Конспект уроку англійської мови з презентацією "Welcome to Ukraine" 8 клас

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Урок-мандрівка з англійської мови

8 клас










ТЕМА: Welcome to Ukraine

Мета:  удосконалювати лексичні навички; продовжувати формувати в учнів навички аудіювання; практикувати учнів у монологічному мовленні, читанні та письмі; розвивати мовлення, мислення, пам'ять, увагу; виховувати інтерес і повагу  до пам’яток культури  рідної землі.

Обладнання: підручник, зошит, карта України, картки для роботи в групах і парах, мультимедійний проектор, презентація Microsoft Power Point.

Хід уроку

І.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you.How are you today?

(We are fine, thank you.)

Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day and date is it today?

Dear pupils, today we have an unusual lesson. We have guests. Don’t worry, be attentively. I wish you good luck.

Let’s check  your hometask.(Ex.3 p.61) Choose the correct answer.

2. So, pronounce proper names and find them on the map.

Take the flag,  read and mark on the map

Russia                                                       Belarus

The Black Sea                                           The Dnipro

Hungary                                                    Poland

The Carpathian Mountains                    Hoverla

Kyiv                                                          The Sea of Azov

Moldova                                                   Slovakia

3.Quiz “What do you know  about Ukraine?”

1. Where is Ukraine situated?

2. What countries does Ukraine border on?

3. What is the population of Ukraine?

4. What is the longest river of Ukraine?

5. What is Ukraine washed by?

6. Name the biggest cities of Ukraine?

7. What is the official language in our country? 

8. What is the capital of our country?

II. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку:

 Pupils, today at the lesson we’ll have to do a lot of activities.  We  are  going  to  prepare  for  our travelling about our native land Ukraine. You will learn new information about historical places and places of interest in the capital of Ukraine  Kyiv.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1.Look at the blackboard. There is a poem here. Let's read it.









  • How do you understand these words?
  • Do you agree that Ukraine is a country of remarkable beauty?
  •  What do you think about Ukraine?
  • What is Ukraine for you? What words do you associate the word Ukraine?


2.Match the words, word combination with their translation.

1. country                                       моря         

2. native land                                прекрасна природа

3. snowball tree                            рідна земля

4. seas                                            держава

5. beautiful nature                       береги річки

6.       banks of the river                      калина



Ukraine is very beautiful country. I propose you to listen about some interesting places of it.

Match the picture with the number of the text you listen to.














3. Reading

The capital of our country is beautiful and ancient city, its Kyiv.

What do you know about the history of Kyiv?

Read this text, translate it and  do the tasks.


The history of Kyiv

Kyiv is one of  the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, its official history dating to the 5th century, although settlement on this location was present since much earlier. According to an ancient legend, Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, was founded by three brothers, Kyi, Schek and Khoryv, and their sister Lybid. Kyiv means the City of Kyi.

By late 9th century Kyiv became the chef-lieu of the emerging state of the Eastern Slavic tribes, and between the 10th and early 13th century, it reached its golden age as the capital of the first Ukrainian state known today as Kyiv Rus, which predated modern Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.

 In 1654 Kyiv was liberated from the commonwealth by Cossack Hetman Bohdan  Khmelnytsky.  During these two centuries, Kyiv experienced growing Russification  and Russian immigration. After the collapse of the Soviet  Union in 1991, Kyiv became the capital of independent Ukraine and it is now quickly learning the role of a large European capital.

True or false

  1. Kyiv is one of the youngest cities in Europe.
  2. Kyiv was founded  by four brothers.
  3. Kyiv means the City of Kyi.
  4. To the first Ukrainian state known today as Kyiv Rus predated modern Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.
  5. In 1654 Kyiv was liberated from the commonwealth by Cossack Hetman Ivan Mazepa.
  6. After the collapse of the Soviet  Union in 1991, Kyiv became the capital of independent  Ukraine and at that time,  Kyiv is  а large American capital.

As you know, Kyiv has long and interesting history and it appears in famous places.


