Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 8 класі "IT'S TIME FOR READING"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 8 класі "IT'S TIME FOR READING". За допомогою цього уроку учні повинні навчитися формувати лексичні навички і навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички читання й мовлення; розвивати логічне мислення
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Урок 28




Цілі: формувати лексичні навички і навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички читання й мовлення; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати почуття доброзичливості, а також загальну культуру учнів.


1. Warm-up

Answer the questions.

1. Do you like all the teachers in your school?

2. Do you think that teachers should be strict?

3. What do you do if the lesson is boring?

4. Are you allowed to do everything you wish at the lessons?

5. Do you keep the school rules?

6. Can you be punished?

7. Do you respect your teachers? What for?





2. Reading

Do ex. 1, p. 106.

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Answer the questions:

1. Who wrote the story?

2. What is the story about?

3. What are the main characters?


3. Vocabulary practice

Give English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and expressions:





• в тиші,

• штовхати,

• хоча,

• замість,

• війна,

• приносити,

• бомбити,

• озирнутись,

• страждати,

• пліт,

• залишитись живим,

• уявляти,

• окрім.


Fill in the gaps.

A penalty, to bomb, to scold, strict, terrible, to depend on, instead of

1. Could I have juice ... cola?

2. My brother is a ... cook.

3. Children ... their parents.

4. The town was heavily ... in World War II.

5. The local farmer always ... the kids.

6. The ... for breaking the window was very ... .


4. Speaking

Answer the questions in ex. 2, p. 108.

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5. Reading

Rearrange the Sentences in the Correct Order

Miss Dove who taught Geography…..

She had such a look that pupils understood…..

One day, watching one of the boys at the lesson, she remembered his….

Tomas Baker was a sailor and his ship had been bombed by…..

He had stayed alone on a raft without any food and water for….

Tomas Baker wrote a letter which his brother Randy decided to read…..

In his letter Tomas described what had….

He wrote that he had stayed alive only…..

He remembered how it had been difficult at school and it helped him to overcome the….

Then Randy kissed Miss Dove as his….

And nobody laughed because it was like a medal and great……


 her without any words

 was very strict

 elder brother, Tomas Baker

German planes

many days

at the lesson

happened to him

thanks to Miss Dove’s look

difficulties in the ocean

brother asked

appreciation of the teacher


6. Writing

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Start like this: I think Miss Dove thought about Randy’s brother who...


7. Summary

Answer the questions.

1. What’s the most important thing a school should teach children?

2. What is your first memory of school?

3. Were you happy with your school?

4. Why do you think it is that many children don’t like school?







10 квітня 2020
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