Конспект уроку для 5-го класу на тему:"Здорове харчування"

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В даному уроці використовуються елементи технології критичного мислення, елементи інтерактивної технології (робота в групах), здоров'язберігаючі (чергування видів діяльності) та технології розвивального навчання..

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Конспект уроку для 5-го класу на тему:"Здорове харчування"

Очікувальні результати:учні активізують вивчену лексику за темою “FOOD”; вдосконалять комунікативні навички та навички аудіювання; вмітимуть використовувати вивчений матеріал у нових ситуаціях спілкування;

Тип уроку: комунікативно-орієнтованого навчання.

Хід уроку

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземного мовлення.

1. Introduction

1.1 Greeting.

T. Good afternoon, children. I am glad to see you. How do you feel today and why?

P. I feel happy (excited, nervous) because… T — P1, P2, P3


     -  Look at this crossword. It will help you to know the topic of our lesson.

 f r u i t s 

 o r a n g e 

p o t a t o  

 d e s s e r t

1. Apples, bananas, peaches. Say it one word.

2. It`s a fruit, we like its juice.

3. It`s a vegetable. We like it boiled, mashed, fried.

4. We usually eat it after a main course, often with tea or coffee.


T. Today we are going to discuss one of the most important problems of our life — healthy food. We’ll discuss how balanced diet helps us to be fit, healthy and strong. You will know something interesting  and new for you. I hope that our cooperation will be important and useful for you and for me. You’ll see that your health is in your own hands.

1.3. Warm up

Phonetic Drill.

      / i / fish, big, dish

     / f / fresh, fry, frost

    A big fresh frozen fish is on a dish.

        Song “Vegetables”

We are pumpkins, big and round,

Big and round, big and round,

We are pumpkins, big and round,

Seated on the ground.

We are onions, round and white,

 Round and white, round and white,

We are onions, round and white,

We make soup taste right.

We are carrots, orange and long,

Orange and long, orange and long,

We are carrots, orange and long,

Help us sing our song.

II. Main part of the lesson

2.1. T. A thousand years ago ancient Greeks said: “The first wealth is health. Health is the best wealth”. These words will be a motto of our lesson. English people also have proverbs about healthy eating. Let’s remember some of them. Do you agree that:

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away?

P. It’s true because we must eat fruit and vegetables as there are a lot of vitamins that  is useful for our health.

2. You are what you eat?

P. I agree because if you eat the right food we will be fit and healthy and if food is junk we can get some diseases.

3. Eat to live, not live to eat?

P. That’s because it’s very harmful to eat a lot and sometimes dangerous not to eat enough.


T. You know a lot of words on the topic Food. Look at these words. You should find the rhyming twins.

For example:

  • Ben — ten.  Money — honey.  Mice — rice.  Silk — milk. Trees — cheese.  Daughter — water. Take — cake.  Dream — cream.  Treat — sweet, meat.  Sea — tea.  Lips — chips.  Sam — jam.  Mean — bean.  Cat– fat.  Fork — pork.  Card — lard.  Nod — cod.


2.3. Reading. ( Group Work)

a) Pre – reading activities. T.: How do you think children, what this text is about?


b) While – reading activity

Little Apples and Big Apples

Mummy, I want an apple.

Give me an apple, please.

It is evening now, my boy.

Apples sleep in the evening.

You must go and sleep, too.

Oh, no Mummy.

Only little apples sleep, big apples do not sleep.

Give me a big apple, please, Mummy.


c) Post – reading activity.

T.: Take the stripes with the sentences and make up the story. Read your text.

(Групі учнів роздаються  розрізані  на окремі речення текст. Після зачитування вголос учні інших груп визначають, чи послідовно складений текст. Вправа виконується за допомогою роздаткового матеріалу)



1) GameWhat is it

Учитель називає слова, що асоціюються з назвою овоча або фрукта, а діти відгадують їх. Коли діти відгадують, вчитель показує муляж певного  овоча чи фрукта.

Можливі асоціації:


1. fruit, sour, juicy, yellow      (lemon);

2. fruit, sweet, long, yellow      (banana);

3. fruit, sweet, sour, round, orange, juicy    (orange);

4. fruit, sweet, sour, round, yellow/red/ green, juicy  (apple);

5. vegetable, red, round       (tomato);

6. vegetable, long, green      (cucumber);

7. vegetable, sweet, orange      (carrot);

8. vegetable, brown, bitter      (onion).


