Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 9 класу на тему "Music in our life"

Про матеріал

practical: to revise vocabulary on the topic;
to develop pupils' speaking skills;
to practise listening skills;
educational: to expand the pupils' knowledge of the very importance of music in people's


to expand the pupils' knowledge of English as a foreign language;
developing: to develop the pupils' logical way of thinking, their imagination;
educative: to teach the pupils good manners of communication,

to have a high respect for their classmates.
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Theme: Music in our life

Grade: 9-C

practical: to revise vocabulary on the topic;
                to develop pupils’ speaking skills;
                to practise listening skills;
educational: to expand the pupils’ knowledge of the very importance of music in people’s 


                    to expand the pupils’ knowledge of English as a foreign language;
developing: to develop the pupils’ logical way of thinking, their imagination;
educative: to teach the pupils good manners of communication,

                 to have a high respect for their classmates.
Materials: posters, handouts, CDs, pupils presentations.
T: Good morning. I’m glad to see you. Let’s start our lesson. Today we’ll revise everything we have learnt about music, styles of music, music tastes, practise our listening, reading, speaking skills. So our today’s topic is “Music in our life”.
2. Warming-up
Look at the board, please, and read the motto of our lesson (“Life without music would be a mistake”) Do you agree with this wonderful quotation?

  1. Main part.
    1.Vocabulary Practice
    And what music styles do you know?
    Classical, jazz, pop, folk, rock, rock’n’roll, rap, country, chamber (камерная), punk.
  2. Use adjectives to describe music you like.

Beautiful, touching, serious, cheerful, relaxing, sad, simple, traditional,
Healing, emotional, exciting, catchy, soothing, pleasant, romantic, energetic.

T: As for me, I enjoy listening to classical music, because it is emotional, serious and healing. And what about you, Liza?
T: Complete the sentences with the words from the box:
Pop music, classical music, reggae, folk music, jazz, punk, country, rap.
1.--------is played by a big orchestra in a concert hall.
2.--------comes originally from black American musicians.
3.--------is played by young people with brightly coloured hair.
4.--------usually offers simple tunes which are popular for a short time.
5.-------- music is usually played on the guitar, banjo and violin.
6.------- is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.
7.------- comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long period .
8.------- is often played freely, not following written music.
9.------- has a strong , loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments.
2 . Communication

I would like to tell you about a great singer and I want you to help me. (PPT about  Michael Jackson)
3. Listening (Earth Song))
T: And now let’s enjoy listening to this wonderful song, which is performed by Michael Jackson.

T: I think you enjoyed this wonderful song, didn’t you?
T: Speak about your taste in music using the following scheme ( on the board):
P - position - I think…
R - reasoning - Because…
E - example - For example…
S - solution - That’s why…

Student's presentations..
III. Conclusion
1. Summing Up.
2. Giving Home task
T: Your home task is to write an essay “ Music in My life”






23 вересня 2018
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