4.  Now look at these slide: all these places are in Kyiv: the building of Verkhovna Rada, Square of Independence, Khreschatic, the Park of Immortal Glory,  Shevchenko State University,  Central Botanical Ga rden, Memorial Complex and Historical Museum of Great Patriotic War and other.

You  have  advanced task for today. You prepared some interesting information about  famous sights of Kyiv.


The National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War (World War II), located on the picturesque hills of the Dnieper River, is among the largest museums in the country.  Its exhibitions are devoted to the history of World War II.

The entire museum occupies a large territory, over 10 hectares. Over fifteen thousand items are displayed in the museum’s sixteen galleries – documents, arms, photographs, personal items.

The museum complex is centerpiece and  most noticeable object is the monumental ‘Motherland’ sculpture, the biggest in Ukraine and one of the biggest in the world. It is this 102-meter  high monument that the Museum of the Great Patriotic War is associated with.  This giant sculpture, which became one of the most recognized landmarks in the capital, can be seen from different parts of Kyiv, but an especially impressive view opens from the left bank of the city.


Andriyivsky Descent  is one of the most ancient streets in the Ukrainian capital.

Andriyivsky Descent appeared in the times of the Kyivan Rus. The descent got its current name after St. Andrew’s Church was built at the top.

In the 19th-20th centuries, mainly artists, sculptors, musicians, and writers lived here. It was at that time that the street’s distinct atmosphere and its original look were created. Almost each building here is an architectural monument.

One more remarkable building on Andriyivsky Descent is the two-story house №13, where Mikhail Bulgakov lived and worked. Today, the house is a museum with an interesting exhibition. Recently, a monument to Bulgakov was erected near the house.


The St. Andrew’s Church, stands on a hill in the historic center of Kyiv. It is one of the most famous Orthodox temples in the Ukrainian capital.

According to legend, St. Andrew the Apostle made a cross during his travels to the Scythian country.

Тhe St. Andrew’s Church is notable for its unusual elegance, luxurious decor, exquisite refinement, and airiness of form.

Today, the St. Andrew’s Church is a working temple, and services are conducted here. It also houses a museum, whose collection tells the difficult history of this architectural masterpiece.


Built in the 11th century, the Saint Sophia Cathedral is  unique historical monuments. In fact, it was the first Ukrainian landmark to be included onto the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Construction on the cathedral began in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise.

The Saint Sophia became not only the head church in Kyivan Rus, but it also played the role of an important social, political, cultural, and educational center. The first school in Rus was opened on the territory of the cathedral; the first library, created by Yaroslav the Wise, was located here.

At the same time, a 76-meter  high bell tower was erected nearly. The biggest bell in Ukraine, weighing 13 tons, hangs inside.


Kievo-Pecherskaya Lavra monastery was founded in the 11th century. Its construction lasted for 9 centuries. The monastery complex makes a great impression even today. Especially well known are the underground caves of the monastery. On any given day numerous domes can be seen from almost anywhere in Kiev. Most of the buildings of the Monastery were built in the 17-18th centuries and belong to the style of Ukrainian Baroque.


Golden Gate - the main gate of the ancient Kiev. Got its name from the similarity to the Golden Gate of Constantinople. Golden Gate of Kiev is one of the few buildings of Kievan Rus, which have come down to our day. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Golden Gate was built in 1037 during the reign of the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav Mudriy.


The Independence Square  is the heart of the modern Kyiv, its main and the most beautiful square that has become the symbol not only of the Ukrainian capital, but of the whole country.  Today it is the capital’s most famous and visited sight.

Most buildings on the Independence Square  were raised after the World War II. At the same time, one of the square’s most famous buildings appeared – Ukraine Hotel. Later the square was repeatedly rebuilt and reconstructed. In 1991, with proclamation of Ukraine’s Independence, it got its modern name.

Ukraine’s capital’s main square obtained its key symbol: a tall column with a statue of a girl dressed in national clothes, standing on the globe and holding a cranberry branch, the symbol of Ukraine’s independence, was installed in its center. On the other side of the square is  the statue of the Archangel Michael – the patron of Kyiv.


