Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 10 класу на тему «Національна українська кухня та кухня народів світу. Меню. Продукти харчування та способи їх приготування»

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 10 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Автор Лілія Нечипоренко, викладач англійської мови та методики навчання англійської мови в КЗ КОР "Білоцерківський гуманітарно-педагогічний фаховий коледж", спеціаліст першої кваліфікаційної категорії
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Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 10 класу на тему

«Національна українська кухня та кухня народів світу. Меню.

Продукти харчування та способи їх приготування»


Theme: National Ukrainian meals and cuisines from all over the world. Menu. Food products and their preparation

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • use new words, word-combinations and expressions, related to the theme
  • practice new phrases to speak about kinds of food and its preparation; 
  • describe the most popular dishes of the world;
  • answer the questions after reading the text;
  • match the words with their definitions;
  • continue the point of the statement;
  • perform an information after listening and watching videos;
  • act out the dialogues about choosing dishes from the menu.

Equipment: multimedia whiteboard; projector; laptop computer; presentation on the topic; textbook English 10 Standard level by Oksana Karpyuk




  1. Greeting:
  • Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you. How are you today? How is life?
  • Today our lesson is unusual a little: we have guests today and you’ll show them your knowledge of English.
  1. Introduction:
  • Look at the picture (slide 1) and tell me what your thoughts about it are?
  • Who can tell me what we are going to talk about today?
  • We’ll discuss our Ukrainian cuisine and compare it with the dishes of other countries.
  1. Warming-up:
  • Let’s see some words – names of food. Your task is to put them into the correct columns according to kinds of products: fruit, vegetables, meat, sea food:

apple, banana, carrot,  blackberry, cherry, prawn, orange, peach, plum, strawberry, bean, grape, pea, cabbage, cucumber, celery, ham, lettuce, mushroom, potato, onion, broccoli, garlic, bacon, beef, chicken, tuna, lamb, pork, sausage, turkey, pear, steak, cod, leek, salmon, herring, crab, lobster, octopus, mackerel.

  • What’s your taste? Choose from the list and tell your partner

A: I love carrot, but I hate broccoli. What about you?

B: Well, I love…

  • Now look at the slide and try to guess from what country is each dish:

Spaghetti Bolognese


Greek Salad






Onion Soup


Irish Stew


  • What helped you to understand this?
  1. Reading the text “Ukrainian specialties”, ex. 7, p. 92:
  1. Pre-reading activity:
  • Before you read the text, see the words and word-combinations from the text with their explanation:
  • Brawn – a seasoned jellied loaf made from the head and sometimes the feet of a pig or calf;
  • Gravy – a sauce made by mixing the fat and juices exuded by meat during cooking with stock and other ingredients;
  • Batter any liquid mixture containing milk, eggs, and flour, as used to make cake, pancakes, or other similar food, or to cover food before frying it;
  • Minced meat a chopped mixture of meat and spices usually used for filling;
  • Stuffed with – to be filled with smth;
  • Smoked – prepared using smoke.
  1. While-reading activity:
  • Think of your favourite Ukrainian dish.
  1. After-reading activity:
  • Complete the sentences from the text:

Kholodets can be served with horseradish and … (mustard).

Salo is usually eaten with black bread and … (garlic, salt).

Borsch contains such vegetables as: beetroot, potato, cabbage, … (carrot, onion,  garlic..).

Deruny – this is the dish based on ... potato (grated).

Holubtsi are made of cabbage rolls stuffed with … (rice and minced meat).

Varenyky are usually stuffed with potato, … (mushrooms, meat, cheese...)

  • What is your favourite Ukrainian dish?
  • Have you ever cooked it?
  • What ingredients does it consist of?
  • Can you tell its recipe?
  1. Listening the text “Traditional British meals”, ex. 3, p. 89
  • Listen to the text and name:
  • all the meal time in Britain
  • the ingredients of Christmas pudding
  • Answer the questions:
  • What food was beloved by English people in the middle ages?
  • What is the method to cook Christmas pudding nowadays?
  • What little “surprises” can we find in a slice of Christmas pudding?
  • What does “a good plain food” mean?
  • What social occasion is connected with afternoon tea?
  • What does “high tea” consist of?
  1. Watching and discussing a video “UK food in Britain” https://poshukach.com/search_video?q=UK+food+in+Britain&fr=ps&gp=496702&d=6973377577929468919&sig=335657450d&s=Youtube


- I suggest you to watch a video about the variety of food in Great Britain. Be ready to discuss it and check your own understanding:


  • In Britain there are  many …… restaurants.
  • Borough Market is London’s …… food market.
  • Settlers brought their own food and styles of cooking of …… cheese.
  • In the British high streets you can find different restaurants: Italian, ……, Greek, ……, Persian, ……
  • The British like different meals: Thai Green Curry, Cottage Pie with peas, Chinese food, full ………. .
  • Full English breakfast consists of: tomato, black pudding, ……, bacon, ……, mushroom.
  • Chefs in restaurants like to …… with different cuisines.


