Конспект інтегрованого уроку з англійської мови для 8 класу "WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT CANADA?"

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Розробка містить розгорнутий план-конспект інтегрованого (англійська мова та географія) уроку з англійської мови для учів 8 класу. Розробка корисна для вчителів англійської мови та вчителів геграфії.

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Date: 13.04.16

The Theme: Countries

The Subject of the lesson: WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT CANADA?


  • to teach students to do the geographical outlook of the country;
  • to teach them to get information using different sources;
  • to practice skimming the text;
  • to practice using the Present Perfect Tense in Passive Voice;
  • to incorporate group work;
  • to widen students’ knowledge on English-speaking countries.


Visual aids:  a textbook “Welcome to English Study” (8th form) by O. Karpiuk, a map of Canada, contour maps of Canada, a CD with the anthem of Canada, a list of proper names, handouts, Canadian flag and coat of arms, sights of Canada.


Procedure of the lesson




  1. Warming up.

1.1  Greeting  



- Good morning, dear boys and girls. I am glad to see you.

- Are you fine, pupils?

- Are you fine, Dima?

- How are you, …?

- I’m fine, too

- Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson.

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent today?

- What day is it today?

- What date is it today?

Thank you very much!


1.2 Listening to the anthem


O Canada!

Our home and native land!

True patriot love

In all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts

We see thee rise.

The True North

Strong and free!

T: You’ve listened to the anthem of an English-speaking country. You can see its flag and coat of arms here. Can you guess what country we are going to speak about?

Expected answer:

S: About Canada.

T: Right you are. At this lesson we’ll try to make a report in geography of Canada. We have invited to our English lesson your geography teacher as an expert in Geography. This lesson is unusual because you’ll get knowledge yourselves using different sources of information.


  1. Checking of H\A


III. Presentation ( books closed)


3.1 Vocabulary revision.

T: I’d recommend you to review some geographical terms and word-combinations.Unscramble words. ( слова записано на дошці, кожна група працює зі своїми словами, потім фронтально обговорюємо).

The 1 st group

to derbor on

to be edshwa by

an eara

a lowndla


the 2 nd group

a tainmoun ragen

a aticclim nezo



Key: to border on, to be washed by, an area, a lowland, a mountain range, a climatic zone, arctic, temperate.


T: Let’s work with some proper names. Listen and repeat.

Canada   the Mackenzie

North America  Nelson

The Pacific ocean   Yukon

The Atlantic ocean Rocky mountains

The Arctic ocean  Great Lakes

Ottawa   Great Bear Lake

Toronto   Niagara Falls


3.3 The game «True or false»

- To make you remember all that you know about this country, I suggest the game «True or false». This game is made in pairs. With Atlas you need to make any affirmative statement about one of the sites of Canada.

Ex. - Canada is situated on the north of Northern America.

- It is true. Canada is situated on the north of Northern America.

- Every couple should make two sentences with the answers and write in a notebook.

IV. Presentation (  books opened)


4.1 GROUP WORK. Reading

T: Now you are ready to get information about Canada. Split into 5 groups. You task is to read the text about Canada (each group has its own part). Prepare to retell.

1. Canada is situated on the north of Northern America, washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north and in the northeast by the Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait, which separate it from Greenland, In the south and in the north Canada borders on the USA. Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Canada's territory is the world's second largest country, surpassed in size only by Russia. It includes many islands, notably the Canadian Arctic Islands, also called Arctic Archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. The total area is about 10 million km². The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

2. The climate of Canada varies from temperate in the south to subarctic and arctic in the north. The highest Canadian point is Mount Logan 5,959 m.  Among the great rivers of Canada there are the Saint Lawrence River, draining the Great Lakes and emptying into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence; the Ottawa and the Saguenay rivers, the principal affluents of the Saint Lawrence River; the Saint John River, emptying into the Bay of Fundy. Niagara Falls is the best natural wonder in the USA and Canada. It is visited by many people. Niagara is an Indian word. It means "roaring waters". A mass of water is falling 57 meters down. The noise of the water is heard at a distance of 25 kilometers. Country is rich in next mineral resources: coal, gas, oil, iron ore, ferrous and precious metals, potassium salt.

3. The second largest country in the world is Canada. On July 1, 2013, Canada's population was estimated at 35,158,300. The population of the country contains a lot of ethnic groups. This consists of English, French, German, Italian, Irish, Ukrainian and Chinese as well. Incidentally the per capita immigration rate in Canada is the highest. Most of the Canadian population is located along the US border and the Quebec City. The most of the immigrants inhabit in the cities like Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Like the diverse population, Canada also boasts of having a variety of religions. But majority of the people follow Christianity.

4. Canada has the eleventh-largest economy in the world, is one of the world's wealthiest nations, and is a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Group of Eight (G8). As with other developed nations, the Canadian economy is dominated by the service industry, which employs about three quarters of Canadians. Canada has a sizable manufacturing sector, which located in Central Canada, with the automobile industry and aircraft industry especially important. With a long coastal line, Canada has the 8th largest commercial fishing and seafood industry in the world. Canada is one of the global leaders of the entertainment software industry.

5. Canada has a large domestic and foreign tourism industry. Much of the country's tourism is centered around Canada's four largest metropolitan areas, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Ottawa, well known for their culture, diversity, as well as the many national parks and historic sites. In 2012, over 16 million tourists arrived in Canada, bringing US$17.4 billion in international tourism receipts to the economy. Domestic and international tourism combined directly contributes 1% of Canada's total GDP and supports 309,000 jobs in the country. Canada has a transport system which includes more than 1,400,000 kilometres of roads, 10 major international airports, 300 smaller airports, 72,093 km of functioning railway track, and more than 300 commercial ports and harbors that provide access to the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans as well as the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway.

V. Practice

5.1 Controlled


a)- Each group retells the text.


b) Complete the sentences.

1. Canada is situated ______________of Northern America.

2. Canada became a self-governing dominion in ___________while retaining ties to the British crown.

3. The capital of Canada is­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________.

4. The highest Canadian point is _________________5,959 m. 

5. The population of the country contains a lot of ___________________.

6. The climate of Canada varies from temperate in the ___________to subarctic and arctic in the_________________.

7. In 2012, over ____________tourists arrived in Canada, bringing US$17.4 billion _______________tourism receipts to the economy.

5.2 guided.

- Complete your chart.

Some Facts about Canada.

1. Geographical position


2. Natural conditions and resources of Canada


3. Population and culture. Ukrainian diaspora.


4. Household


5. Tourism and transport



5.3. free

a)- Write a few sentences about

1. . Geographical position

2. Natural conditions and resources of Canada

3. Population and culture. Ukrainian diaspora.

4. Household

5. Tourism and transport


T: A lot of things have been done at this lesson. Do you agree? Let’s speak about them using the Present Perfect Passive. Make up sentences with these word-combinations.

  1. The text/ to read.
  2. The map of Canada/ to study.
  3. The chart/ to complete.
  4. The geographical position of Canada/ to describe.
  5. Different sources of information/ to use.


Key: 1. The text has been read.

 2. The map of Canada has been studied.

 3. The chart has been completed.

4. The geographical position of Canada has been described.

5. Different sources of information have been used.

VI. Evaluation

Teacher: Do you like today’s lesson? Now mark on the thermometer how do you like the work on the lesson. (Учні відмічають ступень задоволення уроком на термометрах – червоний – сподобалось, синій – не сподобалось).

VII. Setting of home assignment

Your Geography teacher would like you to help her in preparing for the lesson on the topic “Canada”. So your home task will be to make a geographic quiz “What Do You Know about Canada?”


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