Конкурс знавців англійської мови для учнів старшої школи,
Створений з метою удосконалення знань, умінь, навичок, набутих на уроках англійської мови; практикувати учнів у здійсненні усного спілкування в заданій ситуації (навчальній та культурній); розвивати мовну здогадку, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності, готовність до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні; розширювати світогляд учнів; розвивати творчі здібності, самостійність, естетичні смаки; виховувати позитивні ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.
The Rules of the Game The game consists of three rounds. Before the game you will divided in two teams of six participants in each one. After the first round there will stay only six of you. You will form two teams of three participants in each one. After the second round there will stay only three of you. You will answer the questions of three different topics. Only one of you- the best, the cleverest one-will be the winner. I wish you good luck!
Task 2. Answer the questions connecting with the birds. What bird has the largest nest. Find the bird that is the largest bird in the world. Which bird looks wise? Find it. Find the bird that eats meat. Find the bird that says "crow". Find the bird that can talk. Find the bird that says "quack-quack". Find the bird that is white and beautiful. Find the bird that eats frogs.
Task 5. Do you know the colours? Draw the rainbow, using coloured pencils. Remember that the colours come in the following order. Lowing order: A red colour is the first on the left. A violet colour is the first on the right. A green colour is in the middle of the rainbow. An orange colour is between red and yellow. A blue colour is on the right side of green. A dark blue colour is between violet and light-blue colours. This is a rainbow.
Task 1. How do you know the USA. 1. What president fought for the abolition of slavery in the USA? a) Lincoln. b) Jefferson. c) Washington. 2.What river is New York situated on? a) The Mississippi. b) The Potomac. c) The Hudson. 3. What is the world's tallest stone structure situated in Washington? a)Washington Monument. b)Lincoln Memorial.c)Palace of Justice.
4. Which kind of sport is a typical American invention? a) Tennis. b) Baseball. c) Golf. 5. Which holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November? a) Halloween. b) Independence day. c) Thanksgiving Day. 6. Who of the musicians played the trumpet in jazz? a) Wellington. b) Armstrong. c) Presley. 7. Who of the American scientists invented the telephone? a) A. Bell. b) H. Ford. c) M. King.
8. Who of the American writers wrote books under the name of MarkTwain? a) Jack London. b) Samuel Clemens. c) John Grisham. 9. Which street in New York is called the home of theaters? a) The 5th Avenue. b) Broadway. c) Fleet Street. 10. What is the traditional meal on Thanksgiving Day? a) Fish. b) Pudding. c) Turkey.
Task 2. How do you know Great Britain. 1.What is the Union Jack? a) The national flag of the UK. b) Trade union organization. c) Monument. 2.What is the name of the present British Queen? a) Elizabeth I. b) Mary. c) Elizabeth II 3.What is the capital of Wales? a) Glasgow. b) Cardiff. c) Edinburgh
4. Where did the Beatles come from? a) Bristol. b) Manchester. c) Liverpool. 5. What is the song the Scottish people sing at the parties? a) Jingle Bells. b) Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot c) Greensleeves. 6. Where does the ceremony of the Keys take place? a) In the Tower of London. b) At Buckingham Palace. c) In Trafalgar Square
7. Which street in London is called "newspaper street"? a) Oxford Street. b) Fleet Street. c) Downing Street. 8. Where is the Speaker's Corner? a) In Richmond Park. b) In Hyde Park. c) In Kensington Gardens. 9. Where is the National Shakespeare Theatre? a) In London. b) In Birmingham. c) In Stratford-upon-Avon. 10. What is the national musical instrument of Scotland? a) Bagpie. b) Trumpet. c) Guitar.
Task 3. How do you know Canada. 1. What country does Canada border on in the North? a) The USA. b) Russia. c) Finland. 2. Which is the largest province in Canada? a) Quebec. b) Prince Edward. c) Ontario. 3. Which agricultural product grown in Canada is world famous? a) Flax. b) Wheat. c) Potato. 4.Which tower rises above the Parliament Building in Ottawa? a) Green Tower. b) Victoria Tower. c) Peace Tower
5.Which museum in Ottawa illustrates the cultures of Eskimos and Indians? a) The Museum of Nature. b) Laurier House. c) The Museum of Civilization. 6. Which May Festival is Ottawa world famous for? a) Tulip Festival. b) Art Festival. c) Music Festival. 7.The Queen of what country presents Ottawa with flowers? a) Great Britain. b) The Netherlands, c) Nepal.