs.

1) Have you seen any good films recently?

2) What was your favourite?

3) Which actors starred in it?

4) What kind of film was it?

5) What did you like about the film?

6) What was it about?

7) What didn’t you like about it?

     Sean Connery made film after film and played all kinds of roles. He was the most famous and popular James Bond. His life had given him the experience he needed to play so many different kinds of people.

     He was born in a very ordinary family in Scotland. When he was 9, during World War II, he earned money as a milk boy (early in the morning before going to school). On Saturdays he went to the cinema. He never finished his school, and when he was 16, he joined the Navy. At 19 he went to live in London. He became a furniture polisher and a printer. But he decided to become an actor.

     To become an educated person, he went to a library and read every day for one year. He read aloud into a tape recorder to develop his acting voice. After that, he got small parts in films.


Film star

I. Pre-listening:

T: Do you like to go to the cinema?

Who is your favourite actor or actress?

What do you know about him/her?

What films with your favourite actor or actress do you like the best?

New vocabulary:

Booked – замовила, купила.

Reached – під’їхала.


           II. While- listening.

T: Listen to the text for the first time and write out the words which look like Ukrainian.

(Secretary, film, director, studio, premiere)

T: Say whether Pauline became a film star?


Film Star

      Pauline loved the cinema and wanted to become a film star. When she was twelve she said to her mother “I want to be a film star”.

     But it was not easy. After she left school, she got into films – not, as a star – she became one of the people in a crowd scene.

     One evening the man at the agency called her up and said, “There’s a job for you tomorrow, Pauline. Come at eight o’clock. You’ll be a secretary”.

     Pauline reached the studios at a quarter to eight. She wanted three hours before they came to her scene.

    The scene was very short: the star, a famous American actor, came and stopped in front of where Pauline was sitting.

    “I want you to look at Harry when he comes in”, explained the director, and say, “Mr. Marlowe, there’s a call for you! Can you say that?”

     Pauline said she could and did everything the director said her to do.

     The director was very pleased, and the star smiled at her.

     “That’s great”, said the director. “Thanks”.

     Pauline was very happy that evening.

     Some months later she booked two seats for the premiere and went to see her film with Michael, her boy-friend.

    It was a good film but there was not Pauline in it. Her scene together with many other unimportant scenes had been cut out.


III. Post-listening activity.

          1. T:Making a plan to the text.

  1. (The Pauline’s dream.) 2. (The first role.) 3. (At the premiere.)

2. T: Listen to the text again and choose the right answer to the questions.

1. What did Pauline love?

a) the theatre

b) the cinema

c) the circus

2. What did she want to be?

a) a ballet-dancer

b) an announcer

c) a film star

3. How old was she when she told her parents about her wish?

a) thirteen

b) twenty

c) twelve

4. What did she become after leaving school?

a) one of the people in a crowd scene

b) one of the assistant producers

c) one of the people in a crowd on the town square

5. Who called Pauline up and said that there was a job for her?

a) her friend

b) the director of the school

c) the man at the agency

6. When did Pauline come to the studio?

a) at a quarter to eight

b) at a quarter to nine

c) at a quarter to ten

7. What was her part in the scene?

a) She had to say, “Mr. Marlowe, there’s a call for you!”

b) She had to say, “Mrs. Marlowe, there’s a call for you!”

c) She had to say, “Mr. Marlowe, there’s a present for you!”

8. How did she act?

a) She did everything very well

b) She did it everything terrible

c) She did everything awfully

9. How did Pauline feel that everything?

a) She was very sad

b) She was very happy

c) She was unhappy


      Запропоновані тексти для аудіювання  містили завдання, спрямовані на засвоєння лексичного та граматичного матеріалу по темі, розширення пасивного словника, а також  розвиток здогадки про значення нових слів за контекстом, розвивали фонетичний та інтонаційний слух, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності семикласників, готовності до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні,та інтерес до країни, мова якої вивчається.

     Тема “Покупки “

 “At the Supermarket”.

Учні вписують у картки ту кількість продуктів, яку купили Пітер і Джейн для вечірки.


Listen to the dialogue and write how much food they bought.

____________________packets of crisps

____________________packets of peanuts

____________________loaves of bread

___________________  pound of cheese

____________________bottles of lemonade

____________________tin of ham

____________________dozen eggs

____________________tins of fruit

____________________bottles of Cola



- Hang on, Jane. We need some crisps.

- Oh, yes. How many packets?