The main square is crossed by the legendary Khreshchatyk, Kyiv’s main street, stretching for almost one and a half kilometers  and connecting two small squares: European and Bessarabian. Khreshchatyk is the perfect place where you can best feel the original rhythm and atmosphere of Kyiv. Here, you can admire interesting buildings, listen to street musicians, watch the performances, and enjoy the sights of the blossoming chestnut trees in the spring.


Thank you for your  answers. Let’s do another tasks.


5. Writing

Put  the  words  in  the  logical  order  to  make   sentences and translate them.

  1. Kyiv / of / Ukrainian / centre / is / the / culture.
  2. Has / the  / a / capital / industry / well-developed.
  3. Gardens / one / of / territory / parks / and / occupy / half / Kyiv’s.
  4. Population /  Kyiv / the / is / about / people / the / of / million / 3.

1)Kyiv is the centre of Ukrainian culture.

2)The capital has a well-developed industry.

3)Gardens and parks occupy one half of Kyiv’s territory.

4)The population of Kyiv is about 3 million people.


Complete the sentences with the words from the box

Nature, independent, mountains, traditions, river, generous


1. We are the sitizens of an independent state.

2. Ukrainians are generous and hard-working people.

3. Our country has many mountains, forest and rivers.

4.  The longest river of our country is the Dnipro.

5. The nature of Ukraine is very beautiful.

6.  Ukrainians keep their traditions with great honour.


Підсумок уроку

What  part  of  the  lesson  did  you  like  more?

What is the main state holiday in Ukraine?

Who is the Head of our country?

What are the natural symbols of Ukraine?

What are the state symbols of Ukraine?

Let's sing the anthem  of Ukraine in English language.


Glorious spirit of Ukraine shines and lives forever.

Blessed by Fortune brotherhood will stand up together.

Like the dew before the sun enemies will fade,

We will further rule and prosper in our promised land.

We will lay our soul and body for the cherished freedom.

Cossack blood will raise the nation of the joyous people.


You work very hard today.  … was very active. Your marks are… Thank  you everybody. Good bye.

Home task

       Project  work.  Make  a  poster  about  Ukraine.








Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2


Номер слайду 3


Номер слайду 4

Beautiful, generous is our native land. And the language is like nightingale. Love, respect, and take care of everything. That is called – Ukraine! 

Номер слайду 5

Mind map

Номер слайду 6

Match the words, word combination with their translation.1. country a)моря 2.native land b)прекрасна природа3.snowball tree c)рідна земля4.seas d)держава5.beautiful nature e)береги річки6. banks of the river f)калина

Номер слайду 7

{5940675 A-B579-460 E-94 D1-54222 C63 F5 DA}Text12345 Picture. A B EC D

Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9

Номер слайду 10

The National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War

Номер слайду 11

Andriyivsky Descent

Номер слайду 12

The St. Andrew’s Church

Номер слайду 13

The Saint Sophia Cathedral

Номер слайду 14

Kievo-Pecherskaya Lavra

Номер слайду 15

Golden Gate

Номер слайду 16

The Independence Square

Номер слайду 17


Номер слайду 18

Put the words in the logical order to make sentences and translate them.1. Kyiv / of / Ukrainian / centre / is / the / culture.2. Has / the / a / capital / industry / well-developed.3. Gardens / one / of / territory / parks / and / occupy / half/Kyiv’s.4. Population / Kyiv / the / is / about / people / the / of / million / 3.

Номер слайду 19

{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Nature, independent, mountains, traditions, river, generous. Complete the sentences with the words from the box1. We are the sitizens of an __________ state.2. Ukrainians are _________ and hard-working people.3. Our country has many ___________, forest and rivers.4. The longest__________ of our country is the Dnipro.5. The ____________ of Ukraine is very beautiful.6. Ukrainians keep their _________ with great honour.{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Nature, independent, mountains, traditions, river, generous

Номер слайду 20

Номер слайду 21

Номер слайду 22

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