Конспект уроку з англійської мови " Friends and friendship"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови " Friends and friendship", 6 клас, Несвіт А.М.
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Teaching Objectives:

  • to  active  lexical units on the topic;
  • to practice pupils’ reading and listening skills;
  • to encourage pupils to participate in a discussion;
  • to practice role play;
  • to enlarge pupils’ scope and develop their logical and critical thinking;
  • to teach pupils to be good friends and cultivate love and respect to surrounding people.




T: Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you. You are so brilliant today! I hope you are in a good mood. I would like you to give sincere compliment to each other. Pupils  give compliments. I am sure that you are very interested  in what we are going to talk about today. Watch a little video and try to predict the topic of our today’s lesson.

          Pupils watch the video and predict the topic of the lesson


T: So have you guessed what we are going to talk about? Yes, you are right, we are going to talk about friends and friendship. And what’s more we will study how to be  good friends, we'll get to know what qualities we must have to be real friends to enjoy this feeling fully. We will listen to the song, read the text and watch the dramatization of some episodes from the friends’ lives.  At the end of the lesson you will give your opinion about  different stages of today’s  lesson.



Work with proverbs.

T:  Friendship is really a very great thing and that’s why people of all countries have so many proverbs about it. Now let’s check how well you know some of them. Look at the blackboard and match the parts of the proverbs about friends and friendship.


Books and friend …                           should be few but good.

A man known…                                  by the company he keeps.

A friend in need…                              is a friend indeed.

A friend to all…                                   is a friend to none.

Only your real friends tell ….           when you face is dirty.

The only way to have friend…    is to be one.


IV. Revision the vocabulary.

T:Friends are very important. They play an important part in our life. We all have friends but there are different types of friends. Not all of them are your best friends. Look at their definition. The first that we have here is


BFF- stands for best friend forever.

Bestmate is your best friend. The word mate is slang word for friend.

Buddy  is slang word for friend mainly in the USA.

Close friends are very good  friends who would always be there for you ,who are the part of your innercircle  world. 


T:Which features of character must real friend have? Open the envelopes and find them.Учні шукають риси характеру і прикріплюють  їх  у вигляді промінців досонечка .

Bright, chatter-box, cheerful, cruel, faithful, generous, honest, lazy, loyal, modest, polite, shy, patient, caring, greedy, intelligent, moody, gloomy, strict, reliable, sociable, tolerant, friendly, kind, happy.


T:We have got so bright sun! The real friend is like the sun. He(she) makes our life easier, more interesting and more exciting. I wish everyone to find real friend. 

T: Try to describe your friends.

P:My buddy Oksana  is responsible . She always  keeps secrets.

My best friends Stas is honest. He never lies.


V. LISTENING THE SONG “ A random act of kindness’’

T:Listen to the song and complete the lines with the following words.

Part 1: In this block some nouns don't appear, some of the

nouns can be:

way home,   Kindness,    hurry,   friend

A Random Act of ______

Is perfect and it’s free

It happens when we help a______


You were in a _______  when you saw me all alone

You told me not to worry

I’ll help you to find your  _______   

Part 2:  There are 6 words that are wrong; find them

and write the correct words:

help,  random,  wrote, ­­­ perfect,  blue,  friend

A window Act of Kindness

Is perfect and it’s free

It happens when we make a friend


You sent me a letter

When  I was feeling well

It sure made me feel better

To know I’ve a good book like you

Part 3: Find out where some of the following verbs appear:

help, happens,  was, remember , smile,  said, spoke

A Random Act of Kindness

Is perfect and it’s free

It ­______ when we ______  a friend…


______  when you ______   to me

That I ______   your best friend

The words  you ______   so beautifully

Helps me to ______   once again

Once again

T: Listen to the song and check your answers

A Random Act of Kindness

Is perfect and it’s free

It happens  when we help a friend…


You were in a hurry when you saw me all alone

You told me not to worry

I’ll help you to find your way home

A Random Act of Kindness

Is perfect and it’s free           

It happens when we help a friend…


You wrote me a letter

When  I was feeling blue

It sure made me feel better

To know I’ve a good friend like you

A Random Act of Kindness

Is perfect and it’s free

It happens when we help a     friend…


Remember when you said to me

That I was your best friend

The words  you spoke so  beautifully

Helps me to smile once again

Once again

A Random Act of Kindness

Is perfect and it’s free

It happens when we help a      friend…


T: Which of the following words would you say about real friendship.


Pre-reading activity.

T: It’s very important to have friends. And all of us want to have true friends. The only way to have friends is to be one.  What must we do to be true friends? After reading the text you have to answer this question. 


