конспект уроку «Health. Doctors. Medicine»

Про матеріал
Мета: Систематизувати знання учнів з теми. Удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання та усного мовлення з опорою на лексико- граматичні структури. Сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення. Залучити учнів до комунікаційних форм діяльності на уроці: робота в групах, парах, індивідуально. Виховувати відповідальне ставлення до свого здоров’я і здоров’я оточуючих.
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Тема : «Health. Doctors. Medicine»

Мета:   Систематизувати  знання  учнів  з  теми.  Удосконалювати  навички

              читання, аудіювання  та  усного  мовлення  з опорою на лексико-

              граматичні структури. Сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення.

             Залучити  учнів  до комунікаційних форм діяльності на уроці: робота

             в групах, парах, індивідуально. Виховувати відповідальне ставлення

              до свого здоров’я і здоров’я оточуючих.

Обладнання:   Інтерактивна дошка , роздаткові завдання для групової та індивідуальної роботи, прислів’я та приказки, завдання до текстів з аудіювання та читання, відео з діалогом, презентація.

Тип уроку:

Урок застосування навичок і вмінь

Клас : 3(7)

Хід уроку

І.  Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення.

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми уроку.

. Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you in good health today. It is necessary for everyone to take care of our health. And during our lesson we’ll speak about it. Let’s smile each other and I’m sure our lesson will be successful and our work will be productive.

T. Look at the proverb “Health is above wealth” (слайд 1). How do you understand these words?

P1. Healthy people are happy and rich.

P2. Health is above wealth because when we are ill, we do not want to study, to work and to play.

P3. Health is a main thing, it is better to be healthy than to be rich.

T. Thank you. And today our aim is:

T: Aim: practical: to review  words and phrases  on the topic; to develop your listening, reading and writing skills;  to develop your pair and group communicative skills; educational: to widen your outlook; to bring up you as hard-working persons; developing: to develop memory; to develop attention, quick reaction, interests, artistic abilities; cultural: to educate initiative, active life position; to develop the wish to lead healthy lifestyle.(слайд 2)

II Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T. The topic of our lesson is “  Health” (слайд 3). We must be healthy both: physically and mentally “ A healthy mind in a healthy body”(слайд 4). Do you agree with this saying.

Ps. Yes, we do. We know many different proverbs and statements about health

P1. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

P2. Health is better than wealth.

P3. The best doctors in the world are doctor Diet, doctor Quiet and doctor Merryman.

P4. A good laugh is the best medicine.

P5. Wealth is nothing without health.


  1. I would like you to look at the parts of the proverbs which are on the blackboard. Your task is to make up the proverbs which you have already learnt.

Early to bed, early to rise,                                          keeps the doctor away.

An apple a day                                                            makes a person healthy,  

  A good laugh                                                                                                                                                    

                                                                                    wealthy and wise.

                                                                             Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet and    

                                                           Doctor Merryman.

                                                                                     above wealth.

The best doctors in the world are                               

Good health                                                                 is the best medicine.


  1. Making up sentences

     T: You have formed proverbs, sayings about health. Now I want you to explain them. So, look at your handout 1 and complete the sentences.

HO 1 Complete the sentences:

  • “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.” means………..(e. g.  you should get a good sleep)
  •  “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means………..(e. g.  you should eat good food to stay healthy)
  •  “A good laugh  is the best medicine.” means……………( e. g.  if you laugh much heartily you become healthier)
  • “The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet and Doctor Merryman.” means……………………(e. g. that healthy food, positive thinking and good laugh make you healthier)
  • “Good health above wealth.” means………………….(e. g. it is more important to be healthy than to be wealthy)


II Основна частина уроку


  1. Group work

( “Асоціативний кущ”)

T. Look at the word “ Health”. There are only six letters in this word, but we can’t live without it. (слайд 5)

H –heart

E –eat

A –accident 

L –lungs

T –take

H –hospital

T. I have written one word to each letter. It’s your turn. Take your exercise books and write your words.  So you may consult one another. Ready? Who will be the first? Ok. Read the words under the letter H… E…A…L…T…H(слайд 6)

H – heart, headache, hear… 

E –eat, earache, easy …

A –ambulance, accident, ache…

L –lungs, local, lifestyle…

T –take, temperature, throat, tummy…

H –hospital, high, hurt…


2. Speaking

Т.:-What should you do to be healthy?

