Конспект уроку(урок -змагання)English Speaking Countries(Lesson- competition)

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Конспект уроку на тему: " English Speaking Countries" (Lesson - competition) Suggested level- B1
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Конспект уроку (урок змагання)

English Speaking Countries

Lesson- competition

Suggested level – B1

Yuliia  Lutsoviat ( a teacher of English),

Orlivka lyceum 

Equipment: a map of the world, maps of Great Britain, Australia, the United States of America;a tape recorder, cards with tasks for the teams, vocabulary cards, badges of participants, two score tables and cylinders for score keepers, a king`s cloak and his orders.



T: Good morning! I`d like the teams to take their places. We are ready to start our” English for fun” lesson that is held annually and is very popular among students. The topic of today`s discussion is “ English Speaking Countries”.

   Let  me introduce  my two helpers. They will keep the scores, follow the answers and help me with the audio.

   Before we start, we`ll find out who will be the first to start. Here are 2 felt pens, the red one means “the first”.

(Students should choose the pen that is hidden behind T`s back.)

1team: Merry making fellows.

Motto: Sunny thoughts make the whole day brighter.

2team: Inquiring minds.

Motto: Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

T: One point for each team.

(the score keepers fill in the table).

II. Warm-up

T: Let`s play a brainstorming game that will help us review the main ideas about the countries we`ve been learning during these two terms. What you have to do is to guess what countries I`m talking about. The first one to answer will get a point. I have 16questions, so you can get 16 points.

1. This country has a written Constitution. (America)

2. Sometimes this country is called “the upside down world”. (Australia)

3. In this country people wear kilts.(Scotland)

4. The highest mountain in Britain is situated in this country. (Scotland)

5. More than 50% of the land in this country is dessert- dry and uninhabited. (Australia)

6. The tradition of Thanksgiving Day is typical of this country. (America)

7. The military tattoo takes place at the end of summer or in early autumn in this country. (Scotland)

8. The capitals of these countries are situated on the special territories.(The USA, Australia)

9. The people in this country call themselves Cymry and their country Cymru. (Wales)

10. The city , which is called Athens of the North, is situated in this country. (Scotland)

11. In this country winter comes in July. ( Australia)

12. The daffodil is the national symbol of this country. ( Wales)

13. A monument to a dog, which has become the symbol of devotion, can be found in the capital of this country. (Scotland)

14. This country is sometimes called “the melting pot”. (The USA)

15. The second highest mountain in Britain is situated in this country. (Wales)

16. The Grand Canyon, one of the main tourist attractions, is situated in this country. (The USA)

(Teams get their points).



T: Are you ready with the task for the opponents. While asking each other questions you should follow the answers of the opposite team is order to add something. You can get 2 points.

1 team: Look at the map, name and show as many English speaking countries as you can.

(Great Britain, Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leonne, Gambia, Tanzania, Guyana, the Bahamas, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago).

2 team: What parts is Australia divided into? Will you name all the states and show them on the map.

( Australia is divided into six states and two territories. They are New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory.)

1 team: Will you name the main peculiarities of the geographical position of the USA?

2 team: Look at the map, imagine you are travelling from Newcastle upon Tyne to Land`s End to see the country and admire the scenery. Choose a route you want to take and explain your choice.


T: Only those who didn`t take part in previous discussion will try to cope with the task.


1. There are--------- National Parks in Wales.

2. The Mountain Rescue Service has to---------.

3. The first US president known to all Americans as the Father of the Nalion was--------. 

Key: 1) 3 ; 2) Sometimes people injure themselves or get  lost. The MRS has to go out to look  for the climbers who are in trouble;3) George Washington.


1.--------------------is one of the America`s main tourist attractions.

2. The first branch on the tree of the US Government  is-------------.

3. There are -------- congressmen in the House of Representatives.

Key: 1) Grand Canyon/ 2) the Congress/ 3) 435.

T: Now ask questions to which these are the answers:


1. 13 . (How many first colonies were there in America?)

2. 100. ( How many senators are there in the Senate?)

3. 435 ( How many congressmen are there in the House of Representatives?)


1. About 18 million people. ( What is the population of Australia?)

2. 40 different kinds. ( How many kinds of kangaroos are there in Australia)

3. From 12 to 20 degrees, from 20to 30 degrees. ( What are usual temperatures in July and January in Australia?)

(3 points each team).


T: We`ll start from training. You have the list of words. Look through them and guess the words opposite in meaning.


1) extraordinary action (ordinary inaction)

2) different age( the same)

3) an intelligent child (a stupid grown-up)

4) unexpected richness (expected poverty)

5) to hang on a curtain ( to take down a duster)

6) unpleasant laughter (pleasant tears).


1) comfortable cabin( uncomfortable palace)

2) independent child (dependent grown-up)

3) formal question (informal answer)

4) to borrow a magazine (to give back apile of papers)

5) populated land( unpopulated desert).

T: Think of word with the similar meaning.


1) to take after( to look after)

2) to give sth back( to take sth back)

3) car(automobile)

4) to make out (to understand) .


1) to make off ( to run away)

2) to inhabit ( to populate)

3) seldom ( hardly ever)

4) mightly (strong, powerful) .


( Two members of different teams come to the teacher. One of them should sit with the back to the blackboard. Teacher shows the card with the word to the opponent, who should give the definition of the shown word. The first one to guess and name it.)

Hemisphere- one half of the world

Swamp – land filled and covered with water

Apricot – a round soft orange or yellow fruit like a peach

To borrow-  to ask for sth that belongs to another

Support- an active help to get success

Amendment – a change to make a rule

Melting pot – a place where there is a mixing of people of dsfferent races and nationalities

Lawmaker- someone who takes part in making laws

Troublemaker- someone who always causes trouble

Desert – a sandy country with little water and few plants.


T: Our lesson is over. I`ll keep your funny pictures till you visit our school with your own schoolchildren for them to know how clever and talented their parents were. Good luck!


20 грудня 2022
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