Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 8 класу " Магічний світ кіно"

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Урок розширює лексичний запас учнів по темі, вчить учнів одержувати основну інформацію з прочитаного та прослуханого тексту, розвиває вміння та навички непідготовленого усного мовлення, розвиває навички читання, ігноруючи незнайомі слова, розвиває мовну здогадку, вміння логічно викладати думки іноземною мовою, розширює світогляд учня про кінематограф та кінофестивалі
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  Тема:        The magic world of the cinema.




















розширити лексичний запас учнів по темі,

вчити учнів одержувати основну інформацію з прочитаного та прослуханого тексту


розвивати вміння та навички  непідготовленого усного мовлення,

розвивати навички читання, ігноруючи незнайомі слова,

розвивати мовну здогадку,

розвивати вміння логічно викладати думки іноземною мовою,

розширювати світогляд учня про кінематограф та кінофестивалі,



виховувати культуру спілкування,


виховувати усвідомлення необхідності пізнання нового, старанність у навчанні, чіткість у виконанні завдань.



  Обладнання: картки для індивідуальної роботи та роботи в парах, аудіо та відео записи, завдання з комп’ютерною  підтримкою, Solutions Pre-Intermediate Student’s book.


І. Warming- up.

Speaking. Brainstorming.


T. Good morning, my dear boys and girls. (Good morning) I`m glad to see you here. (We are glad to see you, too.)

And now it`s time to start our lesson. Today’s lesson is dedicated to films, film festivals, actors and actresses. The topic of our lesson is “The magic world of the cinema”. Today you’ll  have a chance to show your knowledge in reading, speaking, listening and writing. I hope our lesson will be informative and exciting.


2. Brainstorming.

T. To begin with, I’ d like you to answer the question. What is the cinema? ( Students’ answers)

P1. Cinema is a kind of entertainment.

P2. Cinema is the art of colourful moving images.

P3. Cinema is a movie theater.

P4. Cinema is happiness and tragedy.

P5. Cinema is a very pleasant way of spending free time.

P6. Cinema is an excellent vehicle of culture.

P7. Cinema is something amusing and pleasant, something to laugh at.

P8. Cinema is enjoying tasty popcorn.


3. Activation of vocabulary.

T. Yes, you are right cinema means a lot. It has a different meaning for each person. Which types of films do you know?

Look at the photos. Which types of films are illustrated?  ( Photos of different films)

T. You often discuss films you have watched with your friends. What films do you like the most and why? ( Students’ answers)


P1.  I like science fiction films because they are usually unrealistic and full of special effects. They are about unreal and supernatural things. What I like about them is that they grab your attention. I think they are magnificent and really impressive.

P2. I like historical films. They are full of special effects and realistic. They have fights of different types. The stories are dynamic. They teach you to defense justice. I think that they are extremely great and wonderful.


4. Checking up the homework.

T. You were splited into three groups at the previous lesson. Your task was to make presentations of the films you liked and would recommend. Who wants to be the first?

(Students’ presentations)


II. Main part.

1. Introduction of new vocabulary

T. Making a film is very difficult and complicated. A lot of people work at a film studio and take part in the film shooting.  Let’s see who takes part in making films. I will name the professions and you will repeat after me.


2. Training students in using vocabulary.

T. Your next task is to match film professions with their definitions. Work in pairs. Take out the professions and the definitions from the envelops. Who is ready - raise your hand.


  1. An actor

is a man who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

  1.  A costume (designer)

is a woman who prepares costumes: dresses, suits for films.

  1. A make-up (artist)

is a woman who can make a new face for an actor.

  1. A sound (mixer)

is a man who operates the microphones and gets very angry with people who makes noises during the filming.

  1. A director

is a man who is the boss and tells everybody what to do.

  1. A stunt (man)

is a person who does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors.

  1. An editor

is a man who chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and puts the bits together.

  1. A producer

is a man who has general control of the money for a film but he doesn't direct the actors.

  1. A script (writer)

is a man who writes scripts for films, shows.

  1. An actress

is a woman who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

3. Writing.

1) Rules of using present participle and past participle.

T. When we talk about films, actors, actresses, plot and our feelings about films we often use present and past participles that are used as adjectives. The present participle which has ending 

-ing describes what somebody or something is. It answers the question “What kind?”.The past participle  which has ending –ed describes how somebody feels. It answers the question “How do you feel?”

2) Complete the table.

If a person or thing is


Then you are



2. ------------










4. ------------




5. ------------












8. -------------










 Read your answers. (Student’s answers)

3) Complete the sentences by adding –ed or –ing.

1. I always eat some chocolate when I’m depress……

2. The film was so frighten….. ! Nobody survived!

3. I was exhaust…. after final exam.

4. We are flying by plane! How excit….. !

5. My friend was really amus…., he told a lot of jokes!

6. I was so embarrass….. when my mum showed my baby photos.

Answers (1 depressed, 2 frightening, 3 exhausted, 4 exciting, 5 amusing, 6 embarrassed)


4. Reading

1) Pre-reading.

T.  A lot of professionals are involved in film making. The best gratitude and praise for them is getting awards in various film festivals. What film festivals do you know?


P1. The Cannes festival is a French film festival. Its award is an olive-branch (olive-branch is a symbol of peace).


P2. The Berlin festival is a German film festival. It is one of the three major festivals in Europe. Its prize is a Golden Bear.


P3. The Venice festival is the world’s oldest film festival. Its award is a Golden Lion.