2.5. Relaxation. ( учень закриває очі і йому дають шматочок якогось  фрукту. Завдання: описати його та відгадати що це за фрукт)

2.6. Speaking.

Jokes “At table”

T. Here are some typical short English jokes. They have been mixed up. Match the beginnings and the endings and dramatize the jokes.


1. Mothe r. It’s nine o’clock and you aren’t in bed yet. What will father say  when he comes home?

2. Mothe r. Well, Mike, haven’t I given you five already?

3. “Look here, waiter, I have just found a button in my soup”.

4. Have a look at the cake I decorated for my birthday party! Don’t you think my taste is wonderful?

5. “Only cheese for dinner?”

6. “What have you brought, waiter? Is it tea or coffee?” “Can’t you taste it, sir?”


a) “Oh, thank you, sir. I have been looking all over for it”.

b) “You see, Daddy. I was going to cook everything, but cutlets caught fire, so I had to take the soup to put it out”.

c) Mike. He’ll say, “Supper! Supper! Where is my supper?”

d) “No, I can’t”. “Then isn’t the same to you?”

e) Mike. Yes, you have… But they all melted in my tea.

f) Husband, counting the candles on the cake: “Yes, hut your arithmetic is terrible”.


ŠŠ2.7. Listening.

Listen to Dr. Murphy’s lecture and answer what food is useful.

  • In order to stay healthy it is important to have a balanced diet — in other words, food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food. These groups are protein, fat, and carbohydrates. You find protein in lots of food, for example meat, fish, nuts, cheese and milk. It helps your body

to grow and to be healthy and it gives you energy. Fat gives you energy but don’t eat a lot — it’s bad for you. There are a lot of fatty foods that come from

animals, for example milk, cheese, butter and meat. Carbohydrates give you more than 70% of your energy. Bread, pasta, cereals, fruits, and vegetables such as potatoes and cabbage all contain lots of carbohydrates. Fruits,  vegetables, beans and nuts, brown bread have fiber. It doesn’t give you energy but it fills your stomach when you are hungry. There are many different vitamins and minerals. They help our body be healthy. You can find vitamin

B in eggs, nuts, milk, meat and cereals. It helps our bodies process the foods we eat. Vitamin C is in lemons, oranges and broccoli. It’s good for our bones

and teeth. There is vitamin D milk, eggs, butter and cheese. It helps our bones grow properly.

(Pupils listen to the text for the first time, then they are given the text of the lecture with missing words which they fill in and then read.)



  • Post – Listening Task.  Fill in the table.


                                      From                                      For













T.: There's no doubt that food is very important in our life. People and all living beings can't live without eating. In early times people's food was much simpler. Now we have a great variety of food. Everybody can choose what to eat according to his/her taste.

But food must contain all the things we need.

By the way, what are the most important things for the good food?

Ps.: they are: fats, fibre, water, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates.

T.: What are they for?

( слайди  )

Fats (жири) make you strong and give you energy. There are fats in meat, butter, cheese and oil.


Carbohydrates (вуглеводи) give you energy. There are carbohydrates in bread, sugar, potatoes, pasta and rice.


Fibre (клітковина)  cleans  your body inside. There is fibre in nuts, beans and cereals.


Water is important for your blood. It  also cleans your body  inside. Drink lots of water every day!


Protein (білок) helps you to grow and gives you energy. There is protein in meat, fish and milk.

Minerals make your bones and teeth strong. There are minerals in milk, vegetables, eggs, meat and cereals. Our body needs about 20 different  minerals.


Vitamins are important for your eyes, skin, bones, hair and for other parts of your body. There are 13 types of vitamins (A,B,C...) in many types of food.

ІІІ. 1.Conclusion.

T: Today you’ve leaned about some traditional English food. Don’t you think the getting knowledge can help you in your real life?

(Учитель прикріплює на дошку зображення дерева.)

T: Look at your desks. Each of you have got three apples – red, yellow and green one. If you took part in all activities and did everything correct, put a green apple on the tree. If you only helped sometimes and didn’t understand everything, put a yellow apple on the tree. If you didn’t understand and didn’t remember anything, put a red one.             

2. Homework.

Повторити лексику теми.


Bye - bye! for now

See you soon

Come back again

To  our classroom.


15 лютого 2018
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