Teaching blueprint " Свята і традиції"

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Teaching blueprint на тему "Свята і традиції". The Teaching Blueprint, makes teaching simple, pleasurable, and effective. It shows teachers what works best through the eyes of students and helps both avoid learning blocks. Its concepts and techniques are universal, spare the reader grueling theories, and help build effective teaching skills.
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Contextualising learning


Grade 5


External context


Topic, sub-topic








-Календар свят в Україні та

країнах виучуваної мови

-Традиції святкування












Santa Claus


Christmas tree




Christmas eve

New Year




visiting relatives

family celebrations


Buying and giving presents

Congratulating people

Sending invitation cards

Decorating a house

making costumes

cooking dishes



- articles

- e-mails

- advertisement

- guide book

Greeting wishes





Communicative language skills


Oral comprehension

Written comprehension

Oral interaction

Written interaction

Online interaction

Oral production

Written production

Can understand short story, dialogue.

Can answer the questions, get main information.

Can share information about holidays in Ukraine and compare it with the holidays of another culture.



 Can understand simple information about  holidays and traditions.

Can find necessary info (place, date, address etc).


Can answer the questions about the holidays.

Can understand the main ideas about holidays.


Can understand greeting words and songs and talk with partner.


Can present  simple ideas in writing.

Can write a short greeting and congratulations

Can send e-mail with congratulations or invitations.

Can react to greeting

Can briefly describe holidays.


Can tell about favourite holiday and its celebrating with simple sentences.



Make up a list with favourite holidays.


Can complete the sentences giving the main information about holidays.


Can produce a simple post of a favourite holiday


Core skills



Critical thinking

Creative thinking



Emotional development

Can compare Ukrainian and England holidays and customs.

Can make invitation cards and write them down.


Can add information to other’s ideas about holidays and traditions, costumes etc.


Can create a simple short story about holidays in England and in Ukraine

 Can ask questions about presents wishes etc .


Can discuss with others holidays, traditions, celebrations and speak over their own experience.


Can use appropriate forms greetings


- Can create a poster.


-Can make a group project, for instance “Holidays in Ukraine”.


-Can make dialogues about traditions of celebrating.


Can express their likes and dislikes.


Can describe the  emotions during celebrations.




Language inventory



Language functions

Sample exponents

Sample vocabulary

Sample grammar

Describing liking and disliking,

asking for and giving information,

comparing and

expressing own impressions, emotions, feelings, agreeing/disagreeing

What’s your favourite holiday?Do you celebrate that holiday with your family or with your friends?What holidays do you celebrate?What are your favourite religious holidays? What do you know about foreign holidays?What holiday food do you like?My favourite holiday is… I celebrate it with…My favourite religious holidays are… We decorate…Do you know about … Halloween (New Year) etc.?Do you like Halloween(Christmas)….?


a parade


a barbecue


Christmas tree

St. Nicholas

New Year

May Day

St. Nicholas’ Day

turkey pumpkin pie


corn on the cob sweet potatoes

pecan pie


A holiday

A tradition

A party


A gift

to get flowers

to sing carols

to wear vyshyvankas

to wear fancy dress

the New Year tree


To celebrate

To invite

to make a birthday cake

to make a wish

to make postcards

to decorate a house and a fireplace

Adverb: adverbs of frequency (always, often, sometimes, never)

Conjunction: because, and, but, or

Verb: there is / there are; have got, to be going to

Past SimpleTense,

Present Simple Tense,

 Future Simple Tense


Numerals and Dates




Sample  learning outcomes for the topic


By the end of studying the topic, learners will be able to:

  1. Make up dialogues using the model
  2. To work with short simple texts according to the theme
  3. Can write a letter to a friend( up to10 sentences)
  4. Can compare the celebrations in Ukraine and England
  5. Can write some sentences about their favourite holiday.
  6. Express their feelings and emotions according to the topic.
  7. To review and learn vocabulary for talking about holidays and holiday activities
  8. To practise speaking and listening skills
  9. To practise reading skills
  10. To discuss the ways of spending holidays
  11. Make a short presentation about holidays in Ukraine and England



Sample assessment for learning strategies

  1. Help students share their  ideas in class according to the topic.
  2. Organize a discussion to check how students understand the theme and separate what they do and don’t understand.
  3. Elicit difficulties in learning this theme using tests, questions etc.
  4. Help learners to ask questions and with their feedback.
  5. Provide learners with all the necessary information they can use.
  6. Help students create their own blog about holidays and traditions.
  7. Draw invitation card.
  8. Encourage learners to ask questions to clarify understanding.
  9. Clearly communicate to learners what is being learnt and why on the topic, so that learners make sense of what they are doing and see the value of it.
  10. Negotiate what success looks like with learners to help them understand where they are going in their learning.
  11. Provide examples of successful performance to help learners understand the criteria for success.
  12. Give feedback to help learners move from their current performance to the desired performance

