Конспект уроку. Тема "Art in Ukraine"

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Конспект уроку. Тема "Art in Ukraine" THEME Art in Ukraine. ТЕМА Мистецтво рідного краю МЕТА - формування навичок аудіювання, читання, монологічного і діалогічного мовлення, навичок письма; - розвиток мовної культури як основи соціалізації учнів; - розвиток умінь працювати в групах. - розвиток комунікативних умінь та навиків на тему “Мистецтво рідного краю ” - виховувати відповідальне ставлення до творів мистецтва , а також до сімейних цінностей через твори мистецтва. Тип уроку комбінований. Форми роботи: повідомлення учнів, гра „Мікрофон”, рольова гра, гра „Mind Map”, виконання пісень, читання поезії, евристична бесіда. Motto: (Read, study and discern and from the foreigner learn, but do not your own disdain) Taras Shevchenko ХІД УРОКУ Вчитель: Warm-up Hippocrates said “Ars longa, vita brevis” which means: Life is short, art is longer”. - Do you agree with Hippocrates? - What is art? One of the definitions of the word art is the study or creation of beautiful things. Узагальнення знань MIND MAP What works of art can you name? Paintings Music Poems ART Architecture Ballets Films Where can we see works of art? Paintings - in the art gallery, in museums, exhibitions; Music - in the pub, in the opera house; Architecture - in the streets; Films - in the cinema; Ballets - in the opera house; Poems - in the books, in the library; Повідомлення теми уроку Today we are going to speak about art: especially art of Lviv region. Here are the words to the theme art. Let us remember these words: Word List: EMBROIDERY - ВИШИВКА EMBROIDERED TOWEL - ВИШИТИЙ РУШНИК DECORATIVE ART – ДЕКОРАТИВНЕ МИСТЕЦТВО APPLIED ART – УЖИТКОВЕ МИСТЕЦТВО CRAFT – ПРОМИСЕЛ WOODCARVING – РІЗЬБА ПО ДЕРЕВУ CARPET MAKING – КИЛИМАРСТВО POTTERY - ГОНЧАРСТВО COLOR SPECTRUM – КОЛЬОРОВА ГАМА PYSANKA PAINTING - ПИСАНКАРСТВО Вчитель On our lesson we have a guide from the museum of Lviv region. She can tell the information From the history of Yavoriv. Guide: As you know Ukraine is situated in the center of Europe. Lviv region is in the west part of Ukraine and Yavoriv is situated on the cross transit roads between countries of Western and Eastern Europe. We can find a first mention about Yavoriv in archive documents dated by 1376. A little bit later such little towns as Krakovets, Nemyriv, Yaniv(now Ivano-Frankove) were founded. In the past an original masterpiece of wood architecture were created on the land of Yavorivshchyna. Ancient wood churches in Nakonechne, Vilshanytsia, Zaluzhia, Staryi and Novyi Yar, Vizhomlia, Prulbychi, Shklo, Perdvirija, Yavoriv are distinguish by its individual local style, which belongs to the best examples of European ancient wood architecture. Перевірка домашнього завдання Your home task was to prepare information, important facts about outstanding and famous art men of our region. Such as Andrei Sheptytskyi, Osyp Makovei. - What do you know about them, about their works, about their masterpieces? - Who wants to be the first?.. Повідомлення учнів: Osyp Makovei A remarkable Ukrainian writer, critic, teacher, folklorist, translator and public man. He graduated the Ukrainian academic gymnasium and Lviv University. In 1895 he became an editor of the newspaper ”Bukovyna”. He investigated the creative works of Kulish, Fedkovych, Vorobkevych and other Ukrainian writers. He is who published the anthology “Revun”(1910), “Bloody field”(1921), “By the close eye”(1925), and historical novel “Yaroshenko”. Повідомлення учнів: Andrei Sheptytskyi(1865-1944) An outstanding church, cultural and public man. During 1883-1887 he studied law in Krakow and Breslav(Poland). New seminaries, hospital for poor peple, schools were built at his expenses. He also founded new church museum in 1905. Повідомлення учнів: Josyf Lozynskui(1807-1889) He was a famous ethnographer, linguist, published his first literature works, the most popular of which is an anthology of wedding songs. Josyf Lozynsky founded the first Ukrainian Library in Yavoriv. Spending time in Yavoriv he wrote “Autobiographical notes”(1876) Вчитель: - What is Yavoriv carving? - What modern craftsman of our region do you know?(Babijchuk, Stanko, Garaschuk). - Who can tell something about them? About the craftsman Taras Garaschuk is a national craftsman of Ukraine, representing artistic wood carving in the traditions of its western region. The craftsman offers so-called "yavoriv carving", which can't be reproduced by any kind of machine (it's always 100% hand made) - boxes, decorative plates, easter eggs. Bright-red tones of varnished boxes change to brown glistening and make the carvings look beautiful; covered with velvet and silk from inside, the artifacts look celebratory. Taras designs patterns by himself; all his works are known for their unique patterns and are made with jewelry skill. The craftsman can also make figures of people and animals; they look as if they're alive. He had carried out orders on carving church iconostases, carving design of front doors and interior design of halls. Taras Garaschuk's works have been exhibited in Lviv (1995), Kyiv (1996-1997), in Canada and in the United States of America (1998). Every work of Taras contains a part of his soul and warmth of his hands. Order - and you'll feel it yourself. Вчитель: The Ukrainian applied art is rooted deep in the past. From chronicles and other monuments of Kyivan Rus it is known that crafts already existed then to