Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 2 класу на тему "Animals"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку з англійської мови містить вправи на розвиток навичок аудіювання, читання та монологічного мовлення молодших школярів.
Перегляд файлу



  • Розвивати навички аудіювання, читання, монологічного мовлення;
  • Активізувати вживання ЛО з теми «Тварини»;
  • Розвивати увагу, пам'ять, коммунікативність;
  • Виховувати любов до тварин.




T: Today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to the zoo. It’s very interesting.  But first, let’s sing a song about the zoo. Listen first.

Let’s go to the zoo.

  1. Hear the tiger growl, growl,

Growl, growl, growl, growl.

Hear the tiger growl, growl.

Hip, hip, hip hooray!


Let’s go to the zoo, zoo, zoo,

What about you, you, you?

You can come too, too, too,

Let’s go to the zoo, zoo, zoo!


  1. Hear the snakes hiss, hiss,

Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss.

Hear the snakes hiss, hiss,

Hip, hip, hip hooray!


Let’s go to the zoo, zoo, zoo,

What about you, you, you?

You can come too, too, too,

Let’s go to the zoo, zoo, zoo!


  1. Hear the parrots squawk, squawk,

Squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk.

Hear the parrots squawk, squawk,

Hip, hip, hip hooray!


Let’s go to the zoo, zoo, zoo…

T: Now let’s chant all together.


II. Main part

  1. Pantomime game.

Before the zoo we must revise the animal words. I give you the cards with the names of animals, your task is to show by mimes what animal it is. The others must guess the animal.

(elephant, monkey, parrot, snake)

  1. Vocabulary.

Each animal has children. Do you know them? Look at the words on the board and arrange them. You must say:

A cow has a calf.

1. a cat                                     a) a chicken

2. a pig                                    b) a teddy-bear

3. a bear                                  c) a kitten

4. a sheep                                d) a piglet

5. a dog                                   e) a lamb

6. a duck                                 f) a puppy

7. a hen                                   g) a duckling


  1. Listening
  2. You know the animals well. I see you are ready to visit the zoo. Let’s start. But we need revise the movements the animals do. Listen and repeat after me.

        I fly like a bird,

        I swim like a fish,

        I trot like a horse,

        I run like a hare.


  1. Speaking.

T: At last we are at the zoo.


P1: Look! Look! Here is a tiger! It is big and very beautiful. It is orange with black stripes. The tigers live in the jungle. They eat meat.


P2: Oh! I see a giraffe. It is yellow and brown. Its neck is very long. The giraffes also live in the jungle. It is a kind animal. It eats only green grass.

P3: As for me I like monkeys. They are funny. Monkeys may be big and small, kind and angry. They can imitate the man. Monkeys are black, grey or brown. They like bananas.


P4: The bear is the best animal. I like it best of all. It is big and quiet. Bears may be brown and white. They eat berries and honey.


III. Summary

T:  I see you know a lot about animals. Do you like them? Now imagine you have a little zoo at school. What animals would you like to have there. Why?








14 червня 2021
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