Конспект уроку в 10 кл. за темою : " Школа"

Про матеріал

Підсумковий урок у 10 кл. з т."Школа". На уроці використані інтерактивні методи роботи та інноваційні технології. Це - нестандартний урок, який розвиває в учнів навички мислити, творити.

Перегляд файлу

                    Урок – презентація в 10 кл. за темою:

                                 «School  in Our Life»


навчальна:         узагальнити й систематизувати вивчений матеріал з теми, 

                                 перевірити рівень засвоєння;

розвиваюча:      розвивати навички говоріння та розуміння мови на слух; 

                                 розвивати креативне та логічне мислення;

виховна:              виховувати повагу до вчителів, однокласників та їх думки;

                                 підвищувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови

Обладнання: підручник; ноутбук; мультимедійний проектор; відеофільм;

                                 роздатковий матеріал; «символічний мікрофон»; «смайлики»;

                                 «чарівна скринька»; «світлофор»; фотогазета «Why do we go to


Тип уроку:      узагальнення вивченого матеріалу.

Епіграф уроку:                            «Tell me – I forget,

                                                                   Show me – I remember,

                                                                Involve me – I understand»

Хід уроку:

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Greeting          1. Привітання.

Aim                   2. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

 T:    Today, children, we have our final lesson about school and school life.

         And the topic of our lesson is: «School in Our Life»

Warming up    3. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

 Т:    On the blackboard you can see the motto:                                           

                                                             «Tell me – I forget,

                                                          Show me – I remember,

                                                        Involve me – I understand»

         (How do you understand it? Учні пояснюють значення вислову)

Т:     First of all, tell me, what proverbs about education you know.

(P1, P2, P3 …        * Knowledge is power;

                                * Live and learn;

                                * It’s never late to learn

                                * To know everything is to know nothing;

                                * So many languages you know, so many times you are a man.

                          4. «Асоціативний кущ» (розвиток творчої уяви учнів)

S            subject; science; success;

C            class-room; computer; chemistry; classmates;

H            history; headmaster; hard-worker;

O            order; outstanding;

O            organized; opinion;

L             lesson; lunch; lazybones.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1. Speaking                                                        1. «Акваріум»

P1, P2, P3        Cl               T:             Now, I’d like to see what you know about

                                                            the education in Ukraine.

(4 учнів сидять за окремим столом і по черзі розповідають про освіту в Україні. Решта учнів, слухаючи, задають їм питання і приймають участь у дискусії)

2. Presentation                                          2. Презентація школи

    of our school                 Т:             After the home, the school is the place, where pupils

                                                            spend a lot of time.

                                                            School is not only a place where pupils develop their

                                                            personal skills. And now let”s talk about school.

Q:   * Do you like or dislike your school?

       * Why do some pupils hate (like) school?

(2 учнів, використовуючи презентацію, розповідають про свою школу, вчителів, улюблені предмети)

  1. Group work

T: Now you’ll be divided into 2 groups.

    The 1st group will make up a list of things you appreciate in your schools which really    help you in successful studing.

    The 2nd group will write about negative things which are considered to be useless, boring, like a burden for pupils.

    Be ready to inform the classmates of your group”s decision.

P1:   Our group considers, that our school has such positive things for progressive studing as …

P2:   But our group has come to conclusion that we shall need …

  1. Round table discussion

T:   As we have discussed different problems you have in learning I am inclined to think that you would like to change something in your school. Think of first 3 things you would change if you were the principal of your school. Explain your choice.

(While the pupils are talking the teacher is writing all the ideas on the blackboard).

* teaching staff

* technical equipment

* extra-curricular activity

* rules of behavior

* library

* school canteen

* assembly hall

* after schooling activity

*ICT study


                                               3. Презентація шкільної форми

     (учениця презентує шкільну форму хлопчиків, а учень – шкільну форму дівчат)

Schoolgirl:  All pupils of our school wear a school uniform. Look at this schoolboy!

                     His school uniform is wonderful! It consists of a dark suit, a white shirt and a

                     nice tie. He has black shoes on!

                     There is a badge with the emblem of our school on the left hand.

                     Do you like the model of the boy’s uniform? Of course, you do!

                     I like it to!

Schoolboy:  And look at the girl”s uniform of our form!

                      You see a grey skirt, a grey jacket with the emblem of our school and a

                      white blouse. The shoes are wonderful too!

  1. Pair-work

T: Now work in pairs and discuss advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform at school.