P4. The Oscars award ceremony is held in the USA. The various category winners are awarded a copy of a statuette, officially the Academy Award of Merit, that is better known by its nickname Oscar.


T. Today we’ll know more about one of them the Oscars award ceremony. Look at the photos. You can see Hilary Swank and Jamie Foxx. Do you know them? They were awarded the Oscars for Best Actress and Best Actor. What is happening? How are they feeling themselves?


P1. They have won the Oscars.

P2. Hilary is crying. But her tears are tears of happiness.

P3. She is excited and amazed.

P4. The award is unexpected for her.

P5. Jamie Foxx is making a speech.

P6. He is smiling. He is satisfied with his success.

P7. He is on the top of the world.


2) Reading

T. Look at the text. How many paragraphs are there?


1 Gratitude and tears

2 Impressive outfit

3 Early times

4 The first winner

5 Deciding the winner

6 Unknown fact


P. There are five paragraphs.


T. Texts are normally divided into paragraphs to separate different ideas. Therefore, each paragraph will be talking about a different point. Pay your attention that there are six headings. So there is one heading that you don’t need. Read the headings and then read the text. You should underline any information in the paragraph that you think is relevant.


The Oscars

A  The Oscars award ceremony is one of the most famous ceremonies in the world, and is watched live on TV in over 200 countries. The first ceremony happened in Hollywood in 1929, and all of the prizes were for silent films. For the first ten years, the results were given to the newspapers before the ceremony. However, since 1941, the names of the winners have been a secret until the last moment.


B  No one is exactly sure where the name ‘Oscars’ came from. One story is that in 1931, the director of the Academy thought that the golden award looked like her uncle Oscar – and the name stayed!


C  The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has over 6,000 members (actors, directors, producers, etc.). Each year, they vote for the winners in 25 categories. The most important categories are Best Film, Best Actress and Best Actor.


D  No one is very interested in what the men wear (they usually come in a dinner jacket or a suit), but the big fashion houses, like Chanel and Dior, try to persuade the most popular female stars to wear their dresses. The tars usually get the dresses for free, and they usually look great. But there are some bad choices too!


E  The speeches that the winners make when they accept their Oscars are often rather boring, as they are usually just a list of people they want to thank (including their mum). The winnersoften get very emotional – it can sometimes be almost impossible to understand what they’re saying!


3) Match headings 1-6 with paragraphs A-E. There is one heading that you don’t need.


Answers: A-3 B-6 C-5 D-2 E-1


4)  Answer the questions.

1. When did the first ceremony happened?

2. Why was it called ‘Oscars’?

3. What are the most important categories?

4. How are the stars dressed?

5. Why are the speeches boring?


5. Listening.


T. Talking about cinema we can’t forget about the most famous and outstanding actor and film director of the beginning of the 20th century. He is Charlie Chaplin. You will watch the video report and then you will answer the questions. Take the papers with the questions and read them.


1 What was Charlie Chaplin’s father’s job?

2 What did Charlie do in 1910?

3 What was different about films in the 1910sfrom films today?

4 What was United Artists?

5 Why did Charlie leave Hollywood?

6 Where did Charlie move to?


Charlie Chaplin: Script

Charlie Chaplin was an international film star, but he was born and grew up in London. When Charlie was born here in south London in 1889, his family was very poor. His father was an actor and his mother a singer, but they separated when Charlie was three years old.

Charlie was only five years old when he acted in the theatre for the first time. By the time he was seventeen years old, Charlie was a very popular comic actor in theatres in London and around England.

In 1910, Charlie travelled to the USA for the first time and toured the country with a travelling theatre group. He returned with the group to the USA in 1912, and this time met the owner of a film studio who wanted Charlie to make films.

Charlie made his first film, Making a Living, in 1914, but it wasn’t very successful. At this time the cinema was very new. Films were black and white, silent and they were only about ten minutes long. Because there weren’t any televisions, the cinema was very popular, and Charlie made over 50 films between 1914 and 1916.

People all around the world watched his films, and quickly Charlie became one of the most famous and richest actors in Hollywood. He played a comedy character called the Little Tramp, and soon everyone recognised his hat, moustache and walking stick.

Soon, Chaplin was writing, directing and producing his own films and composing music for them too.

In 1917 he built a film studio, and in 1919 set up United Artists, a company to distribute his films, giving him more freedom to make them.

Chaplin stayed in Hollywood for 40 years. He moved back to Europe in 1952 for political reasons and lived in Switzerland until he died in 1977. People say that Charlie Chaplin was the first and greatest Hollywood film star, and the writer George Bernard Shaw described him as “the only genius to come out of the movie industry.” Today you can watch many of his films on DVD and see for yourself.



T. Let’s check up your answers.


1 He was an actor.

2 He travelled to the USA for the first time.

3 Films in 1910 were silent, black and white and were about 10 minutes long.

4 A company that distributed films.

5 For political reasons.

6 Switzerland


III. Summing-up.

1. Conclusion.

T. So the lesson is coming to the end. You have done a lot of tasks, you have got a lot of interesting information from our lesson. What was the most difficult activity for you? What did you enjoy doing? What was the most interesting for you?

2. Assessment


T. I am satisfied with your active work. You have made a very good job. All of you worked hard. Your marks are……….


3.  Homework.


T. Your homework is to describe things and experiences in your life using –ing adjectives.


1 the first day at school

2 your last birthday

3 an argument with your parents

4 the worst lesson

5 a comedy


Good luck and see you next time


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