Презентація на тему "Confusing Words"

Про матеріал
Цей матеріал розповідає про види слів, які легко сплутати. Містить тренувальні вправи для закріплення теми. Може бути в нагоді для всіх, хто хоче глибше та доскональніше вивчати англійську мову
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

Very often while preparing for ZNO, the students come across the words which sound similar or look similar. Such words are called confusing words. That is why it is important to differentiate them, to know their meaning. Here are some examples of confusing words and practice exercises which help you to revise your vocabulary and better get ready for ZNO

Номер слайду 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHc. GSJl. Je. Zk. Now I advise you to watch video and learn the difference between verbs SAY- SPEAK - TELL- TALK They are called confusing words

Номер слайду 4

OBJECT – Noun( предмет, річ, об’єкт , мета)* Will you put away some objects from your desk?OBJECT - Verb( заперечувати, протестувати, не схвалювати)* They objected against the construction of a new factory

Номер слайду 5

DESERT - Noun(пустеля, безлюдне місце* The largest desert in the world is Antarctica. DESERT - Adjective( пустельний, безлюдний, ненаселений)* I was surprised to see desert streets in the city. DESERT - Verb( покидати, лишати, кидати когось)* He deserted me at a very important moment

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CONTENT - Noun( зміст, форма, обсяг, склад)What is the content of the film?CONTENT ( with)- Adjective= pleased( задоволений, згодний)* We were very contented with the end of the story

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SEPARATE – Adjective ( окремий, самостійний, особливий)* You can use separate bank accounts. SEPARATE - Verb( відокремлювати, розрізняти, сортувати, розлучати)* The island is separated from the mainland by a wide channel

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DELIBERATE - Adjective(умисний, навмисний, обдуманий, зважений, обережний, обачний)* The attack on him was quite deliberate. DELIBERATE - Verb( обмірковувати, зважувати, радитися, обговорювати)* There was silence while she deliberated on his words

Номер слайду 9

TEAR - Noun( сльоза, крапля ( роси)розрив, проріз, дірка* Children came back all in tears. TEAR - Verb ( tore, torn)( рвати, виривати, пробивати, поранити, роздирати)* His clothes were dirty and torn* She tore the letter to pieces

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LEAD - Noun( свинець, графіт)Lead is the central part of a pencil that makes the marks when you write. LEAD - Verb ( led, led) ( вести, показувати шлях, керувати, управляти,)* A nurse takes her arm and leads to the chair

Номер слайду 11

DOVE - Noun( голуб)Painters often use the image of dove as a sign of peace. DOVE - Verb ( Past Simple of DIVE)( пірнати, стрибати, занурюватися, раптово зникати)* He suddenly ran and dove into the water

Номер слайду 12

WOUND - Noun( рана, поранення, образа)* He was treated in hospital for head wounds. WOUND - Verb ( Past Simple of WIND)( витися, крутити, накручувати, намотувати)* She wound the yarn and put it away

Номер слайду 13

CLOSE - Verb( закривати, закінчувати, завершувати)* When I came to the house, all the windows were closed.* The shop closes at 9 p.m. CLOSE - Adjective( зачинений, близький, інтимний) * Our birthdays are quite close together* He is my close friend

Номер слайду 14

PRACTICEComplete the sentences with a proper word. I like to have a piece of cake for…He doesn’t want to … with me, we have lived a long life together. Don’t open the door, you see, it is …My brother came back home all in… He … … his new jeans. There are a lot of strange … in the sky. She looks very … She has passed all her exams. Most teachers don’t like when students … against school rules. This place in the river is very dangerous, so you shouldn’t … here

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Номер слайду 18

English has a lot of commonly confused words. They either look alike, sound alike but have completely different meanings . Other words look and sound different but are similar in meaning and it is not easy to determine which word is correct one. These words are called confusing words

Номер слайду 19

GOOD WELLIt is an adjective (What kind of? Your spelling is good. Is the light good to take photos?It is a good idea to invite this celebrity. It is an adverb ( How?)She speaks Spanish well. He can swim well. The concert was well organized. The teacher is well dressed. BUT: I feel good This flower smells good

Номер слайду 20

ALL THE WHOLE ALL+ Noun ( plural)All people want to be happy. I put all the things into my bag. All contestants were presented with flowers. All cities and towns are listed The whole+ Noun ( singular)The whole class was ready to answer. The whole thing wasn’t hers. Tell me the whole truth. The whole city was destroyed

Номер слайду 21

SUCH SOSUCH + Adjective + Noun e.g. She was such a clever girl! It was such an interesting film. SUCH + Noune.g. You are such a boy!SO + Adjectivee.g. She was so clever!SO + Adverbe.g. The time flies so quickly!

Номер слайду 22

BY WITHBy indicates an active doer of the action. This poem was written by a famous poet. He was arrested by the police. Our school was built by qualified workers. Go by bus/by car/by plane/by taxi. With indicates a means by which the action was completed. The bread was cut with a knife. The picture was drawn with a pencil. He was shot with a gun. This exercise was written with a black pen

Номер слайду 23

PRACTICE1. My brother was a good/ well surgeon2. I don’t know all/ the whole truth3. Our granny told us so/such a(an) interesting story4. It was so/such a cold outside that I decided not to get out5. The canvas was painted with/by some other brush6. They speak French rather good/well7. The cake tastes good/wella8. All/The whole room was filled with so/such a smell

Номер слайду 24

TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH: Діти добре співають. Я на тебе так довго чекаю. Цей підручник був написаний нашими викладачами. Усе місто було шоковано цими новинами. У цього студента дуже гарна вимова. Фільм був таким нудним, шо я заснув. У диктанті було так багато помилок!Це така цікава книга. Ким вона була написана?