properly become Ukrainian later. For instance, the oldest types of folk applied arts and crafts are woodcarving (e.g., wood sculpture carving), carpet making, embroidery, pottery and ceramics. Woodcarving has succeeded to preserve regional diversity of ornaments characteristic to other genres of the Ukrainian decorative arts. Thus, in Halych and Volyn regions geometric forms of ornament dominate being in contrast to floriated ornaments in the central and eastern Ukrainian lands. Вчитель: As of today, popular are the objects of home craft of the western regions, especially the Hutsul ornamental hatchets, pistols, guns, powder-flasks, small vessels for liquids, and wooden, predominantly decorative plates and dishes (ware). To embellish their makes the Huzul artisans are using techniques of incrustation and patsiorkuvannia (encrusting with glass beads). Decorative painting as a vivid chapter went down in history of the Ukrainian culture. This type of folk art originated from mural painting spread widely since time immemorial in the Ukrainian villages. Вчитель: Another unique phenomenon in the decorative art of Ukraine is painting of pysanka, the decorated Easter eggs. The Ukrainian pysanka springs from ancient beliefs of this people, and if at the time of paganism the eggs were painted to mark the Holiday of Spring, they were decorated to commemorate the Velykden, the Holiday of Christ’s Resurrection, under the Christianity. With the Slavs, an egg was the origin of everything typifying the Universe. They believed in the world created in similarity to a large egg: the shell representing the skies, membrane as the clouds, the white as water, and the yolk as the earth. As the symbol of origin of a new life, an egg has a ring of symbolism of the Sun. Worshipped by ancestors of the Ukrainians, they believed it to be the surety of nature and life revival. Depending on the region, differences exist concerning decor composition, color spectrum and division of a pysanka surface. Numerous crosses and intersections symbolize fertility, while rings and right lines were associated with male and female conceptions and medley of color reflected the surrounding. Quite a few nations of the world have preserved until now the custom of using eggs for Easter commemorations, however, they are making predominantly dyed eggs, that is, single colored boiled ones. In contrast, pysanka painting in Ukraine scaled the heights of development becoming a separate form of art, and pysanka itself one of the cultural symbols Формування навичок аудіювання. Пред’явлення матеріалу для аудіювання. Текст “Painted Easter Eggs”. 1)Pre-listening activity.Уведення незнайомої лексики. - You have head about pysanka or Easter egg. Exercise 1 Word List Melted - розтоплений Beeswax - віск Precious - дорогоцінний Rituals - ритуали Encoded - закодований Pattern - візерунок Exercise 2 Listen to the tape and cross out the unnecessary word in each line 1 – 3 1. Pysaty means to read, write or paint. 2. Pysankas are made of wood, stone or clay. 3. They wish people wealth, health and rain. 2) Listening activity. Слухання тексту. Painted Easter Eggs Pysanka is the traditional Ukrainian Easter egg. The origin of the word pysanka comes from the Ukrainian verb pysaty, which means to write or to paint. Symbols and ornaments are painted on egg with melted beeswax. The symbol of an egg is present in many ancient cultures of the world. Easter eggs can be made of stone, metal or wood and decorated with precious stones. Many rituals are associated with pysankas. The first Easter meal begins with an Easter egg. The head of the family cuts it into small pieces and gives them to each member of the family with words “Krystos voskres” ( “Christos has risen”). The patterns that pysankas are decorated with contain encoded wishes for happiness, a rich harvest, health, and wealth.They are presented to people as a sign of friendship and are also used by girls to send love messages to young men. In the Ukrainian town of Kolomyya, there is a pysanka museum, the only museum of this kind in Ukraine. Its collection contains more than 10,000 pysankas from every region of Ukraine as well as from four foreign countries. 3) Post – listening activity. Exercise 3 Find out in the text about: Find out in the text about the patterns on the pysankas. Find out in the text the information about the first Easter meal. Exercise 4 Translate: 1. Pysanka is the traditional Ukrainian Easter egg. 2. The symbol of an egg is present in many ancient culture of the world. 3. The word pysanka comes from Ukrainian verb pysaty. 4. Писанки можуть бути виготовлені з дерева, декоровані дорогоцінними каменями. Exercise 5 Answer the questions: 1. How are pysankas made? 2. Does the head of the family cut an egg into small pieces? 3. Is pysanka the traditional Ukrainian Easter egg or Christmas egg? 4. Symbols and ornaments are painted on an egg, aren’t they? 5. The first Easter meal doesn’t begin with an Easter egg, doest it? 6. What is pysanka? Підведення підсумків. Оцінювання Your answers were good You were so active today You have made some mistakes You have made many tasks good toda Вчитель ( робота з картою ) Запам’ятайте ці населені пункти нашої Яворівшщини де так розвивались і збереглися народні промисли. Адже ці крапкові населені пункти це історія нашого Яворівського краю. Домашнє завдання. Home task is to prepare some information about decorative art and applied art of your own village.
Перегляд файлу

