The topic of the lesson «Mood food»
Клас: 10
Матеріали : English File 3e (Student’s book and Workbook),
Хід роботи
(На дошці написано слово «FRUIT»)
Teacher: Hello, everyone! How are you today? (Students’ answers) Today we have a new topic but firstly look at the blackboard. What can you see? (Students’ answers) Yes, right. So you have a minute to write down five words for different kinds of fruit. Do it in pairs.
Teacher: Now let’s check your answers. (Учні зачитують свої варіанти, після чого вчитель записує з них п’ять слів на вибір)
Teacher: I have some card with questions for you but firstly divide into three teams. (Учні поділяються на команди, кожна команда отримує картки з питаннями, після обговорення питань у командах, вчитель викликає по одному учню з кожної команди, слухає відповіді та разом з учнями порівнюють їх)
Cards with questions:
Can you think of…? |
one red fruit, one yellow fruit, one green fruit |
two kinds of food that some people are allergic to |
three kinds of food that come from milk |
four vegetables that you can put in a salad |
five containers that you can buy food in |
six things that people usually have for breakfast |
Teacher: Now I want to know how many words of food you remember. Open your Student’s books on page 152 (Додаток 1). Look at the first exercise. There are words and pictures. You must match them. Then we listen to the audio and you check your answers.
Teacher: It’s time for practice in pronunciation. Divide into pairs. I give you card. You must fold it and keep in front of you. You can see a word or a transcription. If you see a word, you must read it and your partner check your pronunciation because he or she has a transcription of this word.
[ prɔ:n] |
[ˌmɑ:ʤə`ri:n] |
[`sǽmən] |
[`kju:kʌmbə] |
[lǽm] |
[`kǽbiʤ] |
[`sɔsiʤ] |
[rɔ:] |
Teacher: There are some questions on the blackboard. Let’s discuss them together.
Teacher: Listen to five people talking. Each person is answering one of these questions. Match each speaker with a question. (audio)
Teacher: Open your Student’s books on page 5 (Додаток 2). You have five minutes to read this article. During the reading find adjectives for these verbs : stress, relax, wake, sleep, power, violence, oil.
Teacher: Let’s check your answers.
Teacher: Can you explain why the following people are mentioned in this article. Give me more information about them.
Give as much information as you can: |
Dr Paul Clayton |
People on diets |
Schoolchildren |
Paul and Terry |
Nightclub owners in Bournemouth |
Teacher: Our lesson comes to the end. I want to know a little more information about you. Write in your copybooks eight or ten sentences on the topic «Food in my life». In your writing you must answer such questions as:
Додаток 1
Додаток 2