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Номер слайду 26

BETWEEN AMONGBetween – in relation to two persons or objectse.g. I can’t see any difference between these two pictures The teacher was standing between two rows of desks I sat down between Sue and Jane. Among – between 3 or more persons or objectse.g. The girl quickly disappeared among the crowd Jim was happy, he was among his friends again I couldn’t see them among the trees and bushes

Номер слайду 27

BORROW LENDBorrow ( v) – to use something that belongs to someone else and you must give back later. E.g. Tom borrowed some books from the library yesterday. My friend borrowed me his car for a week. English has borrowed words from many languages. Lend (v) – give someone permission to use something of yours. E.g. Can you lend me some money until tomorrow? The government tries to encourage the banks to lend more

Номер слайду 28

OFFER SUGGESTOffer ( v) – to ask someone if they would like to have something. E.g. Can I offer you something to drink? They offered him a very prestigious job. NOTE! Offer+ To Infinitive. Suggest(v) – to tell someone your ideas what they should do or where they should go ( = propose)E.g. I suggest you phone before the meeting Ann suggested going to the theatre. NOTE! Suggest + Ving

Номер слайду 29

BAD BADLYBAD is an adjective or an adverb. Bad + Noun. E.g. We didn’t go for a walk because of the bad weather. Bad+ verb. I told him he had done it bad. BADLY is and adverb ( very much)Verb + badly. E.g. I told Ann she had hurt me badly

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HARD HARDLYHARD is an adjective or an adverb. E.g. The bread was so hard that we could not eat it. Some students work very hard. HARDLY is an adverb ( nearly)E.g. Some students work hard, others hardly work. When I met him, I could hardly recognize him

Номер слайду 31

LATE LATELYLATE is an adjective or an adverb Late + noun. E.g. Late autumn is always cold and nasty Verb + late. My mother often comes back late. LATELY is an adverb ( recently)Used mostly in Perfect Tenses. NOTE!Recently – months, years. Lately - days, weeks. E.g. I have seen him here lately

Номер слайду 32

PRACTICEMr. Miller offered/ suggested a very useful program. You can lend/borrow my homework but you will never ve able to lend/borrow knowledge. I didn’t see my husband between/ among the students. What is the difference among/between British and American English?She was the prettiest girl among/ between all the women in the hall. Meggy offered / suggested me a cup of tea. My mum offered/ suggested me to visit my friend next Sunday. Could I lend/borrow your grammar book for a while?He was bad/badly injured in the car accident. Late/lately at night she decided to leave him. The boy was so weak that he could hard/hardly move. This text was hard/hardly to read

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Номер слайду 34


Номер слайду 35

WORDS EASILY CONFUSED QUIT - QUITE - QUIETQUIT - a verb ( quit, quit)Stop doing something without finishing it completely ( quit job, school, etc)

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Номер слайду 43

GRAMMAR PRACTICEI must go to bed now. I’m feeling ____ill. I’ve tried to ____ smoking, but I was unsuccessful. As a matter of fact, I ____ like opera. Are you ready, dear? – Not ____Look at them! Obviously they are ____ happy. Now dear, you must be ____ as a mouse. Can’t we have some peace and ____ around here?After her retirement , she went to live a ____ life in the country. As she reflected on the day’s events, she suddenly grew very____Will you please ____ making so much noise?

Номер слайду 44

SCENERY- a noun (= Landscape)A view of landscape ( such as mountains, forests, fields, deserts, etc)* The best part of the trip was a fantastic scenery. SIGHT - a noun (= view)A thing or an object you can see* As he opened the door he saw a strange sight* There are a lot of interesting sights in Kyiv

Номер слайду 45

COMPLETE- a verb. To accomplish, finish doing something especially when it has taken a long time. Students must complete the course. FINISH – a verb. To end something especially at a particular time. Our lessons finish at 3p.m. Have you finished your task yet?The football season finishes in May in the UK

Номер слайду 46

COMPLETE - Adjective whole, great as possible. The police were in complete control of the situation. This is a complete waste of time!The darkness was almost complete

Номер слайду 47

ACCIDENT – a noun. A bad event, such as a crash involving cars, trains, planes( by chance,error)Over 70,000 people are injured every year in road accidents. The accident happened at the junction of roads. INCIDENT - a noun. An event especially one that is unusual, important or funny*The plane landed without incident

Номер слайду 48

PRACTICE:_______ the sentence with one of the adjectives. She _____ the concert with the song from her first album. The_____ of the garden was spectacular. She realized that he was a ______ fool!The photographer took the picture of a deer at the moment he came into_____Send your _____ address to our office. A bank robbery is a typical ______ nowadays. All the TV news start with reporting about different _____at the roads

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Номер слайду 50

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