Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 5 класу на тему "Перший день нового навчального року"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку до підручника "Oxford Team 1" має на меті розвиток навичок аудіювання, читання, мовлення, а також виховувати зацікавленісті культурої іншої країни.
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ТЕМА :  Перший день нового шкільного року


  • Розвивати навички аудіювання, читання, мовлення;
  • Введення нових ЛО з теми;
  • Виховувати повагу один до одного та зацікавленість культурої іншої країни.



1) T: Good morning, children! Nice to meet you!

     P: Good morning, teacher!

     T: Sit down, please. How are you?

      P: We are fine!

2) Today we’ll speak about the first day at school.

II. Main part

  1. Warming up (Game “Complete the poem”)

Listen to the poem.

I see the summer birds fly south,

Now that days are cool.

Do they look down and see that

I am on my way to school?

Read the poem after me, read it with me. Now I’ll clean word by word and you must complete the poem.

  1. Listening

T: Each unit has a story. In this first story we meet our characters at the beginning of the school year. The setting is in a British secondary school. The twins Mel and Dan meet Jack. They talk about school timetable. In playground at lunchtime Mel, Dan, Jack and Jack’s friend Lisa find a magic control. The control opens a magic door in the playground wall. The children go through the door and enter a new world.

     Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

  • Who are they? (Mel, Dan, Jack and Jack,  Lisa)
  • Where are they? (at school)

(Playing CD. Children listen to the story and repeat. Then the class check for new vocabulary: timetable, subject, twins, lunchtime, press, button, strange)

  1. Reading

T: let’s read the dialogues. (Children read them in parts)


Sb: ex.1,p.11

Look at the example. Find the correct sentences in the presentation story. Students read the story again and write the names.

Sb: ex.2, p.11

Look at the story again and find out who says the expressions. Translate the expressions into Ukrainian.

  1. Physical activity

You are tired. Let’s do some exercises. (Children say and do)

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands on hips! Sit down!

Stand up! Stand still!

Hands to the side!

Bend left! Bend right! March!

1, 2, 3 – hop! 1, 2, 3 – stop!

Stand still! Sit down!

  1. Speaking

Dear children, let’s act dialogues 1 and 2. (Dramatizing)

  1. Writing

Wb: ex.1,p.7


III. Summary

  1. T: Well done. You worked well. Say me, please, what new have you learnt from this lesson?
  2. The teacher gives the points.
  3. Homework: Sb: p.10 (acting of the dialogues)

                    Wb: ex.2, p.7





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