Конспект уроку "Making friends on the Internet"

Про матеріал
Тема: Making friends on the Internet Цілі: - розвивати навички комунікативної компентості учнів - вдосконалювати навички аудіювання - практикувати учнів у читанні та письмі - формувати та вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць у мовленні - розвивати спостережливість та пізнавальний інтерес до англійської мови - сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення - виховувати повагу до товаришів Обладнання: підручник “Friends 2”, робочий зошит, дошка, картки з текстом.
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Тема: Making friends on the Internet

Цілі: - розвивати навички комунікативної компентості учнів

-         вдосконалювати навички аудіювання

-         практикувати учнів у читанні та письмі

-         формувати та вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць у мовленні

-         розвивати спостережливість та пізнавальний інтерес до англійської мови

-         сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення

-         виховувати повагу до товаришів

Обладнання: підручник “Friends 2”, робочий зошит, дошка, картки з               текстом.      

Перебіг уроку

I Організація класу. Привітання.

T: Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

Cl: Good morning! We are glad to see you, too. We are fine, thank you.


II Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення.

    Фонетична зарадка

T: Let’s revise sounds and sing a song about a friend

A friend is the best thing to have

A friend is the best thing to have,

A friend is a great thing to be,

If you have a great friend

From beginning to end,

You can be as lucky as me!


A friend is the best thing to know,

A friend will always be there,

If you have a great friend

From beginning to end,

You’ll always have someone who cares

Мовленнєва зарядка

T: Answer the questions, please

-         Have you got a friend?

-         How old is he?

-         Where does he live?

-         Do your friends think you are a good friend?

-         Have you got e-mail friends?

-         It is really nice to have good friends, isn’t it?

III Основна частина уроку

T: Before we’ll start doing another task let’s check the understanding of some words you have already learnt. Look at your cards and match the words with the definitions





to be good at


not able to do smth. well or easily



to be bad at


feeling tired because smth is not interesting or because you do not have anything to do


to be interested in


to be able to do smth



to be fond of


to be afraid of



to be bored with


to be very interested in smth or to have strong desire for smth



to be crazy about


to like smth very much



to be keen on


to like a person or thing, to like doing amth



to be scared of


to want to know or hear more about smth, to enjoy


P1:  1-c



P2: 4-g



P3: 7-e


T: Pay attention to the usage of prepositions after adjectives. Look at the examples in the “Language box”. Read the examples. So, you can see that we have to use verbs with the ending –ing or nouns after the adjectives with prepositions.

T: And now make sentences. Don’t forget about prepositions. Use the right preposition.

              Pupils do exercise 4 p.45

T: Very good . I think that you have remembered how to use adjectives with prepositions. Let’s play a guessing game. Each of you get a copy. Your task is to finish the sentences using prompts arranged around the questionnaire.


Учні виконують завдання.


T: And now I collect your papers. I’ll read the questionnaire and you have to guess whose questionnaires they are. The person who gets the most points is the winner.


Look at the window,

Point to the door,

Bend all down.

And touch the floor.

Stand up and look around,

All sit down and touch the ground.

Stand up and look at me,

Clap your hands and touch the knee.


Reading and listening.

T: Listen to a short text and answer the question. What can you find on the Friend’s Club Website?

  T - P1.

T: Let’s revise some words before listening to the e-mails. Do you know what does the word volcano mean?

P1: It means вулкан

T: And what does the word earthquakes mean?

P2: It means землетрус.

T: Good of you. Let’s listen.


Учні слухають текст.


T: Look at the texts. Find and read out the  examples of sentences containing adjectives with prepositions. Read out the sentences.

You have to memorize which preposition goes with which adjective.

T: Read the e-mails, please.(учні читають електронні листи)

T: Do you know, that according to the Constitution of Ukraine, article 31, everyone is guaranteed privacy of mail, telephone conversations, telegraph and other correspondence. That means that nobody, except the receiver can read your letters, even e-mails. Now, please look at the blackboard and translate this article.

P1: Кожному гарантується таємниця листування, телефонних розмов, телеграфної та іншої кореспонденції.


T: And now let’s do exercise 3. Your task is to read the sentences and tick when the sentence is true. If it is false so you have to cross.


Учні виконують вправу.


T- P1, P2, P3.

T: Very good. I’m satisfied with you work. And now Let’s work with a computer. Write an e-mail to the Friend’s Club.

Учні займають місця за компютерами і пишуть електронні листи своїм друзям.



T: You’ve worked very hard today. I’m satisfied with your work. Your marks for today’s lessons are…



T: Your hometask is Ex. 5,6 p.37 in your Activity Books. You have to complete the sentences. Use one word in each gap.

Good-bye. See you tomorrow.


15 листопада 2023
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