THEME Art in Ukraine.

ТЕМА                  Мистецтво рідного краю


- формування навичок аудіювання, читання, монологічного і діалогічного мовлення, навичок письма;

- розвиток мовної культури як основи соціалізації учнів;

- розвиток умінь працювати в групах.

- розвиток комунікативних умінь та навиків на тему “Мистецтво рідного краю ”

- виховувати відповідальне ставлення до творів мистецтва , а також до сімейних цінностей через твори мистецтва.


Тип уроку комбінований.



Форми роботи: повідомлення учнів, гра „Мікрофон”, рольова гра,

 гра „Mind  Map”, виконання пісень, читання поезії,

                                  евристична бесіда.


Motto:                    (Read, study and discern and from the foreigner learn, but do not your own disdain)

 Taras Shevchenko







Hippocrates said “Ars longa, vita brevis” which means: Life is short, art is longer”.

  • Do you agree with Hippocrates?
  • What is art?

One of the definitions of the word art is the study or creation of beautiful things.

Узагальнення знань



What works of art can you name?



                 Paintings                                 Music


  Poems                                  ART                            Architecture


                   Ballets                                    Films







Where can we see works of art?


Paintings             - in the art gallery, in museums, exhibitions;                             

          Music          - in the pub, in the opera house;

          Architecture - in the streets;

          Films - in the cinema;

          Ballets      - in the opera house;

          Poems                  - in the books, in the library;   




Повідомлення теми уроку

Today we are going to speak about art: especially art of Lviv region.

Here are the words to the theme art.

Let us remember these words:


Word List:













  On our lesson we have a guide from the museum of Lviv region. She can tell the information From the history of Yavoriv.



  As you know Ukraine is situated in the center of  Europe. Lviv region is in the west part of Ukraine and Yavoriv is situated on the cross transit roads between countries of Western and Eastern Europe.