Р.1-You have to organize you daily routines.

Р.2-You should to  do your morning exercises every day or go in for sports.

 Р.3-You should to  keep clean yourself, brush your teeth every day.

Р.4-You should to eat healthy food regularly.

Р.5-You should to visit a doctor if you need.

T.:- What should people do if they are ill?

Р.-People should go to the doctor.

3. Активізація лексичного матеріалу

1)( Мозковий штурм)

Т.:-  Our class is divided into four groups of 4-5 members. Each group will get a card with a table .Complete the table with the appropriate words ( Doctors, illness, symptoms, medicine)

Sneezing, a surgeon, pills, a headache, the flu, drops, a nurse, high temperature, a cough, cough mixture, a sore throat, fever, a dentist, gargle, a backache, a pediatrician, a runny nose, a stomach ache, an oculist, antibiotics.












2) Match the problem with the advice                                                                

  1. I’ve got a headache                  You should take cough mixture 
  2. I’ve got a cough                       You shouldn’t eat so much.    
  3. I’m always tired                       You should take aspirine.          
  4. I’m getting fat                          You shouldn’t go to bed late.  
  5. I’ve got  runny nose                  You shoud put some antiseptic.  
  6. Marry has cut a finger               You should use nasal spray.       
  7. I’ve got a toothache                  You should gargle it.                  
  8. I’ve got a sore throat                You should go to the dentist.   


4.Розвиток умінь  аудіювання  .

Listening skills.

T: So when you have problems with the health you go to the doctor.

  1. -What does the doctor do?
  2. How often do you visit the doctor?
  1. T: Now listen to the dialogue between the doctor and the patient and try to


               -    Who are the main persons in the dialogue?

  •  What’s the problem with the patient?
  1. c) Post-Listening:

-Listen to the dialogue and complete the gaps in the “Medical Card”

                                Medical Card



Doctor’s  name:




Exmination of the Patient:






Next time visit:



  1. T: Listen to the dialogue once more and complete the sentences on the


1. Mr. Lewis comes  to … .

2. Mr. Lewis  has … .

3. He has problems with his … ear.

4. Dr. Norris gives him … .

5. Mr. Lewis has to take pills for  … .

6. He has to use drops … .

7. Mr. Lewis will come to the doctor … again.


5Розвиток усного мовлення

T:  Now your speaking skills.

Your  task is to put the sentences in the dialogue in the correct order. Act the dialogues.

Patient  Good morning, doctor.

Doctor – Good morning. What’s the matter? What can I do for you?

P.  I’m quite ill.

D. -  What are your symptoms?

P.  I feel very weak and have a high temperature since yesterday.

D. -  What is your temperature?

P.  Two hours ago it was 37.8 (thirty seven point eight).

D. -  I must examine you. Show me your throat, please. Oh, your throat is                         red. Yes, you have a bad cold. You have to lie down and use a gargle and some medicine. Take my prescription, please.

P.  How long have I to stay in bed?

D. -  I think you will recover in a few days. Don’t forget to gargle your throat and take the medicine three times a day.

P.  Thank you, doctor. Good bye.

D. -  Good bye.

Робота в парах:

Учні складають діалоги за складеним зразком, але менші.

6Розвиток усного мовлення

And the last part of our lesson- some advices how to live a healthy lifestyle.  Nobody wants to be ill.

If you want to be strong and healthy you should:

  1. Take regular exercise to keep fit.
  2. Take a cold shower.
  3. Wash your hands before you eat.
  4. Never smoke. Never drink alcohol.
  5. Take care of your teeth. Clean teeth every morning and every evening.
  6. Try to eat fruit and vegetables every day.
  7. Try to sleep 7 or 8 hours every day.
  8. Rest and relax.
  9. Enjoy the company of good friends.
  10. Get plenty of fresh air and take long walks.
  11. Have a smile on your face.


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

  1. Підведення підсумків уроку.

T: So everybody wants to live a long healthy life. There are many ways to keep fit.

      Your home task is to write some advices on the topic: “How to live to be  a hundred? ” And what advices can you offer to live to be a hundred?

T:  Did you like the lesson? What new words have you learnt today?

What  activity  did  you  like  most  of  all?

 Your marks are… 



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