Конспект уроку" Food all about food"

Про матеріал
Тема: Food all about food. Цілі:вдосконалювати навички аудіювання; вдосконалювати навички вживання лексики; ознайомити учнів з традиційною їжею Великої Британії; сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення; розвивати вміння чітко виконувати інструкції вчителя; виховувати увагу, інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови
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Тема: Food all about food.

Цілі:вдосконалювати навички аудіювання;

         вдосконалювати навички вживання лексики;

         ознайомити учнів з традиційною їжею Великої Британії;

         сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення;

         розвивати вміння чітко виконувати інструкції вчителя;

         виховувати увагу, інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови

Обладнання: підручник, відео матеріал, робочий зошит,                                             

                        роздатковий матеріал, картки, малюнки.



Хід уроку

  1. Introduction

T: Good morning, dear children!                                                                                            

Cl: Good morning, teacher!

T: I’m glad to see you.

Cl: We are glad to see you too.

T: How do you feel today.

P1: I feel cheerful.

P2: I feel ready to help.

P3: I feel friendly.

T- P4, P5, P6

    2. Warming-up

T: What do you think is the topic of today’s lesson? Look at the blackboard. There is a poem here. Let’s read this poem and try to guess today’s topic.

Vegetables and fruit

For children are very good

Eat vegetables and fruit

And they’ll do you very good.

Those who eat much fruit

Are in a very good mood

They are in a very good mood,

Those, who eat much fruit

T: So, what do you think?

P1: I think, it’s “Meals”.



P2: I think, it’s “Food”.

T: Yes, but I’ll correct you a little. The topic of our today’s lesson is “All about food”.

  1. Vocabulary revision

T: I give you some sweets. Look at the blackboard and speak out according the colour of your sweet.

Red = When I am hungry I want to…

Green = When I am thirsty I want to…

Orange = My breakfast may consist of …

Brown = My dinner consists of …

Yellow = For dessert I like to eat …

P1: When I am hungry I want to eat bananas or apples.

P2: When I am thirsty I want to drink some orange juice.

P3: My breakfast may consist of a plate of soup or a cup of tea with a sandwich.

P4: For dessert I like to eat yoghurt and home-made pastry.

P5 – P6 – P7 – P8…

T: Do you go shopping?

     Here is a shopping list, but all the letters are jumbled up. Can you rearrange them?

Nabansa- bananas

Smoteato- tomatoes

Dre preepp- red pepper

Dreba- bread

Clarig- garlic

Likm- milk

Plepas- apples

Oli- oil

Cire- rice


T: And now, children, open your books at page 73. Look at exercise 3b.

Find the hidden words in the square.


T: I see you are tired.

Let’s have a rest. Imagine that we are in the forest. And you see a lot of fruit and berries there. You decided to pick them up. So if it grows on trees you must raise your hands up and collect it and if it grows on the ground, you must bend to the earth and collect it.



  1. Listening & Watching.

T: Tell me please, do you like to watch the TV. I’ve prepared you a film to watch. It’s about children who live in the UK. The video clip features a boy called Nick, his sister Molly, and their mother and father. You are going to learn about some of the things people in Britain eat.

During watching the video you have to find out about some of the food people eat in the UK. Tick the food items in the Activity Sheet 1 that you see in the video clip about food.

( Учні виконують завдання )


T: Let’s check the answers.

P1: toast;

P2: cereal;

P3: a packed lunch;

P4: apple crumble and custard;

P5: roast beef;

P6: Yorkshire pudding

T: Look at the Activity Sheet 2.

Match each speech bubble to the person who says it, by writing M, D, N or MO.

( Учні виконують завдання )

T: Let’s check the answers.

T: Look at the Activity Sheet 3. Name each item.

Now watch, tick and write the things that Mum buys.

( Учні виконують завдання )

Let’s check the answers.

P1: cheese;

P2: milk;

P3: bread;

P4: roast beef;

P5: pasta;

P6: broccoli;

P7: tomatoes;

P8: peppers.


T: Look at the Activity Sheet 4. Colour the flags in the grid for our country and for the UK.


( The pupils answer each question for their country and the UK, by drawing a tick or a cross.)


  1. Reading

T: Now we shall do some group work. There should be only three people in each group. The task is to make up a story. I’ll give you some sentences and you have to put them in correct order.

( Учні виконують завдання )

T: Now listen to what you have done.

P1: Once my mother asked me to go shopping.

        She gave me a shopping list.

        I had to buy sugar, milk, salt, a kilo of carrots and potatoes and                                some sausage

P2: On my way to the supermarket I lost my shopping list. 

        I didn’t know what to do.

        I didn’t want to return home so I decided to buy all the necessary       


P3: I bought a big chocolate cake, a bottle of coca-cola, cookies, a kilo                                    

       of candies, some sweets and some bananas.          

       On my way home I was proud of myself because I bought all we


       But to my surprise  my mother didn’t like what I bought and I was



  1. Speaking

T: And now children, listen to me and agree or disagree with me using:

I agree with you.

You are right.

I’m afraid you are wrong.

By no means.

  1.    People cannot live without food;

P1: I agree with you.

  1.    Animals can live without food;

P2: I’m afraid you are wrong.

  1.    Plants can live without water;

P3: I’m afraid you are wrong.

  1.    Cabbage is a fruit;

P4: By no means.


  1.    Vitamins are not important for people;

P5: I’m afraid you are wrong.

  1.    Children must eat a lot of sweets every day;

P6: I’m afraid you are wrong.

  1.    Vegetables and eggs make our bones and teeth strong;

P7: You are right.

  1.    Children must drink coffee every day;

P8:  I’m afraid you are wrong.

  1. Summing – up

T: You’ve worked hard today. I want you to remember some proverbs.

      Good health is above wealth.

     Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

    After dinner sit a while. After supper walk a mile.

T: I’m satisfied with your work. Thank you for active participation. You coped with these tasks excellent. Your marks for today’s lesson are… .




































План- конспект уроку з англійської мови

на тему:

’’Food . All about food.”




















15 листопада 2023
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