We can find a first mention about Yavoriv in archive  documents dated by 1376.

A little bit later such little towns as Krakovets, Nemyriv, Yaniv(now Ivano-Frankove) were founded.

In the past an original masterpiece of wood architecture were created on the land of Yavorivshchyna.

Ancient wood churches in Nakonechne, Vilshanytsia, Zaluzhia, Staryi and Novyi Yar, Vizhomlia, Prulbychi, Shklo, Perdvirija, Yavoriv are distinguish by its individual local style, which belongs to the best examples of European ancient wood architecture.



 Перевірка домашнього завдання

Your home task was to prepare information, important facts about outstanding and famous art men of our region. Such as Andrei Sheptytskyi, Osyp Makovei.

- What do you know about them, about their works, about their masterpieces?

- Who wants to be the first?..


Повідомлення учнів:

Osyp Makovei

A remarkable Ukrainian writer, critic, teacher, folklorist, translator and public man. He graduated the Ukrainian academic gymnasium and Lviv University. In 1895 he became an editor of the newspaper ”Bukovyna”. He investigated the creative works of Kulish, Fedkovych, Vorobkevych and other Ukrainian writers. He is who published the anthology “Revun”(1910), “Bloody field”(1921), “By the close eye”(1925), and historical novel “Yaroshenko”.

Повідомлення учнів:

Andrei Sheptytskyi(1865-1944)

An outstanding church, cultural and public man. During 1883-1887 he studied law in Krakow and Breslav(Poland). New seminaries, hospital for poor peple, schools were built at his expenses. He also founded new church museum in 1905.

Повідомлення учнів:

Josyf Lozynskui(1807-1889)

He was a famous ethnographer, linguist, published his first literature works, the most popular of which is an anthology of wedding songs. Josyf Lozynsky founded the first Ukrainian Library in Yavoriv. Spending time in Yavoriv he wrote “Autobiographical notes”(1876)



          -  What is Yavoriv carving?

-   What modern craftsman of our region do you know?(Babijchuk,

     Stanko,   Garaschuk).

          -  Who can tell something about them?


About the craftsman Taras Garaschuk is a national craftsman of Ukraine, representing artistic wood carving in the traditions of its western region. The craftsman offers so-called "yavoriv carving", which can't be reproduced by any kind of machine (it's always 100% hand made) - boxes, decorative plates, easter eggs. Bright-red tones of varnished boxes change to brown glistening and make the carvings look beautiful; covered with velvet and silk from inside, the artifacts look celebratory. Taras designs patterns by himself; all his works are known for their unique patterns and are made with jewelry skill. The craftsman can also make figures of people and animals; they look as if they're alive. He had carried out orders on carving church iconostases, carving design of front doors and interior design of halls.

Taras Garaschuk's works have been exhibited in Lviv (1995), Kyiv (1996-1997), in Canada and in the United States of America (1998). Every work of Taras contains a part of his soul and warmth of his hands. Order - and you'll feel it yourself.



The Ukrainian applied art is rooted deep in the past. From chronicles and other monuments of Kyivan Rus it is known that crafts already existed then to properly become Ukrainian later. For instance, the oldest types of folk applied arts and crafts are woodcarving (e.g., wood sculpture carving), carpet making, embroidery, pottery and ceramics.

Woodcarving has succeeded to preserve regional diversity of ornaments characteristic to other genres of the Ukrainian decorative arts. Thus, in Halych and Volyn regions geometric forms of ornament dominate being in contrast to floriated ornaments in the central and eastern Ukrainian lands.


As of today, popular are the objects of home craft of the western regions, especially the Hutsul ornamental hatchets, pistols, guns, powder-flasks, small vessels for liquids, and wooden, predominantly decorative plates and dishes (ware). To embellish their makes the Huzul artisans are using techniques of incrustation and patsiorkuvannia (encrusting with glass beads).

Decorative painting as a vivid chapter went down in history of the Ukrainian culture. This type of folk art originated from mural painting spread widely since time immemorial in the Ukrainian villages.



