Конспект уроку з англійської мови, 9 клас , "Famous people now and then"

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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови в 9 класі на тему: “Famous people now and then”

Grade: 9



– to develop students’ speaking, reading, writing and listening skills;

– to practise skills to work in groups and pairs;

– to introduce topical vocabulary;

– to practise students’ skills in saying dates;


– to broaden students’ knowledge on famous personalities and their lives;

– to widen students’ educational outlook of historical events;


– to develop students’ communicative skills using active vocabulary on the topic;

– to develop students’ logical thinking, their guess and reaction;


– to bring up curiosity, interest to English language and Ukrainian culture.

Equipment and material needed: textbook, computer, lesson presentation, video “Famous people”, handouts.


І. Introduction.

Greeting and Aims.

T: Good afternoon, students! I’m really glad to see you right here! How are you today? I hope you are all right and ready for the lesson.

Today the topic of our lesson is “Famous people now and then” and we are going to learn more about people who changed the world.

Aims. During the lesson you’ll:

  • get new information about personalities;
  • revise how to say the dates;
  • work in groups and pairs;
  • develop your language skills.

Motivation. At the end of the lesson you’ll be able to:

  • speak about famous people who had great impact on the world;
  • say the dates correctly;
  • use your active vocabulary;
  • use your logical thinking, guess and reaction.

ІІ. Warm-up

T: To begin with, I’d like you to answer one simple question

Who you are? Continue the sentence “I am …”

ІІІ. Main part

  1. Topic talk.

Work in pairs. Look at the photos (a-e) and the network. Which of the people have you heard about? What did they do? When did they live?

Elizabeth I (1533-1603): the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. She became Queen and ruled England for forty-five years.

Aung San Suu Kyi: a politician who opposes the government in Burma. In 1988 she was arrested for speaking at peaceful demonstrations for freedom in Burma. She then spent six years in prison and fifteen years under house arrest. She was awarded the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize.

Jose de San Martin (1778-1850): an Argentine general and the leader of South America’s successful struggle for independence from Spain, liberating Chile in 1817 and Peru in 18Z0.

Joan of Arc (circa 1412-1431): born a peasant girl in eastern France, she led the French army during the Hundred Years’ War. She was captured by the English and burned at the stake.

Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) (1869-1948): the political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement.

  1. Listening skills. Vocabulary

T: Now, be very attentive. Listen and identify three of the heroes in the photos (a-e). Why were they heroes? What helped you to choose the person?


1/ Ghandi

2/ Elizabeth I

3/ Jose de San Martin

T: Listen again to the first person. Complete the information in the network.

After that we’ll read and discuss the other words which could be used.


Good job! Before we do the next task we should revise the dates. Right now listen and write down the dates in your exercise-books.

1/ 1869

2/ 1947

3/ 1533

4/ 1588

5/ 1603

6/ 1778

7/ 1811

8/ 1850


Let’s check your knowledge of history. Now you’ll see several historical events. Your task is to say the year when it happened.

1/ The World War I began in 1914.

2/ The Declaration of Independence in the USA was proclaimed in 1776.

3/ European Football Cup in Ukraine and Poland was held in 2012.

4/ Titanic crashed in 1912.

5/ Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969.

6/ Steam engine was invented in 1801.

  1. Reading, writing and speaking skills

T: Well, you know history well. Unite into 3 groups.

You’ve got the stories of three famous people. You’ve heard about them today. Let’s see how you’ve remembered. You have to put the text in the order and complete the chart.

After that you’ll have to retell the story using the clues from the chart.


Years of life 

Came from 


As a young man/woman 


Why he/she considered great

  1. Quiz time

T: Let’s see how well you know TOP-15 famous Ukrainians.

  1. Taras Shevchenko
  2. Bohdan Khmelnytskyi
  3. Yaroslav I the Wise
  4. Ivan Franko
  5. Lesia Ukrainka
  6. Hryhoriy Skovoroda
  7. Stepan Bandera
  8. Oleksandr Dovzhenko
  9. Ivan Mazeppa
  10. Mykola Amosov
  11. Ivan Kotlyarevskyi
  12. Mykhailo Grushevskyi
  13. Vasyl Stus
  14. Mykola Gogol
  15. Les Kurbas
  1. Watching the video. Discussing the interview. Feedback

T: So, what makes famous people so outstanding? Whom would you like to talk to if you had such a possibility?

IV. Summary and assessment

T: The world is full of heroes. Our task is to appreciate people and make our world better.

Our lesson is coming to the end. I’m pleased with your work at the lesson.

Your marks are…

V. Home task.

T: Your hometask is in your Workbooks (p.47, ex.1-4) and to write a small composition on the topic “The person I would like to meet” (up to 100 words).


I think this person was a great man. He came from Gujarat in India and is known as the father of the Indian nation. He was born into an aristocratic family in 1869 and had a privileged childhood.

As a young man, he studied Law. After finishing his studies he went to South Africa to work as a lawyer.


One day, he was travelling on a train when a white passenger got angry because he did not want an Indian man in the same carriage, so he had to get off the train.

After that, he campaigned for equal rights of Indians in South Africa and later he fought for the independence of India. He also campaigned for the poorest people of the country.

He organised peaceful protests against British rule and partly because of this peaceful resistance, the British gave the country its independence in 1947.

Unfortunately, many people were killed with the division of the old empire into the two new countries of India and Pakistan.

In 1948, he organised a peaceful march through a dangerous area and was killed by a Hindu fanatic.

In my opinion, he was a great liberator, especially because he achieved independence by peaceful means.

Well, I think this person was maybe the greatest Englishwoman ever.

She was born into the English royal family in 1533 and her father was Henry VIII.

She had a difficult childhood because her mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed but she had a good education and learned to write well in English, Latin and Italian.

As a young woman, she became Queen of England. A lot of people wanted her to marry but she was careful.

She wanted to be independent and she did not want a foreigner to become King of England.

She ruled the country for forty-five years and it was a time of peace although there were religious problems in the rest of Europe.

Her greatest problem came with England’s war against Philip II of Spain and his powerful empire.

In 1588, he sent a large army to invade England but Elizabeth worked hard to plan for her army to stop the invaders.

Luckily, the invasion failed, mainly because of very bad weather.

When she died in 1603 most English people were very sad.

In my opinion, she was a great ruler, definitely one of the best rulers England has ever had.

For me, he is the most important person in the history of Argentina, my country. He was born in 1778 into an aristocratic family and when he was seven, he and his family went to live in Spain.

He had a privileged childhood and, as a young man, he fought in the Spanish army in the wars against Napoleon. However, in 1811 he left Spain and later went back to Argentina to fight for its independence from Spain.

He soon became a leader in the rebellion against Spain and head of the Argentinian army. In 1817, with Chilean leaders like O’Higgins, he crossed the Andes, defeated the Spanish and liberated Chile.

In 1820, he led an expedition to Peru and helped Peru become independent from Spain. After that, there were a lot of divisions in the country and in 1824 he had to leave Argentina to go and live in Europe.

He never returned to the continent which he had liberated. He died in 1850 and is now a great hero in Argentina and other South American countries.

He fought successfully for the independence of half of a continent. In my opinion, he was a brilliant leader and soldier.

Outstanding people


Years of life 

Came from 


As a young man/woman 


Why he/she considered great

Quiz time

  1. ________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________
  4. ________________________________________
  5. ________________________________________
  6. ________________________________________
  7. ________________________________________
  8. ________________________________________
  9. ________________________________________
  10. ________________________________________
  11. ________________________________________
  12. ________________________________________
  13. ________________________________________
  14. ________________________________________
  15. ________________________________________


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