- Six.

- Six? That won’t be enough.

- Well. It say six on the list.

- Let’s get ten. Do we need any peanuts?

- Ok. Eight packets of peanuts. What do we need now?

- Packets of crisps, 6 packets of peanuts, 8 loaves of bread, 4 pound of cheese, 10 bottles of lemonade, 4 tins of ham, 1 dozen eggs, 1 tin of fruit, 3 bottles of Cola.

- That’s won’t be enough. Let’s double each item.

- But we won’t have enough money, Jane.

- Of course we will. Oh dear, the bill’s $ 30.22. We haven’t got enough.

- I told you.

- Can we put some things back, please?


2) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.

Учні ставлять один одному запитання та відповідають на них.


                                     Listening Comprehension

T: Listen about Mrs McBright’s going shopping and say what she bought for Betty.

     “I have some shopping to do. Would you like to come to Selfridge’s with me?” Mrs McBright asked Betty that afternoon.

     The white Sale was on at Selfridge’s, the big store in Oxford Street. Mrs McBright wanted to buy a blanket, a pair of sheets and some towels.

     She bought the towels first. “These are a bargain,” said the shopper. “The usual price is 11 pounds for six, the White Sale price is 9. “Mrs McBright also bought a pair of cotton sheets and a blanket of Scotch wool, but no pillow.

     “Shall I help you to carry the things you’ve bought?” Betty asked. “No, that won’t be necessary. They’ll send them tomorrow, and I’ll get them this week.”

     “Let’s go to the ready-made clothes and look at skirts,” Mrs Mcbright said to Betty. “If you like  one of them and it suits you, I’ll buy it, you need one for school.”

     Betty chose the skirt. “How much does it cost?” she asked. It cost 8 pounds, which was not very expensive but they did not have her size. “We’ll be able to get it for you in about ten days,” said the shop assistant.

     Then Mrs McBright chose a silk tie for her husband. Next Friday would be his birthday, and she bought a pair of gloves for herself.

     Then they went to the market to buy some food for five o’clock tea.



T: Answer the questions.

1) What is Selfridge’s?

2) Where is this store situated?

3) What does the “White Sale” mean?

4) What did Mrs McBright want to buy?

5) What was the price of the towels?

6) What kind of sheets did she buy?

7) When will Mrs McBright get all she has bought?

8) What did Mrs McBright buy for her husband?

9) What did she buy for herself?




Інтерпретація результатів навчання за запропонованою методикою


              З досвіду роботи з аудіативним матеріалом на уроках англійської мови  у 7 класі можна зробити такі  висновки :

- використання текстів для аудіювання сприяє  розвитку у дітей інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови;

- активізує навчальну діяльність;

- є засобом розширення та збагачення  словника;

- сприяє  також вихованню учнів;

- збагачує учнів відомостями країнознавчого характеру, дає змогу дізнатися про культуру країни, мова якої вивчається;                                                

   - стимулює інтерес до країни, мова якої вивчається.

       Використання  текстів для аудіювання з англійської мови в процесі навчання семикласників в значній мірі полегшило оволодіння навичками говоріння, покращило  слухову пам'ять, сприяло засвоєнню лексичного складу мови і її граматичної структури.

      Ми прийшли до висновку, що контроль розуміння прослуханого повинен займати якнайбільше часу і водночас мати індивідуальний характер. У зв'язку з цим було обрано раціональні засоби контролю.  Вважаю, що найбільш раціональним є поєднання коротких письмових завдань для слабких учнів і з усними завданнями творчого характеру для сильніших учнів, адже в аудіюванні беруть участь усі учні класу, тому й оцінку за виконання роботи має отримати кожен. Інакше деякі учні можуть втратити інтерес до цього виду роботи та до англійської  мови взагалі.

       Результати нашого дослідження засвідчили, що завдяки запропонованому комплексу вправ учні 7 класу  удосконалили  навички аудіювання.  Запропоновані тексти для аудіювання  містили завдання, спрямовані на засвоєння лексичного та граматичного матеріалу по темі, розширення пасивного словника, а також  розвиток здогадки про значення нових слів за контекстом, розвивали фонетичний та інтонаційний слух, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності семикласників, стимулювали розумову та мовленнєву діяльність учнів, виховували в учнів культуру спілкування, прийняту в сучасному цивілізованому світі,  та інтерес до країни, мова якої вивчається.

