вчитель англійської мови
Дацюк Анна Іванівна
Тема: I like to travel
- формувати вміння відтворювати раніше засвоєний матеріал на достатньому рівні;
- розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення з опорою на зразок;
- здійснювати відпрацювання лексико – граматичного матеріалу в писемному та усному мовленні;
- формувати вміння працювати в групах, самостійно;
- розвивати вміння орієнтуватися в потоці різноманітної інформації, робити власні висновки з теми, аргументувати їх;
- виховувати організованість, доброзичливість, взаємодопомогу.
Роздатковий матеріал: Малюнки видів транспорту, картки з завданням для роботи у групах, самостійно, запис діалогу.
- Good morning, pupils. How are you today? You look wonderful.
I want to play with you. I will say “My suggestion is to greet those, for example, who have breakfast every morning”. If you do it, raise your hand and we applaud you. Let’s start..
- My suggestion is to greet those, who get up at seven o’clock every morning.
- My suggestion is to greet those who go to school on foot.
- My suggestion is to greet those who like to travel.
- My suggestion is to greet those who fond of travelling by train | by car | by plane.
- My suggestion is to greet all those present and guests of our lesson. Thank you.
Today we continue our speaking about “Travelling”. The topic of our lesson I “I like to travel”. We are going to speak how people travel, why they travel, with whom and if they like it or not?
(Pictures of transport are at the blackboard)
- Look at the board. You see some kinds of transport. Without them we can’t travel.
- Let’s name it all together. Repeat after me three times: car-car-car, bus-bus-bus, bike-bike-bike, train-train-train, ship-ship-ship, boat-boat-boat, plane-plane-plane….Thank you.
- At our lesson we will divide all transport at 3 groups:
- Air transport.
- Sea transport.
- Land transport.
Now your task will be the next: at the board you see three columns – take a card and put it in the right place. (Записати на дошці)
Air |
Sea |
Land |
Plane |
Ship |
Car |
Balloon |
Boat |
Bus |
Helicopter |
Yacht |
Bike |motorbike |
2.Survey “How we come to school”
How do you get to school? (I get to school by car… I get to school on foot…)
I propose you to do the survey (дослідження) and draw a graph (графік) “How we come to school”. Listen to me and just do what I say.
- If you go to school by bus, stand up, please. Let’s count…one, two pupils go to school by bus. Let’s write down.
- If you ride a bike to school, raise your left hand.
- If you go to school by car, snap your fingers.
- If you go to school by taxi, say ‘Hooray’.
- If you go to school by train, clap your hands.
- If you go to school on foot, stamp your feet.
In conclusion we can say that most of you go to school on foot. It’s nice and good for health. You can keep fit (підтримувати спортивну форму) and see the beauty of nature. Thank you.
3.Reading “Why to travel”
- pre-reading stage. Look at the pictures at the board. Here we can see: tickets, passport, a camera, suitcases, travel agency and a passenger. How can we use them?
- while-reading stage. Now, open your books at p.163. Ex. 2. Please, read the text “Why to travel” and try to find the answer of this question. First, read the text in silence and after that we will read it in a chain.
Ok. How can we use these objects? We can arrange our journey with the help of these things.
- post-reading stage. Please, take the cards and complete the sentences, using the necessary information from the text (Cards 2).
4. Presentation “How and why do people travel?”
- You know that some people like to travel and some don’t like. How do they travel and why do they do it? Look at the screen.
People like to travel…
• наодинці alone
• з друзями with friends
• з батьками with parents
• з собакою with a dog
• з дідусем\ бабусею with grandparents
Question for pupils.: With whom do you like to travel? (I like to travel with parents | with grandparents )
Usually people travel…
• у справах on business
• ради втіхи for pleasure
• у пошуках пригод in search of adventures
• із цікавості from curiosity
• щоб побачити красу світу to see the beauty of the world
Question for pupils.: How do you like to travel? (I like to travel for pleasure and to see the beauty of the world)
People like travelling because it is…
захоплива exciting
корисна useful
чудова fascinating
приносить задоволення enjoyable
корисна для здоров’я good for health
Question for pupils.: Why do you like travelling? (I like travelling because it’s exciting and enjoyable).
- pre-listening stage. Arranging your journey, it’s important to choose the most comfortable for you mean of transport. Travelling by different means of transport has its advantages (positive features of something) and disadvantages (less successful or negative features).
- while-listening stage. Let’s listen to the story about these features. Story (у запису)
-post-listening stage. Now, let’s work in groups of five. Please, choose one person to go to me and take a card with the task for your group. You have a list of advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train, by plane and by car. Your task is to divide these positive and negative features into two columns with the help of glue. The first column is for advantages and the second one is for disadvantages.
Travelling by plane |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
It is the fastest way of travelling. |
Planes don’t fly in a bad weather |
We can have enjoyable any time in comfortable armchairs. |
It is the most expensive kind of transport |
We can read or sleep during the trip. |
Sometimes it’s dangerous |
Travelling by train |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Travelling by train is fast, comfortable and not expensive. |
It’s slower than by plane, especially if you travel on business |
We can see a lot of things from a train window. |
You can’t stop wherever you want |
You can even sleep there. |
It’s hot on a train in summer |
Travelling by car |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Travelling by car is cheap and comfortable. |
You have to sit all the time. |
We can see a lot of things from the car windows. |
It’s the most dangerous way of travelling |
It goes even in a bad weather. |
You can stop wherever you want. |
You see that there are many positive and negative features of any mean of transport. One person likes to travel by plane, because it’s fast and comfortable, others don’t like, because it’s expensive. Don’t argue, friends. All means of transport are good and you can choose any of them. For example, I like to ride a bike. I’m fond of cycling and I can say it’s fantastic. So, tastes differ.
6. Writing (If we have enough time)
Open your books at p.165. Pay attention at the section “Remember’. We have prepositional phrases on business (у справі) and for pleasure (для задоволення). We have already learnt two prepositional phrases. Can you name them? (By car, on foot). Now, I’ll give the cards to practice using these prepositional phrases in the sentences (Card 1).
1. Speaking.
- M&M activity. I would like to finish our lesson in a very delicious way. Do you like M&M? You have to pull the M&M out of the bag and to share your opinions associated with the color of M&M.
Red color – Do you like to travel?
Green color– Do you agree that the best way to study nature is to travel?
Brown color – What is your favourite mean of transport?
Yellow color – What is the fastest way of travelling?
Blue color – What is the most comfortable way of travelling?
Orange color – What do we do at our lesson today?
Teacher. Any transport is a good way
But, tastes differ, people say.
So, if you’re keen on trips.
Pack your things and go. Be quick.
H/t- ex.4 p.165 (writing).
Thank you! The lesson is over. Goodbye, pupils.