Учні читають текстLessons of  friendship з музичним супроводом (текст на екрані )

God sends friends when we need them the most and every friend has a special purpose in our lives. We often find new friends in unexpected places.    Despite the distance between us, a real friendship grows across the miles.

 We sometimes expect to kick us down, a true friends helps us stand back up. We should not wait to express the appreciation for our friends, if we do it will be too late.

 We should open to the friends’ view as two people can look at the thing and see something different. We should not judge our friends but respect their way of life, even when we disagree with it. We should not only take the time to talk to our friends but should listen and try to understand. If we can’t understand we should accept.

Sometimes friends hurt us unintentionally, but we should forget and forgive. They sometimes need time and space, and we should be thoughtful and understanding of their needs. We should treat our friends kindly today, for the people we like the most are often taken away from us too soon.

Friendship is like a candle that lights our way and shines forever in our hearts.

Post-reading activity

T: So tell me please what we must do to be true friends?

P: We must help and support our friends. We should be caring and opened to others. We should not judge but respect their ways. We must forgive and forget insults. We must be kind and help our friends in difficult time, I think it is the most important in our friendship. We should not forget to say “thank you” to our friends.

We must be honest, keep promises and secrets. We should treat our friends kindly.

T:  I think you understand  that only way to have friends is to be one.



T: I would like you to watch the dramatization of some episodes from the friends’ lives.


Situation 1

Daughter   is coming home and crying.

Mother: What has happened?

Daughter: I thought that I had many friends but they are not  true.

Where can I  find true friends?

Mother :  My dear, you cannot buy friends with a smile or a few good words. For a true friend you must always be available, in good times and bad".

Daughter: But I want to be everybody's friend! I need to share my time among everyone.

Mother: My dear, you're a lovely girl, but you can't be a close friend to everybody. There  isn't enough time to be available for everyone, so you can have a few true friends. The others will by playmates or acquaintances, but they won't be close friends".

Daughter:  ( thinking a little) My dear mother you always helps me and puts up with all my dislikes  and problems, you always forgive me you love me a great deal...(daughter is hugging her mother) You are my best friend I could ever want.



Two girls are sitting at the table. One of them is eating an apple.

Ann: Are we the best friends?

Mary: Yes, of course. We are the best friends.

Ann: Why don’t you give me any toys and books and don’t treat me.

Mary :Oh, I am sorry. Of course, I’ll give you everything. All the best is for my best friend.

Gils are coming up to the table where toys and books are placed.

Mary: Wait a moment. Don’t touch anything. I’ll give you everything.(looking for a doll, taking an old and spoiled doll) Here you are. And it is not all ( looking for the book). Take this book. Is it enough now?

Ann: But they are old and spoiled.

Mary: It doesn’t matter. You can play with it and not be afraid to spoil it to make the dress dirty.

Ann: And what about the book? You have so many books but you give such book that I can’t read even the title of it.

Mary: Why do you need the title? The main is the plot. Nobody knows if the new book is interesting or not. But old book is dog-eared and torn and was read by many people. That’s why it is very interested.

Ann is surprised. Girls are coming up to the table where the apples are.

Mary: I also would like to treat you.( giving her a bitted apple)


T: What can your tell me about our friends? Are they true or not?

I’ve realized that mother is the best friend. She always help us and put up with all our dislikes and problems, always forgive and love us . As for me, my mother is my best friends too.

True friends must share toys, book, interests. But if the friend is greedy, I think he can not be true friend. I don’t want to have a greedy friend.

It’s awful to give old and spoiled things to our friends. We must give all the best to our friends but not old and spoiled. I  don’t want to have such friends .



T: What useful information from our lesson will you be able to use in your life?

We have a lot of friends but not all of them are true. And it is very hard to realize that your friends betray you.

The only way to have friends is to be one. We must help and support our friends. We must be honest, reliable, keep promises and secrets.

As for me, I have o lot of friends. Some of them are close some are less. But all  of them  make our life more interesting.

From my point of view, it’s very important to have good friends. You can help them and they can help you. If you have a problem you can go to your friends or you call them and ask them for help. Friends support you. That’s great!

T: I agree with you that friends play great role in our life and we can’t imagine our life without them. Not all of them are true but the only way to have friends is to be one. We must be cheerful, attentive, faithful, generous, honest, loyal, polite, patient, caring,  reliable, sociable, tolerant, friendly, kind. Friendship is like a candle that lights our way and shines forever in our hearts.

T:  It’s time to make the flower of our today’s lesson. Give your opinion about different stages of today’s lesson. Which parts were more interesting and exciting.

Учні прикріплюють стікери до квітки.



T: Write a story about your true friend.









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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
30 липня 2019
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