Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 5 класу: "Урок читання за творами В.Сухомлинського. Reading. "Good Words" by Vasyl’ Sukhomlynskiy"

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До 100-річчя від Дня народження В.О.Сухомлинського

Нові соціокультурні реалії потребують нових форм і технологій роботи, особистісно розвивальна спрямованість яких може бути збагачена здобутками, знахідками і педагогічними відкриттями В. Сухомлинського. Знання ідей педагогіки добра і любові є основою для формування особистості гуманістичної цивілізації. Творче використання теоретичних знахідок і педагогічно цінного досвіду видатного педагога сприятиме становленню Людини, її духовної суті, моральності.

З цією метою Вашій увазі пропонується конспект уроку англійської мови за темою «Reading. "Good Words" by Vasyl' Sukhomlynskiy», що стануть у нагоді у роботі вчителя англійської мови по вихованню в учнів загальнолюдських та духовно-моральних цінностей. Вчителі можуть використовувати цей конспект урок, вносячи певні корективи та виходячи з тих матеріалів, якими вони володіють.

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Урок читання.

 Good Words by Vasyl’  Sukhomlynskiy


Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлення, розвивати вміння послідовно висловлюватися іноземною мовою; розвивати мовну здогадку, виховувати почуття доброти, вміння критично мислити та аналізувати прочитане.


Обладнання: картки із завданнями, текст для читання та обговорення, вислови, заготовка схеми-діаграми



  1. Greeting


  1. Introduction.

Today at our lesson we are going to speak about the most important thing in our life. It is kindness.


Pre-reading activities


  1. Warm-up
  • What do you think is it good to be kind? Why?
  • What is kindness for you?


  1. Group-work.
  • Let’s divide into groups and find out more about kindness. Let’s make the diagram what does it mean to be kind?










Kindness is…

  • "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain
  • "Kindness is always fashionable, and always welcome." - Amelia Barr
  1. Developing reading skills
  • You are going to read the text “Good Words” written by famous Ukrainian teacher Vasyl’  Sukhomlynskiy.
  • What do you know about him?
  • What do you think this text will be about?
  • Let’s read the text and see if you are right.
  • Then be ready to answer the questions.

Good words

By Vasyl’  Sukhomlynskiy

(Translated by N.Oksanych)

One woman had a little daughter Olya. When the girl was five years old, she fell ill: got a cold, began coughing and weakened day by day. Relatives visited her poor mother. Olia's aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers came. They brought something tasty and nutritious: honey and sweet butter, fresh wild berries and nuts and so on. Everyone said: "You must eat well, you must breathe fresh air and the disease will run away into the dark woods."

Olya ate honey in honeycombs and sweet butter, wild berries and nuts and other nutritious dishes. But nothing helped; the girl was barely getting out of bed.

One day all relatives gathered together near that girl. Her grandfather Opanas said:

  • She's missing something but I can not understand what.

Suddenly the door was opened and the great-grandmother Nadia came into the house. Relatives had forgotten about her, because she sat in the house for many years, did not go out anywhere. But having heard about the illness of her great-granddaughter, she decided to visit her.

She came to the bed, sat on a chair and took Olia's hand and said:

- I have no honey, no sweet butter, no fresh forest berries or nuts, no other delicious things. I am old, I see nothing. I brought you, my dear sweetheart, the only gift: the wish of my heart. The only wish, I have in my heart, is so that you should recover and enjoy the sun again, my little flower girl.

Such a great power of love was in those good words that the little Olia's heart started to beat more quickly, the cheeks got pink and the joy glowed in her eyes.

- That is what Olia didn’t have enough,- said grandfather Opanas. - Good words.


(297 words)

 6. True-False Test

If the sentence is true you are to clap your hands. If the sentence is false you are to correct it.

1) One woman had a little daughter Olya +

2) When the girl was five years old, she fell ill +

3)  Relatives didn’t visit her poor mother -

4)  Olya ate noodles -

5)  Her grandfather Opanas said: - She's missing something but I can not understand what. +

6)  Suddenly the door was opened and the sister Nadia came into the house -

7)  Olia recovered soon +


 7. Group-discussion.

 - Say who said the following and find these sentences in the text.

1) "You must eat well, you must breathe fresh air and the disease will run away into the dark woods."  Everyone

2) “She's missing something but I can not understand what”. grandfather Opanas

3)  I have no honey, no sweet butter, no fresh forest berries or nuts, no other delicious things.” Great-grandmother

4)  “That is what Olia didn’t have enough. Good words”. grandfather Opanas


8. Answer the questions.

1) Who was ill?

2) What did relatives do?

3) What did relatives bring with them?

4) Who came to see Olia’s family one day?

5) Why didn’t great-grandmother come earlier?

6) What did great-grandmother bring to Olia?

7) What didn’t Olia have enough?

8) Share your thoughts “Why did Olia fell ill?”


 9. Summary

Retell the story if you were

  • Olia
  • Grandfather Opanas
  • Olia’s mother
  • One of the relatives
  • Great-grandmother

Do you like the stories?

Is it important to say good words to people? Why?


10. Homework

Make an illustration to the story “Good Words” by V. Sukhomlynskiy and be ready to tell about it. Have a nice day!


4 березня 2018
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