(Support or challenge the following ideas given in the cards):

* Uniforms make everyone look the same

* Some uniforms are very ugly

* Uniforms can be very expensive

* Uniforms  make people feel a part of a community

* Uniforms  can be practical and attractive

* If everyone has a uniform there is no competition

    about fashionable clothes

4. Listening                                           4. Перегляд відеофільму

Video-film                                               “School in Great Britain”

“School in Great                        T:          Let’s see about English school.



                                            After watching the video.

  1. Name all school subject at English school

(Science; ICT; Arts)

  1. Make as many questions about English school as you can.

(e.g.: when is Art?; What time is break? Do you like school dinners?)

      c) True/False                                                                           T                        F

                  “At Jamie’s School”

1.School starts at 8.50                                                                 #

2.There’s a lollipop lady                                                              #

3.First, there’s class registration                                                #

4.There’san assembly every morning                                       #

5.Pupils wear a school uniform                                                  #

6.Break time is at 10.30                                                               #

7.There is an ICT class (lesson 2)                                                #  

8.Pupils cat lunch in the canteen at 12                                                                  #

9.The lesson after lunch is art at 1.15p.m.                                                            #

10.School finished at 3.15p.m.                                                   #


5. Lexical Practice                                         5. T: What can you say about

                                                                                     our school rules?             

  1. Match the word-combinations

                                           Rules for Pupils

                     *Don’t get up                                               air the room

           *Don’t forget to do                                               late

                                      *Be                                                help your parents

*Never leave todays work                                              you morning exercises every day

*Don’t make much noise                                               flowers

*Go out of the classroom                                               polite

           *Open the window                                               for your lesson

                    *Never forget                                                for tomorrow

              *Be always ready                                                your duties

     *Don’t forget to water                                                in the corridors

*Don’t be lazy and always                                              the intervals  


  1. Read the rules carefully and say what would you like to add in your school as if you were the principal.

(e.g. :

          * personal space

          * personal belonings

          * speak appropriately to others

          * no interrupting

          * practice tolerance

          * act safely

          * respect others

          * follow staff directions on the first request

          * get to class in time and be prepared to work


  1. Discussing                                                                «Світлофор» 

“School Do’s and Don’ts”            (одночасне залучення всіх учнів до активної роботи)

                     Т:  The next your task is to watch the photo and say what

                          you must or shouldn’t do at school. We’ll work with the

                          signal cards. Take them! They are red and green.

                          When your answer is “We must do it” you show the green

                          card. When your answer is “We shouldn’t do it” you show

                          the red card.

  e.g.:   Photo 1     We must raise the hand to answer at the lesson.

             Photo 2     We shouldn’t play mobile phone.



6. Reading                                                6. “Schools  in Japan”

                                                                     Post-reading task

        Finish the sentences: 

* Popular sports clubs are … (baseball, football, volley-ball, karate, judo, kendo)

* At the end of the school day, all students … (take part in soji)

* Kendo is … (the ancient art of sword-fighting in the Samurai tradition)

* Over 60% of … (Japanese parents spend a lot of money on evening classes in private school for their children)



7. Microphone                                                             7. Мікрофон

P1       P2        P3 …          (учні по черзі говорять і передають «символічний»   мікрофон)












Заключна частина уроку

Cool down activities

«Рефлективна бесіда»    (проведення рефлексії наприкінці уроку)

Т:   I hope today you have got a lot of interesting and  useful information about school  life, school rules, British school, schools  in Japan.


* Do you remember the most main rules of the classroom?

* And what is the motto of our lesson?



Homework:                                                          Project work

                                                      “My School Emblem and My School Flag”


Summarizing:                          (Підведення підсумків уроку.Виставлення оцінок.)


                 Т:      I’ve got a lot of positive emotions. You were hard-workers at the lesson.

                           As you see I’ve got such a magic box. There are many fairy things in it.

                           Among them is our knowledge and skills we have got today at the lesson.

                           Please, take the smile of your feelings and emotions now

                           and put down it in this box.

                           I wish you to be good citizens of your school.

                          Love your teacher!  Have good friends!

                          Thank you for your work and cooperation!

                          The lesson is over! Good-bye!





  1. Підручник, 10 клас  О. Карпюк,    2011р., Київ
  2. Відеозапис  “This is Britain”
  3. І. Лисовець   «Усі уроки англійської мови»,   2011р., Київ
  4. Л. Пащенко   «Дидактична мозаїка»,    2009р., Харків
  5. Reference Guide for the teacher of English,  2011р.
  6. Інтернет-сайти:

http: // images.yandex.ru








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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 січня 2018
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