  1. New vocabulary:
  • See the words – methods of cooking the dishes:


to boil



to fry



to roast



to bake



to mash



to steam



to grill




  • Make a sentence using the table like in the example:

e.g. -  How do you like your potatoes – fried or boiled?

       - Actually I like them baked.

  1. Playing a game “Mime”
  • A student at the board will get a card with some words – the names of food and he (she) has to mime this word without words:

Pizza, varenyky, sandwich, pasta, coffee, ice-cream, holubtsi, pancakes, salad, lemon, banana, milkshake.

  1. Practicing in vocabulary:
  1. Complete the gaps with the correct words in the box:

Cereal      honey        chocolate        sandwiches        bread     tomatoes                                        tea             ice cream               cake              crisps            water 


  • A bottle of _______________
  • A loaf of _______________
  • A bowl of _______________
  • A bar of ________________
  • A packet of _______________
  • A tub of _______________
  • A jar of _______________
  • A cup of _______________
  • A tin of _______________
  • A plate of ________________
  • A piece of ________________
  • In pairs ask your partner for two things:

A: Can I have a loaf of bread and a jar of honey, please?

B: Yes, certainly. Here you are.

  1. Collocations:
  • Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box

Fresh         baked         frozen         tinned         dried                    low-calorie       soft           sparkling           skimmed           stale


  • Can you get me some __________ peas from the freezer, please?
  • This bread’s a bit ___________ - don’t eat it.
  • ___________ milk is much better for you than full-hat.
  • When I was a child, I absolutely loved _____________ beans on toast.
  • We usually keep some ____________ peaches in the cupboard.
  • On a hot day like this, a glass of _____________ water is very refreshing.
  • I’m watching my weight, so I’ll have some _____________ lemonade, please.
  • My cousin adds some _____________ herbs from a packet to the stew before she puts it in the oven.
  • My parents never drink wine or beer, only ____________ drinks.
  • My mom regularly buys _______________ vegetables from the local market.


  1. Making the dialogue:
  1. Complete the dialogue with suitable phrases:


Thank you. It’s nice of you.

I’d try pancakes with mushrooms.

Yes, please. I like it.

Thanks a lot.

Thank you. I am here for the first time. Nice interior.

A glass of pineapple juice, please.

I think, yes. I will have borsch for the first course.


  • Good evening, sir. Welcome you are to the restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine.
  • ………………………… .
  • Really. I’m sure you’ll like our food, too. Here is the menu.
  • ………………………… .
  • Are you ready to order?
  • ………………………… .
  • Great. Garnished with sour-cream?
  • …………………………. .
  • Ok. And what would you like for the main course?
  • …………………………. .
  • And anything to drink?
  • …………………………. .
  • Ok. Wait a few minutes.
  • ………………………….. .


  • Good evening, sir. Welcome you are to the restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine.
  • Thank you. We are at the first time here. Nice interior.
  • Really. I’m sure you’ll like our food, too. Here is the menu.
  • Thank you. It’s nice of you.
  • Are you ready to order?
  • I think, yes. I will have borsch for the first course.
  • Great. Garnished with sour-cream?
  • Yes, please. I like it.
  • Ok. And what would you like for the main course?
  • I’d try pancakes with mushrooms.
  • And anything to drink?
  • A glass of pineapple juice, please.
  • Ok. Wait a few minutes.
  • Thanks a lot.


  1. Make your own dialogue and act them out using the following helpful phrases:

(the students are given the menus; the table is served; the roles are for a waiter and customers)


Can I help you?

I’d like to order.. .

What would you like…..?

Can I have.. ?

Would you like anything else?

I’d like to have.. (try, eat, drink..)

Are you ready to order?

Yes, please. I’d also like…

Anything to drink? (for dessert?)

No, that’s all, thanks.


  1. Summarizing. H/t:
  • So, what were we talking about today? What new did you learn?
  • What dishes from different countries were mentioned today?
  • Your task for homework is to learn new words and speak about your favourite dish of any country you want.
  • Thank you for work and for good results you’ve shown today. The lesson is over. See you! Bye! 
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
7 вересня 2021
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