Конспект уроку з англійської мови до теми "Пори року".
Метою є практикування учнів в усному мовленні за темою «Пори року»;
План-конспект уроку
з англійської мови
у 5 класі
Тема: «Nature’s Beauty. Seasons and Weather»
учитель англійської мови
Калуської загальноосвітньої
школи І-ІІІ ступенів № 1
Тимів Тетяна Петрівна
м. Калуш
Тема: Nature’s Beauty. Seasons and Weather.
Навчальна: - практикувати учнів в усному мовленні за темою «Пори року»;
Розвиваюча: - розвивати мовленнєві здібності учнів;
Виховна: - виховувати любов та дбайливе ставлення до природи,
Обладнання: підручник, мультимедійна презентація, малюнки пір року,
роздавальний матеріал, картки.
Хід уроку
Good morning, pupils. Glad to see you.
T: The theme of our lesson is: Nature’s Beauty. Seasons and Weather.
Today we are going to speak about different seasons and weather. You’ll practice
your skills in speaking and reading, listening and writing. I wish you good luck.
(cлайд 1)
Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.
Answer my questions:
II. Основна частина уроку
Pupils, let’s refresh your knowledge in vocabulary. Look at the board and
repeat after me (на дошці висвітлюються слова до теми, учні повторюють
їх за вчителем).
Now, read and translate these words (потім один з учнів читає слова і
2. So, children, let’s check up your hometask (перевірка домашнього завдання)
You had to do Ex.1, p.178 and learn some poems about different seasons.
Work in pairs: one pupil read a question and the other pupil answer.
Spring months are March, April, May.
Summer months are June, July, August.
Autumn months are September, October, November.
Autumn begins in September.
Spring begins in March.
Winter begins in December.
Your task is to fill in the gaps with the words from the boxes.
Look at the pictures of Ex.2, p.180, listen to the text and guess the season.
What season is it?
Read a poem about spring. Who knows a poem about spring? (слайд 6)
What season is it?
Read a poem about winter. Can you recite a poem about winter? (слайд 7)
What season is it?
Read a poem about autumn. Do you know any poems about autumn? (слайд 8)
What season is it?
Read a poem about summer. Who can recite a poem about summer? (слайд 9)
summer and autumn. Your task is to talk about your most favourite month
of the year. You can use the example in Ex.4, p.181.
Do this task in written form and then read.
So, open your copybooks and write down the date.
(Учні працюють у групах за назвами пір року. Завдання кожної групи:
обговорити і написати у зошитах про улюблений місяць. Потім зачитати
складену розповідь.)
Ex. 1, p.180 (Answer the questions in written form);
Ex. 4, p.184 (Read the dialogue and complete it with the words from the box – orally).
Our lesson is comming to the end. Today we have spoken about seasons, months and weather. You have learnt lots about seasons, recited poems. I hope you have understood that each season is beautiful.
All of you have worked hard today. You all really did your best and I am very pleased with your answers. Your drawings are very nice and colourful.
Thank you for the interesting lesson. Go ahead and never stop learning!
Д о д а т к и
І. Do the seasons quiz (слайд 11)
Read and guess what the weather is like? Use the words from the box.
(The weather is wet and rainy)
(The weather is hot and sunny)
3. I can’t go out of the house. Leaves and papers are flying all around.
(The weather is windy and stormy)
4. We are planning a picnic, but I don’t think we can go. Look at the sky – it is completely grey. (The weather is cool and cloudy)
(The weather is frosty and snowy)
ІI. Listen to the sentences and complete them
with the names of the months:
The seasons change
Four times a year
From spring to winter
They appear
The seasons change
From sun to snow
And that is all
You need to know