Конспект уроку з англійсько мови для учнів 10 класу на тему: "Захист навколишнього середовища".

Про матеріал
Objectives: • to develop students’ listening and communication skills, critical thinking and imagination through various creative interactive activities; • to activate the vocabulary on the topic; • to teach students to work in groups; • to teach students to make and present their own projects on the topic; • to teach students to work with different sources of information; • to help students understand the global threats facing our planet and take actions to improve the situation; • to widen the students’ knowledge about ecological situation on the Earth, in Ukraine and in the native town – Shostka; • to cultivate in students a sense of responsibility for their actions, adherence to an active civic position; • to educate a good attitude towards the nature; • to develop students’ attention, a quick reaction, creative skills.
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Form 10

Topic: Environmental protection



  •                 to develop students’ listening and communication skills, critical thinking and imagination through  various creative interactive activities;
  •                 to activate the vocabulary on the topic;
  •                 to teach students to work in groups;
  •                 to teach students to make and  present their own projects on the topic;
  •                 to teach students  to work with different sources of information;
  •                 to help students understand the global threats facing our planet and take actions to improve  the situation;
  •                 to widen the students’  knowledge about ecological situation on the Earth, in Ukraine and in the native town – Shostka;
  •                 to cultivate in students a sense of responsibility for their actions, adherence to an active civic position;
  •                 to educate a good attitude towards the nature;
  •                 to develop students’ attention, a quick reaction, creative skills.


Visual aids and supplements: posters, photos, badges, poems, a globe, a multimedia screen, a computer, students’ projects, estimation cards, a Power Point presentation on the topic, tests.


Type: integrated (English, Geography, Biology, Ecology); a lesson of controlling knowledge and skills on the topic.


Time: 45 minutes.




I. Preliminaries

1. Introducing the topic and the aim of the lesson (5 minutes)

At the beginning of the lesson students watch a clip “Earth Song” (Michael Jackson) and then a teacher recites a poem “What have they done to the world?” (Pupils listen to the teacher.)

What have they done to the seas, my friends?

What have they done to the seas?

What have they done to the rivers, my friends?

What have they done to the trees?

What have they done to our land, my friends?

This land which is ours from our birth.

What have they done to our forests, my friends?

What have they done to the Earth?

What have they done to the skies, my friends?

Skies that  are blue and so clear.

What have they done to the skies, my friends?

What have they done to the air?

T. Good morning, dear students, teachers, guests of the lesson! I am very glad to see you. Welcome to our home, to our planet - the Earth! The topic of our lesson is “Environmental protection”. Nowadays this topic is actual and  famous people, I mean scientists, writers and even singers discuss it in their works. One example of it has just been demonstrated to you. Today we’ll speak about ecological problems our planet  faces, the main factors of the pollution, about the ways of solving these problems. We’ll widen our knowledge about ecological situation in Ukraine and in our native town.  You know if we are active participants in the protection of our environment, we’ll  help our planet survive and keep it healthy for future generations. Today  you’ll present and defend your own projects on the topic, do some tests. We’ll work together at our lesson and I’m sure that our work will be interesting and fruitful.


2. Warming up. Motivation (4 minutes)

T. Dear students! I would like to sound the motto of our lesson: “Our world is a nice place and it’s worth fighting for”. I like these words of the great English writer Ernest Hemingway. They are so urgent nowadays. I wonder how  you understand this phrase? (Pupils give their own explanations.)

T. There are a lot of poems about our nature and we have a good opportunity to listen to some of them. (Students recite poems.)

T. What state document reminds us about environmental protection? (Pupils answer.)

T. Children! You know April 22 is a special  day around the world. On this day all people of our planet celebrate Earth Day. It’s a time when people show that they take care of our planet. It’s  a day for people to learn what they can do to preserve the Earth. I am interested to know what you know about this day, my dear students. (Students answer.)

T. Children! Can you tell  me what you do on this day? (Students inform about their activities on this day.)

T. Good for you, my dear children. I  see that you really take care of our environment.


II. The main part of the lesson

  1. Speaking. T- P1 P2 P3 (5 minutes)

T. I wonder what environmental problems we have nowadays.

Pupils name ecological problems (land pollution, air pollution, greenhouse effect, water pollution, ozone holes, climate changes, acid rains, etc.) and put stickers with these problems on the poster.

T. Children! What causes these problems? Please, tell me. (Pupils give their own answers.)

T. Can you tell me what they result in? (Students answer. In both cases the developing of students’ critical thinking is observed.)

T. It’s a pity that we have such problems. We must solve them.


2. Checking up homework. Presentation and defence of pupils’ project works (22 minutes)

T. Children! At the beginning of our work at the projects we had a key-question “Can we save our Planet?” You’ve  been exploring this problem for two weeks solving some thematic questions: What causes the environmental problems? What are the ways of solving these problems to lessen the pollution and protect the environment? You’ve explored ecological problems of the Earth, Ukraine and Shostka. As you see, today we’ll work in groups (interactive technology). You have an opportunity    to present and defend your projects.

T. So, group one will be the first. While the members of this group present their creative project, other two groups estimate pupils’ activity according to the criteria. (Pupils get cards to estimate  projects: the number of slides if it’s a presentation, the information content of the project, its design, style, literacy, etc. Some pupils get tests on the topic. Then other groups present their projects in the form of a publication and a website.)


3. Pupils’ interview (Method “Microphone”, interactive technology)  (5 minutes)

T. Children! Having listened to the  defence of your projects, I’d like to sum up again how we can save our planet. (Teacher asks different questions.)

What must we do to stop acid rains?

How can we save seas, rivers and lakes?

How can we stop greenhouse effect?

In what way can people reserve rainforests? (Students answer developing their critical thinking.)

T. So,  we know  how to solve some ecological problems. But what can we do to live healthy? (Pupils give their own answers developing their critical thinking.)


III. Summarizing. Home assignment (4 minutes)

T. Children! Let’s hope that our mankind will cope with all ecological problems and preserve our planet for future generations. Fortunately, it’s not too late to solve these problems. We have enough time, money, technologies and a great desire to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place.

(Students take away stickers with ecological problems from the poster to show that they are ready to help our planet.)

T. Children! What have we done at today’s lesson? (Pupils answer.) All of you took an active part at our lesson and tried to do your best. I’m satisfied with your project works. They are wonderful. (The teacher estimates the pupils’ work at the lesson. Pupils tick the activities they’ve taken part  in their self-estimation cards, count their points and hand them in to the teacher.)


Home assignment

T. Students! At home you will write your suggestions on the environmental protection to the newspaper “Our Planet”.

I would like to finish our lesson with the “Pledge of allegiance to the Earth”: “I pledge allegiance to the Earth, to its flora and fauna and human life that it supports. I know that our planet is indivisible with safe air, water and soil”. (The melody “Packing Boxes” by Boxes Jan A.P. Kaczmarek is heard.)


The lesson is over. Good-bye.






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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
1 квітня 2020
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