Конспект уроку "Food" Smart Junior 2

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Конспект уроку "Food" Урок закріплення і вдосконалення нових знань, умінь, навиків Підручник Smart Junior 2 Сторінка 53
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Smart junior 2 p 53

Тема уроку/ The subject of the lesson: Food 

Aims/ Мета :  

практична: ативізувати лексику за темою, навчати вживати нові слова у монологічному та діалогічному мовленні, навчати дітей працювати в групах

розвивальна:  пам’ять, мовну здогадку, логічне мислення учнів, розвивати граматичні навички вживання конструкцій I like/ I don’t like

освітня:    формувати  навички читання та говоріння .

виховна: виховувати в учнів культуру харчування

Type/ Тип уроку:

Урок закріплення і вдосконалення нових знань, умінь, навиків

Vocabulary: chips, bananas, pasta, milk, cereal, juice, tea
Grammar: I like, I don’t like, Do you like
Review: meet, cheese, rice, tomato, sandwich
Materials: Class CD


Хід уроку/ Procedure

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


Good morning, everyone! I`m glad to see you! Take your seats, please! Let`s begin our lesson!  How are you today? What the weather like today?


Повідомлення теми, мети уроку/Aim of the lesson

The topic of our lesson is   «Food». Today we are going to talk about food and new grammar constructions. We`ll improve your communicative skills, also skills in reading and listening.


Warm – up


Let’s begin our lesson with the song we have learn the previous time

And now, to revise your knowledge of food we are going to play a game - Find an odd type of food. Look at the screen, please. Your task is to name all types of food on the picture, find the odd one, and explain your choice.


Slide 1 - Banana, orange, lemon, tomato (tomato is odd because it is a vegetable)

Slide 2 - Milk, juice, tea, soda (soda is odd because it is not healthy)

Slide 3 - Watermelon, strawberries, grapes, blueberries (grapes are odd because they are not berries)

Slide 4 - Sandwich, pizza, hot dog, cereal (cereal is odd because it is not junk food)

Slide 5 - Potatoes, cucumber, cabbage, pear (pear is odd because it is not a vegetable)

Slide 6 - Meat, ham, sausage, cheese (cheese is odd because it is a dairy product)

Slide 7 - Cheese, butter, milk, bread (bread is odd because it is not a dairy product)



                            2.  Основна частина уроку. The main part of the lesson.

Vocabulary Revision /Закріплення лексики із попереднього уроку.


So, as you know, food is an essential part of our life. We eat food every day when we are hungry. At the previous lessons we learned different types of food.

And today we are going to listen and read the text about what people like and don’t like to eat.

Please open your books on page 78 and let’s listen to the text and then read.



Grammar box

Stick the flashcards of the lesson on the board.

Point to the flashcard of chips, use facial expressions and body movements and say, I like chips.

Ask a S, Do you like chips ? Encourage the S to answer YES or NO, then depending on what he/she said, say, Yes, I do/  No, I don’t  . And have the S repeat after you.


And now let’s do exercise 2. Listen to the dialogue and choose a happy or a sad face


Ss you have to make up your own dialogues. Some of you  asks Do you like apples ? and another answers Yes, I do/  No, I don’t 


Cards ( додаток 1)

Well done. Good work.

 Now please, take a card and tell me what food you like or don’t like.


Physical minute ( Song about food)




Open your workbooks and let’s do Ex 2 on page 53

Let’s listen to the sentences and circle like or don’t like


Lego game ( додаток 2)

Use your bricks and build a wall. Look at the picture and choose the correct colour of your brick.


Group work

Divide Ss into groups and make them show the correct word on the blackboard.



Guess the word

Use construction Do you like



3.  Заключна частина уроку The end of the lesson Summarizing.

Reflection. підсумки

Our lesson is going to the end. Let`s sum up the results of our lesson.

We have spoken about your food. 

Evaluation. оцінювання

You`ve done a good job today! You have been active.

  Did you enjoy our lesson?

    Thank you for your attention! Goodbye!








































Cards ( додаток 1)


Pin on Project 2













Lego game ( додаток 2)



























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  1. Фурсова Олена Анатоліївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
21 березня 2021
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