Another unique phenomenon in the decorative art of Ukraine is painting of pysanka, the decorated Easter eggs. The Ukrainian pysanka springs from ancient beliefs of this people, and if at the time of paganism the eggs were painted to mark the Holiday of Spring, they were decorated to commemorate the Velykden, the Holiday of Christ’s Resurrection, under the Christianity. With the Slavs, an egg was the origin of everything typifying the Universe. They believed in the world created in similarity to a large egg: the shell representing the skies, membrane as the clouds, the white as water, and the yolk as the earth. As the symbol of origin of a new life, an egg has a ring of symbolism of the Sun. Worshipped by ancestors of the Ukrainians, they believed it to be the surety of nature and life revival.

Depending on the region, differences exist concerning decor composition, color spectrum and division of a pysanka surface. Numerous crosses and intersections symbolize fertility, while rings and right lines were associated with male and female conceptions and medley of color reflected the surrounding.

Quite a few nations of the world have preserved until now the custom of using eggs for Easter commemorations, however, they are making predominantly dyed eggs, that is, single colored boiled ones. In contrast, pysanka painting in Ukraine scaled the heights of development becoming a separate form of art, and pysanka itself one of the cultural symbols

Формування навичок аудіювання.

Пред’явлення матеріалу для аудіювання. Текст “Painted Easter Eggs”.

1)Pre-listening activity.Уведення незнайомої лексики.

- You have head about pysanka or Easter egg.

          Exercise 1

Word List

Melted         -    розтоплений

Beeswax      -    віск

Precious      -    дорогоцінний

Rituals        -     ритуали

Encoded      -    закодований

Pattern         -    візерунок

Exercise 2

          Listen to the tape and cross out the unnecessary word in each line 1 – 3

  1. Pysaty means to read, write or paint.
  2. Pysankas are made of wood, stone or clay.
  3. They wish people wealth, health and rain.

2) Listening activity. Слухання тексту.

Painted Easter Eggs

Pysanka is the traditional Ukrainian Easter egg. The origin of the word pysanka comes from the Ukrainian verb pysaty, which means to write or to paint. Symbols and ornaments are painted on egg with melted beeswax.


The symbol of an egg is present in many ancient cultures of the world. Easter eggs can be made of stone, metal or wood and decorated with precious stones.


Many rituals are associated with pysankas. The first  Easter meal  begins with an Easter egg. The head of the family cuts it into small pieces and gives them to each member of the family with words “Krystos voskres” ( “Christos has risen”).


The patterns that pysankas are decorated with contain encoded wishes for happiness, a rich harvest, health, and wealth.They are presented to people as a sign of friendship and are also used by girls to send love messages to young men.


In the Ukrainian town of Kolomyya, there is a pysanka museum, the only museum of this kind in Ukraine. Its collection contains more than 10,000 pysankas from every region of Ukraine as well as from four foreign countries.

          3) Post – listening activity.

          Exercise 3

         Find out in the text about:

Find out in the text about the patterns on the pysankas.

Find out in the text the information about the first Easter meal.

          Exercise 4


1. Pysanka is the traditional Ukrainian Easter egg.

2. The symbol of an egg is present in many ancient culture of the world.

3. The word pysanka comes from Ukrainian verb pysaty.

4. Писанки можуть бути виготовлені з дерева, декоровані дорогоцінними каменями.

Exercise 5

Answer the questions:

1. How are pysankas made?

2. Does the head of the family cut an egg into small pieces?

3. Is pysanka the traditional Ukrainian Easter egg or Christmas egg?

4. Symbols and ornaments are painted on an egg, aren’t they?

5. The first Easter meal doesn’t begin with an Easter egg, doest it?

6. What is pysanka?


 Підведення підсумків. Оцінювання

Your answers were good

You were so active today

You have made some mistakes

You have made many tasks good toda


Вчитель ( робота з картою )

Запам’ятайте ці населені пункти нашої  Яворівшщини де так розвивались і збереглися народні промисли. Адже ці крапкові населені пункти це історія нашого Яворівського краю.


Домашнє завдання.

 Home task is to prepare some information about decorative art and applied art of your own village.








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