      Запропоновані тексти для аудіювання удосконалили вміння молодших підлітків розуміти на слух основний зміст нескладних автентичних текстів, вміння зафіксувати та передати письмово й усно інформацію, збагатити словниковий запас учнів новими словами; виховувати в учнів культуру спілкування, прийняту в сучасному цивілізованому світі, та інтерес до країни, мова якої вивчається.








      Отже, вивчаючи процес навчання  аудіювання учнів 7 класу середньої загальноосвітньої школи, ми прийшли до висновку, що:

  • аудіювання,  виступаючи як засобом,  так і метою навчання, займає важливе місце у навчальному процесі;
  • із психологічної точки зору процес аудіювання являє собою процес сприйняття мови, процес дізнавання і процес розуміння. Процес аудіювання пов'язаний із трьома видами пам'яті: короткочасної, довготривалової й оперативної.
  • аудіювання можливе лише на базі міцних лексичних, граматичних, та фонетичних  навичок,  звідси виникає методичний висновок: тексти для аудіювання треба пропонувати після визначеної роботи над лексикою і граматикою.
  • На середньому етапі навчання  аудіювання відіграє велику роль в досягненні практичних, розвиваючих, освітніх і виховних цілей і служить ефективним засобом навчання англійської мови в школі.     
  •  В основі акту аудіювання лежить навчально – мовленнєва ситуація. Предметом її є зміст аудійованого тексту, а комунікаційне завдання виражає мету слухання. Це вузлові компоненти, які визначають спілкування.

Вивчаючи особливості аудіювання, ми прийшли до висновку, що добираючи матеріал для аудіювання, потрібно  враховувати вікові та психологічні особливості молодших підлітків, а також логічно поєднувати зміст тексту із темою уроку. 

       Виходячи з вимог програми,  семикласники повинні розуміти мовлення вчителя та інших осіб, тексти тривалістю звучання до 2 хвилин у нормальному темпі в пред’явлені вчителя чи в грамзапису, а також звуковий супровід навчальних діафільмів чи кінофільмів. Тексти для аудіювання повинні будуватися на уже засвоєному  програмному мовному матеріалі і можуть містити до 3% невідомих слів, про значення яких можна здогадатися.  

        Спостереження за навчальним процесом у 7 класі показують, що семикласники  зіштовхуються із різними труднощами в аудіюванні. Особливо складним для сприйняття є діалогічне мовлення. Також труднощі в аудіюванні для семикласників є складність граматичного матеріалу, лексичного ( вживання слів у переносному значенні, наявність слів, які немають великої інформаційної завантаженості, немотивованих слів і фразеологічних зворотів), фонетичні труднощі ( темп, інтонація). Наявність цих труднощів є, з одного боку, тією проблемою, вирішення якої призводить до формування навичок аудіювання та розвитку школярів, з іншого боку, вони не повинні перешкоджати навчальному процесу. Тому вчителеві необхідно не тільки враховувати особливості пам’яті, мислення та уяви учнів, але навчити школярів користуватися основними прийомами, щоб уловити та зрозуміти зміст тексту, з допомогою різноманітних комунікативних завдань реалізувати принцип інтерактивності навчання іноземної мови, підготувати учнів до слухання та створити сприятливу атмосферу іншомовного спілкування. Навчальний процес має будуватися так, щоб в учнів був стимул до подолання труднощів.

        Аудіювання – це один із шляхів пізнання навколишнього світу, слухати усну інформацію – означає не лише сприймати певні звуки, слова, а й розуміти почуте, з метою відповідного реагування на нього: виконувати певні дії, дізнатись про щось нове, одержати естетичну насолоду, реагувати певним чином на запитання, прохання, висловлювати свою думку тощо.

        Враховуючи особливості аудіювання і психологічні особливості семикласників, мною  був  розроблений  більш раціональний, ніж пропонується в чинному підручнику, комплекс  текстів та завдань.

        Результати проведеного дослідження підтвердили гіпотезу, що запропонований комплекс текстів  для навчання аудіювання сприяє формуванню аудіативних  навичок і вмінь учнів.    

       Запропоновані тексти для аудіювання удосконалили вміння молодших підлітків розуміти на слух основний зміст нескладних автентичних текстів, вміння зафіксувати та передати письмово й усно інформацію, збагатити словниковий запас учнів новими словами; виховувати в учнів культуру спілкування, прийняту в сучасному цивілізованому світі, та інтерес до країни, мова якої вивчається.




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