(FORM 2)
Aim: to create the opportunities for the pupils to name and identify school things, to revise vocabulary on the topic, to develop speaking and reading skills
Learning outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
name and identify school things;
ask and answer questions according to the topic;
identify numbers from 1 to 20
Equipment: a computer, videos, flashcards, books, workbooks, stripes of different colours, a Christmas Tree, balls
“Hello” Song
Warm up:
“Spider’s web” Game
Pupils make a circle and ask each other “How are you?”
Main part:
T: Sam is sad. He likes Christmas very much. But our Christmas Tree is not nice. Let’s do some tasks and get balls. Let’s decorate our Christmas Tree!
1) Phonetic Drill
2) Video “Colours”
3) Making Rainbows
T: Let’s make rainbows with LEGO
The first colour: сума чисел ten and seven (17)
The second colour: число, що стоїть перед fourteen (13)
The third colour: яке число після ten? (11)
The fourth colour: різниця чисел twenty and six (14)
The fifth colour: сума чисел ten and nine (19)
The sixth colour: число, що іде після fifteen (16)
(На цеглинках у дітей написано відповіді. Учні вибирають правильну відповідь і створюють веселку)
4) ”Change the place” Game.
Teacher gives cards to the pupils and name two school things. Children must change their places.
5) “Guessing” Game
Teacher sticks the card with a number on the pupil’s back. This pupil must guess the number
6) “Snowball” Game
7) Having a rest (Фізкультхвилинка)
8) Repeating reading rules
Teacher helps pupils to make pairs with shoe laces. Each pair must present one of the reading rules.
9) Reading the text in different ways (page 56):
Додай слово.
Читання зі Смайликом.
Очі – голос.
Верхівки – коріння.
Догори ногами.
10) Working in the workbooks (page 43)
11) Riddle
T: Listen and say who is he? (Загадка про Санта Клауса. Діти заплющують очі і рахують до двадцяти. Санта творить диво – ялинка засяяла вогниками і Сем зрадів)
T: Children, do you like our lesson? How are you? Children stick one of the card (happy, sad… ) on the blackboard
T: Thank you for the lesson. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Goodbye!