Конспект уроку "The dearest person"

Про матеріал

Якою темою ми можемо заохотити дітей, до спілкування англійською мовою? Звісно ж про найдорожчу людину. У мене це вийшло! Поділюся з вами. Перш за все, наберіться терпіння та поступово вводьте нову лексику. Закріпіть її окремими реченнями. Якщо учні засвоїли лексичні одиниці - приступайте до об'ємного заходу.

Перегляд файлу

Найдорожча людина

Хочу подати вам уривок такого заходу за темою «The dearest person». Що цікаво, лексику вчили однакову, але погляньте які вийшли розповіді у четвертокласників. (Наголошую, школа наша звичайна, діти теж із звичайними можливостями. Англійську мову вони почали вивчати з першого класу). Все залежало від розумових можливостей учнів. Говорили навіть ті, які українською мовою не можуть висловитись.

T My dear young friends! Today we shall speak  about   our dearest persons. Speak only when you have a cup.

P – It is very difficult for me to say who is the dearest  person in my life. My family is very small: my father, my mother and me. My father works hard, my mother works hard at home. She helps me to do lessons.

P – I want to tell you about my mother. She is young and a very pretty woman. People say she is very clever and kind. I want to be just as my mother: pretty and clever.

P – The dearest person in my life is my mother. Her name is Vira. She is 30. She is a housewife.

P – The dearest person for me is my grandpa. He helps me to  use a computer. I use a computer to make friends abroad.

P – My dearest person is my granny.  Her name is Nadia.  She is 54.  She is a pensioner now.

P – I want to tell you about my mother. Her name is Ira. She is 40. She was a good pupil and wants me to be a top pupil too. There are four children in our family. It is not easy for my mother to look after us. We try to help her.

P – I love my parents very much. But they live abroad. They work in the USA. I want to live with them. But they say: Learn language. I live with my granny. She is the dearest person for me now. She helps to speak to my parents through the Internet.

P – I live with my mother. Her name is Yana. She is a teacher. She is a good teacher. She teaches pupils at school and me at home. I love my mother very much.

P – I am a happy girl because my parents love me very much. The dearest person for me is my mother. She was a pupil of  Liudmyla Volodymyrivna and her favourite subject was English. She helps me to learn English, to have good knowledge.

P – I love my mum very much. She loves me too.

P – There are three children in my family. We love our parents.

P – The dearest person for me is my mother. She is 27. She is a businesswoman. I love her very much.

P – My mother is very young. She is 30. and she has two children: my sister and me. She loves us.

P – I love my parents. The dearest person is my mother. She wants me to be a wise girl.

P – My mother is a dearest person. She has two sons: my brother and me.

P – I love my mother.

P – My name is Max. My mother is a kind woman. She gives me medicine when I am ill.

T – I see you all have the dearest persons. They love you very much. I love you too.

 And today we shall learn some new words and you can pay compliments to you dearest person.

New words:

1. modest  скромний

2. tidy  охайний

3. polite  ввічливий

4. hard-working трудолюбивий

5. careful  уважний

6. honest  чесний

T – Let’s try to make sentences with these new words

    Учні складають речення

T – You know, children, Englishmen are very polite. They often say: Thank you! They answer: Not at all. Let’ try to do it.

    Учні вживають слова подяки у реченнях

T – It was great pleasure to work with you. But our time is up. I must say: Good buy to you. 


Мені хотілося щоб кожен вчитель, який заходить на урок до початківців, бачив не лише маленьких хлопчиків та дівчаток, а майбутніх великих людей.

Я можу навести в приклад тих, хто зараз працює в англомовних країнах і спілкується з любов’ю іноземною мовою, як рідною. А ця любов закладалася тут, за шкільною партою.


26 грудня 2018
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